Science and Technology Library

Chapter 810

Shigan galaxy is named after the main star of life. Shigan is a very large planet. But compared with the man-made planet of the terror scale of the origin City, Lycoris is not outstanding, but it is also a medium-sized civilization galaxy.

Lvhe civilization is just a green civilization.

Green civilization is the basic condition for the survival of Lycoris, because the lower red, orange and yellow life, whether carbon based life or nitrogen based life, can not get rid of the needs and constraints of specific atmosphere, and can only survive in the planet territory attached to these civilizations.

On shiganxing, there are still many tall buildings, different buildings, with a strong color of alien civilization. Even the company advertising models in Liancheng are aliens with different shapes.

In the era of the melting pot of the universe, aesthetic problems are not only based on the beauty and ugliness defined by human beings on the earth. In terms of aesthetics, this is Chen Mo's greatest harvest after entering the universe alliance.

I don't know if the earth has been in contact with aliens. How are their parents and Xiaoyu now.

Thinking of the earth, Chen Mo is a little bit emotional and eager. He wants to go back to the earth quickly, but I'm afraid it will take a while.

The leap of more than 10 billion light-years and the cost of antimatter energy need 1.7 billion star coins. Chen Mo needs to be here to earn 1.7 billion star coins and make good use of antimatter energy before he can start.

"This is the new star building."

A green civilization man led them to a shit green building.

The building is located in a remote corner of the Warcraft market in shiganxing, with an area of 2000 square meters. It is the smallest in the Warcraft market.

Chen Mo roughly estimates that it's a remote small repair shop in the earth's automobile repair market.

The building is 20 meters high. In the general hundreds of meters high alien city complex, it looks like a small bungalow on the bustling street of the Earth City. But the exterior of the building is not dilapidated.

In this civilized universe, such as buildings and land, the value is not high. Any nano robot can build a huge building.

Chen Mo doesn't expect the company to make much money for him. The valuation is false, but it's at least a foothold. In addition, Lu Mu will remit the 50 million yuan to the account of new star war a company. He needs to come here to raise the money.

Fifty million star coins, enough for his time in shiganxing, for emergency and daily use.

No matter which civilization, wealth is hard currency.

As a temporary foothold here, Chen Mo can start from here and earn enough money from space jumping antimatter energy costs. As for the means of making money, Chen Mo can revive Xinxing even if its operation is not good. He is not afraid to go anywhere in the universe with mathematics and chemistry at hand.

In other words, Chen Mo is also the first time to truly contact and integrate into the civilization system of the universe alliance.

The first time to enter the civilization of cosmic alliance is to enter the Affiliated Experimental planet qingmercury under the restriction of three eye civilization, and then escape into the uncivilized wild small universe.

Now he came out of the universe from childhood, and he really came into contact with the universe civilization system that was not captive and controlled.

If it wasn't for Joe Griffith, Chen Mo would take Jingge with him, rob a "gas station" directly, rob enough antimatter energy, and jump out of space directly.

But as an intelligent life, Chen Mo chose to acquire it by means of civilization.

Now is his first step to contact the universe alliance system. In the future, back to earth, the earth civilization will also connect with the universe civilization. It is necessary for Chen Mo to carefully understand some things in the universe alliance system in advance.

Shit green building.

Chen Mo stepped into the building and found out what was going on.

It's a war a company. It's a war a repair shop, but also a group of idle people.

When entering the gate, what Chen Mo saw at the first sight was a few employees sitting in the middle of the hall, gambling, playing cards, playing games, listening to music and eating snacks.

Nineteen of them are aliens with different expressions, but from their emotions, we can feel that a group of people are having a good time, and the snacks and garbage around them are scattered in a mess.

No wonder they keep on subsidizing and raising a group of idle people.

It's needless to guess that Chen Mo knows that these employees are all related households, and they still have such a connection with Lvhe civilization. The relationship is not so heavy, so Lu Mu will give him a mess, the so-called remuneration, which is estimated to be only tens of millions of money transferred into the account.

"How do you do, sir? Are you here to customize war a?" A male alien at the front desk sees Chen Mo and Jingge coming in and hurries to meet them.

"Do you think I can use this company's customized armor at ease?"

Chen Mo pointed to a group of people who gathered to have a good time and said lightly.

"This..." The welcome staff was also a little embarrassed: "Sir, I believe we can meet your requirements."

Mr. Chen took a look at the male staff, a two meter tall alien with a pair of small horns and sharp ears. However, the five senses are human's, and the eyes are twice as big as human's. He's a little bigger and looks honest."What's your name?" Asked Chen mo.

"Sir, my name is Niu mu, sir. Please believe that we can customize the armour according to your requirements." Niumu has not forgotten to promote its products.

"What position are you in the company?"


"Manager as salesman? Staff playing cards? It's strange. "

Chen Merton was very happy. When he first saw such a wonderful company, he thought that the company was only a small number of related households. As a result, it was all related households and idle people. Chen Mo is doubting how the 1.1 billion star coins are valued.

"Call in all the company's employees. I'm the new boss." Chen Mo pressed the wrist guard and transferred the company's ownership agreement to Niu Mu to read: "by the way, take over the company's business table and the company's accounts."


Niu Mu was stunned. When he saw the agreement, he was shocked.

Here comes the new boss.

Unexpectedly, Niu Mu turned to several people who gathered for entertainment.

"Here comes the new boss."

After that, he ran to the room, held two documents to Chen Mo, and turned to the workshop and called out two employees. Three employees stood in front of Chen Mo and Jingge and looked at each other. A dozen of them were still playing the game of entertainment cards. No one took care of him.

After a long time, Chen Mo looks up at the company's accounts and business statements, and sees the group still playing cards, and walks over.

Battle armor is on.

Niumu and others all have a bad premonition, but they dare not move around. They felt that the new boss was not easy to provoke.

"Is it fun? Everyone? "

"Who are you?"

Chen Mo inserted a sentence, the staff of the game just looked back at Chen Mo, and they didn't pay any attention.

"Don't disturb us."

"I'm your new boss. Let's have a welcome ceremony." Chen Mo started the atmospheric shock wave directly.


A loud noise and screams exploded in the room.

In this scene, Niu Mu's three people were shocked. Seeing the employees rolling with their ears covered on the ground, they secretly rejoiced. At the same time, they were not calm about Chen Mo's methods.

For the first time, they saw this powerful method.

Two minutes later, twenty-two employees of Xinxing battle a company, all of them gathered together, and twelve of them covered their ears with embarrassment and looked extremely angry.

"Who are you? Do you know who I am? "

"Do you know who we are?"


Chen Mo has no words to look at these clamorous aliens. Sure enough, the weakness of the nature of intelligent life is the same in some evil aspects no matter where in the universe.

"I'm your new boss. I'll own this company in the future." Chen Mo projects the electronic protocol.

All of a sudden, the scene was quite quiet, a dozen people were stunned for a few seconds.

"Who are you? Isn't the company Royal? Why do you have an agreement? What are you? "

"I am a relative of a friend of the son of the eldest aunt of the Royal Princess's husband. Who are you?"

"Isn't that fake? It's yours. "

Ah ah!!!

Bang bang bang!!!

With three screams and clashes, the noisy scene came to an abrupt end. The rest of the dozen swallowed saliva and looked at the three dead dogs outside the company's gate.

What's the difference?

Their eyes fell on Jingge, who was following Chen mo. Just now, they didn't even see Jingge's movements, and there was no mood fluctuation, more like a ruthless executioner.

"They are too noisy." Jingge said coldly, and sat on a plate to feed the little beast. The cold eyes made people shrink their heads subconsciously and no longer dare to make a sound.

Chen Mo continued: "now I officially take over the company. Niu mu, Dong Dong Dong and cariz stay. The others pack up and go away."

"Why dismiss us? I am... "

"Yes, why?"



Two screams sounded again, and there were two more dead dogs on the ground outside the company's gate.

This time it's Chen mo.

"It's better to be more direct." Chen Mo moves his fist and looks at other people: "either stand up and go out, or fly out sideways, choose it."

Chen Mo's voice was flat, but he suppressed them. As an example, they don't think Chen Mo is joking.

"Just go. It's nothing. I don't want to stay."

"Yes, sooner or later we'll be out of business."

"It's a broken company."

Seeing Chen Mo's direct use of violence, the rest of us turned to counseling and hurried back to work, leaving with our personal computers and snacks.At the end of the game, there are only three people left: Niu mu, Dong Dong and cariz.

All three of them dare not stir up, for fear of provoking Chen Mo, the tyrant. From the time when they came in to the present, they started three times. They started quickly, accurately and ruthlessly. They didn't say anything nonsense. All the related households were cleared out.

They even thought, is Chen Mo not afraid to offend people?

Unfortunately, their ideas are superfluous. Chen Mo is not afraid to offend lum if necessary.

"You three can choose, stay, I give you double salary, leave, I subsidize three months salary to you leave." Chen Mo said.

He just looked at the business table. There were only three people doing business. The business of others was blank. In this kind of company, you can still get business, and your ability is also good.

Hearing this, the three couldn't believe their ears.

How good is tyrant?

Hearing Chen Mo's condition, all three hesitated. Chen Mo's first impression of "tyrant" has been fixed. If he is dissatisfied with his work in the future, it is not suffering?

But take double wages, they go to other companies, may not have such a high salary.

The three looked at each other, and finally their eyes fell on Niu mu.

Other people can't control Niumu, but they usually follow Niumu.

"Really?" Niumu asked hesitantly.

"Well." Chen Mo nodded softly.

Look at the calm Chen Mo, and look at the "killer" holding a pet to play sculpture next to him. Niu Mu finally bites his teeth, nods and agrees, and decides to gamble. Dongdong and carriz nodded.

"Well, do your business."

"Boss, what are we going to do?" Asked cow wood.

"What do you usually do? What do you do now? Write off the information of the staff you left. Look for the business of the company. If you don't have enough staff, you can recruit them. If you need anything, just tell me that you are the manager."

Chen Mo left a sentence, and Jingge went upstairs, leaving three people looking at each other.