Science and Technology Library

Chapter 812

Five battle armour divisions are suspended outside the building. The type and size of battle armour are different, but the coating is the same. There is a logo pattern on the chest.

He also wrote the universal text of the universe alliance.

Star security agency.

The helmet of the war armor is off, showing five different faces.

The first is a blue skin humanoid with sharp ears, blond hair and bloodshot eyes. The other four, two kinds of animals, two kinds of people, skin shape are also different.

"Are you sure it's this building? Isn't that shit green? How can it turn silver white? It's pretty good. " An San compares the data, the shape of the building is the same, but the color has changed, the excrement green is not seen, only silver white, looks pleasing to the eye a lot.

"It's this one. New star war a company hasn't changed." "Nova war a company is the asset of Lvhe civilization. The royal party of Lvhe civilization confirms that it is the reward they give to each other," said a member nearby

"Then go in."

An San leads the way and lands at the door of the first floor of the company. Chen Mo and Jingge come out of it.

"What can I do for you?" Chen Mo said softly.

An San looks at the information about Chen Mo and Jingge, but his eyes linger on Chen Mo and Jingge's armor.

A sense of danger.

Based on his years of experience in dealing with various kinds of interstellar criminals at the star security agency, he felt a deep sense of threat from the two men.

This shows that the strength of the two is certainly not weak.

"I'm Ansan San, chief of the planetary security agency. Here's my ID card. I want to ask you something." An San releases an electronic identity document to indicate his intention.

"Star safety agency?"

Chen Mo was stunned. After checking it, he determined the function of the star security agency, which is the international criminal police of the earth and belongs to the universe alliance.

"It said."

Chen Mo and Jingge turn around and enter the house.

Ansan was a little surprised. Since he was the leader of the star safety administration, many lives have heard of the star safety administration. No matter whether there are ghosts or not, there will always be some unnatural. But Chen Mo and Jingge are so calm that they are not taken seriously at all. This is the first time he has seen them.

Chen Mo asks Niu Mu to pour a little drink to an San and others, and sits quietly on the sofa.

"Ask me if you have any questions."

"It's about Giorgio's attempted murder. Tell me about the process." Ansan goes straight into the theme, looks into Chen Mo's eyes, and seems to see through Chen Mo's heart.

Unfortunately, Chen Mo just glanced at him casually and didn't take it seriously.

"It's recorded by my spaceship, from the time he asked for help to the time when he returned to the Green Wo royal family."

Chen Mo hands a chip to an San.

"In a word, my spaceship space jump happened to be there. He asked us for help and promised to pay. I rescued him and sent him back. As for the details, the video record is clearer than I said

Be frank.

In the eye contact between Anshan and Chen Mo, he did not see any fluctuation in Chen Mo's eyes, nor did he feel any hurry and fear, as if he was not afraid of their inquiry.

"From which civilization do you come, and what do you come to Lycoris for?"

"We come from the Chinese civilization, space exploration, spacecraft anti matter depletion, come to the Lycoris system to supplement, and rest by the way." Chen Mo said not in a hurry.

"Chinese civilization? There are 900 billion civilizations and 870 billion intelligent life stars recorded in the whole universe. There are many Chinese civilizations. Where are you talking about? " Ansan put out the general parts of the universe star map and let Chen implied where he was.

"Where is my hometown? Is it related to the case you are investigating?" Chen asked quietly.

"It's up to us, not you."

An San's companion, a member with a dog's head, opened his mouth and was obviously upset.

"Eh? Your attitude seems to be aimed at our investigation? " Chen Mo glances at the member who opened his mouth, and he can feel that this means to investigate him.

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere of the scene began to tit for tat.

Each other can feel the vigilance from the other side. Two to five, Chen Mo and Jingge still keep their momentum. One is calm and the other is cold. Five people look at each other like this.

At this time, both sides know that as long as there is a wrong action, it means real hands-on.

The atmosphere is on the verge of eruption.

Anshan felt extremely heavy pressure. He noticed the details that other players didn't pay attention to. In the moment of confrontation, he saw two small movements of Chen Mo and Jingge.

Step forward and lean forward.

At that moment, he could feel the huge pressure from two people. He even had a feeling that as long as there was a bright weapon action, five of them would die here before the weapons were lit up.

These two men are terrible armour divisions.

They underestimated the strength of the two men.He suddenly remembered the confession from the royal family of Lvhe. Chen Mo killed seven pursuers in a short time and finally saved Jorge.

"Don't get me wrong, you two." Ansan opened his mouth and broke the atmosphere of confrontation: "I'm just curious about how far your space tourism is. In fact, I also want to have a space tourism in the future."

Chen Mo looks at him and doesn't answer.

The atmosphere of tit for tat was broken, and the pressure of the three or five of them was loose, like a bug breaking free. Just now, it wasn't only an San, but the other four felt the deep pressure from Chen and Mo. the team members who just talked back to Chen and Mo all looked uncertain.

"I'm here to supplement the antimatter energy. I'm resting by the way. I don't know when to leave?" Ansan asked as if nothing had happened.

"If you're willing to help us replenish our money with antimatter energy, we can leave now."

"Er Sir joked, you have a personal space curvature spacecraft, will you still care about the money to supplement antimatter energy? "

Anshan didn't lie. Chen Mo said this, just like he said that he could drive a luxury car around the world, but he didn't have the money to refuel. But he didn't know that Chen mogang came out of the universe from a young age. He really had no money, and the spaceship was made by himself.

"I really don't have money. Do you think my ship was stolen?"


Ansan, aware of the changes in Chen Mo's language, is not as polite as before. But he didn't say much. They picked it up first. He can't blame the players now.

"I'm really joking. I'll be here today. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any information in the future, please contact me."

Whether Chen Mo needs it or not, an San writes down his communicator number and puts it on the table, picks up the chip Chen Mo gave them and takes four team members away.

When leaving New Star battle a company, five people feel a lot easier around. On the way, an San is thinking about the process of contacting Chen Mo just now.

"Captain, during the confrontation just now, I felt a lot of pressure. There was a sense of crisis when I was stabbed in the back. I could die at any time." One of the players still had some lingering palpitations.

"I have it, too." "The two are experts," said an San

"They don't look like advanced life. Why do they give us such a big crisis?"

"Life can't be judged by appearance. The classification of color life level is just a general distinction, which is not completely accurate. Even the life of the same color system has 369 grades. In the divine civilization, the life and blood of the endless sea civilization are transparent and not in the color system. They are still gods. "

"Oh, Captain, look at this image."

Among the five, the only female type suddenly screamed out in the team channel of war a, sharing a piece of video to the team channel.

It's Chen Mo who killed seven chasers in space.

Seeing Chen Mo's neat assassination technique in the video, Anshan secretly congratulated him that they had not quarreled just now, otherwise they were really in danger. That kind of danger was real.

Master, they feel right.

If I meet this situation, can I kill seven murderers in such a short time, or can I not be killed by the murderers in such a short time.

When watching the movie, they all unconsciously put themselves in Chen Mo's position. It's terrible to think about it.

"In the future, when Lewu talks, don't be so blunt. It's easy to offend people. Even if we are the star security agency, we can't offend people casually. There are more powerful life than us in the universe. "

"I see, captain."

Just now, the dog head team member who talked back to Chen Mo promised in a hurry. Just now, he also felt a sense of crisis clearly, so he didn't dare to talk around. Now, after seeing this image, he was still frightened.

"What shall we do now? Do you want to check them? "

"I don't want to check first. At first, the other side was very polite, but was stimulated by Lewu. Their armour is very advanced. They have their own space curvature spacecraft, and they are experts. Like some advanced civilization, the advanced civilization is not willing to use means and conspiracy to deal with Lvhe civilization. "

After hearing the conversation of Joe Griffith asking for help, an San ruled out the idea of investigating Chen mo. At first, Chen Mo didn't agree. Later, when he heard about the money, he agreed. It should be for reward.

There seem to be two ruthless people on their planet.