Science and Technology Library

Chapter 811

In the lion's civilization palace adjacent to Lvhe civilization, a lion with a crown listened to his report and turned his fierce eyes. He is the king of lion civilization.

"Is Giorgio alive? The war armour division sent in the past is dead? And they recruited two masters? "

The news surprised the lion king.

In this operation, an important traitor in Lvhe civilization was used. Unexpectedly, Giorgio escaped.

"Any news about the two masters?" Asked the lion headed king.

"Yes, King Lvhe rewarded them with a new star war a company worth one billion star coins, which is in the war a market in Shigan star." After finishing, he projected the photos of Chen Mo and Jingge.

"Are you sure they've been recruited?"

"It's a rumor from the king's palace of green he. The inside line has been killed. We can't be sure whether it's true or not." "What's more, the star security agency has begun to investigate the attempted murder of Giorgio, and we dare not go into it to find out."

The Lion King knocked on his paw, and finally shook his head: "since the star security agency is involved, it doesn't need to be noticed. It should not have happened."

The star safety agency, as its name implies, is the team to maintain the planet safety. The star safety agency is under the management of the universe alliance, which is to investigate the large-scale cross star crimes and cross civilization crimes on the planet. They do not interfere in the internal crimes and contradictions of civilization. They are only the executors of the rules of the universe alliance, and they are a force to maintain the balance of civilization on the planet.

Although the Lvhe civilization is not big, but giogri is also a prince of civilization, and the assassination is not small, so the star Security Agency intervened in the investigation.

If it is found that they are the ones who do it, lion civilization will face the sanction of the universe alliance, and then they will be miserable.


Chen Mo went down from top to bottom and checked new star battle a company. This four story, 20 meter high house covers an area of more than 2000 square meters. By Chen Mo's standard, it is not simple. All the war armour research machines are needed.

He also checked the machine. Several cutting-edge machines are brand-new and have not been used several times.

There are many times to use, that is, several battle armour maintenance machines, which are designed with limited times, not to mention the machines modified for battle armour. When I think about the style of those employees when I first came here, Chen Murong is not surprised.

Those employees are not expected to use sophisticated machines yet.

The valuation of billion star coins is mainly the valuation of two thousand square meters of Zhanjia company's land and the company's machinery and equipment. In addition, Chen Mo can't think of any other value. Chen Mo has a simple understanding. These plots and equipment can only be sold in packages with a value of 450 million yuan or 1.1 billion yuan, more than half of the water.

No wonder that rum would be so forthright, with a valuation of 1.1 billion yuan and an additional 50 million star coins.

Niu muzhan enters the top floor where Chen Mo is. Chen Mo, the new boss's violent means, has not yet adapted. Just now, the scene of the deadly shock wave and five employees being kicked away is vivid.

He, Dongdong and carriz have given Chen Mo and Jingge a nickname, tyrant and killer. From their first impression, these two words are most suitable.

He didn't know whether the decision to stay was good or bad, but it was made by twice the salary, and Chen Mo didn't like the moth style, so he finally decided to stay.

There are still three people in the company. They have come back.

Niu Mu stands in front of Chen Mo, with the same strong and generous body shape as the ox. she happens to look like a cat in front of Chen Mo: "boss."

Chen Mo stopped to check the equipment and looked at Niu mu. "Well, what's up?"

"In accordance with the normal operation of the original company, we need 50 employees." Niumu hesitated and said, "now there are only three people in the company, and the business can't be done."

"More than fifty?"

"Yes, there used to be more than 50 employees. Later, they were purchased by Lvhe, and some unrelated customers came in. The original employees couldn't stand the anger, so they went on and on. I'm the only old employee left. Dongdong and carriz are fresh graduates of the college. They have no business, but they can't maintain the operation of the company at all. However, Lvhe official gives us some subsidies, almost for those people to give pensions. "

"What business did the company do before?"

"Armor design, armor modification, and armor repair." Niumu said: "Dongdong graduated from Zhan Jia design. Carriz can refit and repair, but he is not proficient in it. I usually take charge of the business. The company relies on the three of us to maintain only a little business. Now we haven't received a single business in more than ten days, and the company has long been invalidated by that group of people. "

Niumu was angry when he thought of those relatives who didn't do anything.

"First recruit 20 people. If you want to do business, go to some training bases. We can help them design and manufacture basic training armour, as well as the group purchase of basic training armour of the college."

"But our company doesn't have that kind of manufacturing capacity for this scale of business." Said cow wood.

"I have my own way. You can get the order."


Although Niu Mu doesn't know Chen Mo's method, Chen Mo can get the ownership of the company from the green he royal family, which must have his ability.Chen Mo shakes his head and smiles as he plays with war armour and technology to earn small money. Now to earn a space jump "oil money" to go home, travel in the universe is to have money to play.

"It's so ugly to change the decoration of the company first."

From seeing the company's building, Chen Mo was disgusted. The interior of the building is OK. The simple white style is not bad, but the green decoration of the exterior wall can't be accepted. It's the architectural style of Lvhe civilization.

Chen Mo takes out a small bottle the size of a finger and shakes it. The gray powder inside is a nano robot.

Nanorobots are common in the universe alliance, which is the best technology for infrastructure construction and the fastest.

However, the space alliance has a limit on the survival time and replication times of nanorobots, which is to prevent the infinite replication of nanorobots on civilized planets. Once there is a disaster or loss due to nano robots, users will be punished.

In the early stage of space civilization, the disaster of nano robots happened a lot, and even some stars were eroded to extinction by nano robots.

However, there are many ways to deal with nano robots, the most effective and direct is the electromagnetic pulse bomb.

The unprotected nano robot, under the electromagnetic pulse, can be destroyed in a range. It has no threat to the advanced civilization at all. However, the practicability of this kind of thing is praised by countless lives, and it is almost a necessary thing for home and travel.

After inputting the exterior wall structure of the new star war a company building into the optical brain, Chen Mo will open the nano robot in his hand and pour it on the exterior wall of the new star war a company building.

The nano robot is controlled by UAV. Along the wall root, the excrement green exterior wall paint is corroded and disappeared at the speed visible to the naked eye, just like the white frost erodes the grassland, and replaced by the silver white exterior wall.

Nano robots spread along the outer wall of the building. In less than 20 minutes, the outer wall of the whole building turns silver white. There is a big logo on the wall, which is the symbol of marching ant group. But the name has not changed. It is still Xinxing battle a company.

In the huge city of tall buildings, this is not a tall silver building, but also a little white pearl in the stone forest.

Shortly after the renovation of the building, Jingge came here in battle armor.

"Someone's coming."

Chen Mo also found that the radar of battle armour showed that five people appeared outside the building in battle armour to hover and look at the signs. They should be regular organizations or groups.

"Go out and have a look." Chen Mo put on "free black ant", light said.