Science and Technology Library

Chapter 754

Ziyun sits on the hovering ship, overlooking the origin city below. Their current height, the origin city still can not see the edge.

There were other people on board, including Zeqi and Tongmu, and four members of crape myrtle civilization. They were accompanied by three questions, as well as the guards.

"In the outer space of origin City, is there any special natural landscape and special place?" Purple rhyme light opening.

"Yes." Three asked not hesitate to nod: "in outer space to see the origin City, can see the origin city of the universe Aurora belt, looks very good."

"What about the others?"

"Origin city is an unnatural City, which is transformed by several advanced civilizations on a giant asteroid belt. Strictly speaking, there is no natural landscape in the universe. The most beautiful one is the aurora zone. "

Three questions: return to the truth.

Ziyun did not ask again, looking out of the window at the origin of the city, no waves.

No one knows what she's thinking. I dare not disturb her. Although he is the prince of three eyes civilization, if Ziyun is not happy, a finger can crush them.

The speed of the spaceship is faster and faster. Ziyun is still looking out of the window without any movement.

"I heard that there is an asteroid belt in origin city?"

"Yes, those asteroids have been transformed. There are millions of them. They mainly live in low-level red life. They belong to different civilizations. Where our three eye civilization is, there are more than 300000 asteroids. There are some low-level areas where there is nothing. We will not go there in general." Three asked.

"Well." Ziyun nodded slightly: "go to the asteroid belt."


Meeting room of marching ant headquarters.

Wang Hai, black hawk, Zhong Lei, Zhu He, Bai Zhu Zhu, Anan, Xian he, Gan Yu, Taishan, etc. all gathered together. They were the main leaders of the March ant force.

Over the years, they have been managing the business and controlling the arms behind the March ant group's military industry.

Now Africa is under the control of the Hito armed forces, and their party controls the Hito armed forces behind their backs. March ant group to this step, is not a simple enterprise.

The atmosphere was dignified.

In particular, Black Hawk didn't say a word. He was Chen Mo's bodyguard. When Chen Mo had an accident, he didn't have any effect at all. At that time, he watched the appearance machine appear and could only stare.

So during the period of Chen Mo's disappearance, he also hated.

Seeing Zhao Min and Mo Nu come in, everyone is very healthy.

"There is a new decision now."

As soon as Zhao Min entered the main position, he opened his mouth directly.

"Three years at the latest, we will enter the interstellar space exploration, and then we may face the interstellar war, and the opponent may be the alien with unknown strength. You need to strengthen the members of hitu's armed forces, train the fighters of the interstellar war, and popularize battle armor. This is to prepare for the interstellar exploration. "


People's eyes soared on the field.

"Is it for the boss?" Black Hawk a pair of eagle eyes become sharp.


Zhao Min is not afraid to answer.

"Xiaoyu and I think the boss is still alive. Mo Nu is developing a superluminal spaceship. Once the superluminal spaceship is successfully developed, we can enter the space. Everything in the space is unknown, but from the known situation, war is inevitable. "

Wang Hai, Black Hawk and others are eager to try. They are the first to follow Chen mo. If it wasn't for Chen Mo, they would be just ordinary veterans now.

Chen Mo means a lot to them.

Excited at the same time, people also have a little pressure.

The universe is vast, uncertain about how many unknown civilizations there are, and how many dangers there are. If we encounter a civilization stronger than them, the consequences can be imagined.

A little less likely is the destruction of human civilization as a whole.

These pressures are also a driving force.

If they don't go out, they will always be frogs at the bottom of the well.

Now that the earth's position has been exposed, it's better to fight once than to be a livestock to be slaughtered, and everyone wants to find Chen mo.


"Jia, I'm back."

Chen Mo and Jia say hello and leave the repair shop on a floating motorcycle.

Jia's maintenance shop is located in a remote place, with few people passing by. During the period when he came to the maintenance shop as an apprentice, the maintenance received by him was all small problems, such as changing energy sources or damaging small system components.

But every time I met Zhan Jia, I would explain to him like a teacher Fu.

Chen Mo also learned fast enough to use the armor repair technology learned from books in practice. Now he has a further understanding of armor here, and can basically repair armor independently.

Generally speaking, the battle armor level of qingmercury is a bit higher than his level on earth. In terms of materials, weapons and flight systems, it's better than his previous level, but it's just a matter of technology upgrading.

Chen Mo wants to customize a suit of his own armor, but the price is too expensive.A set of ordinary war armour costs 800000 star coins here. Chen Mo has only 10000 star coins now, and can't afford any energy.

Riding a floating car on the road, Chen muman's mind is full of the idea of making money.

Now I have a preliminary understanding of the situation of qingmercury. He has a lot of technology at present. As long as he has technology, he has no money.

But he can't be too high-profile, or it's easy to be noticed.

Chen Mo touched the wrist instrument on his wrist, which is similar to the positioning instrument that human beings on earth use to study natural animals. He should want to determine his tracks and collect his body data at any time.

How to get rid of it is also a troublesome matter.

Ke'er is very depressed. Her armor is broken. Now she can only stand on the side of the road.

The upper body is a red T-shirt, showing the navel, super short army green hot pants, a pair of long pink legs exposed outside. She is a classic humanoid, tall, pink skin, delicate face, sharp ears.

Even different humanoids will feel beautiful when they see her. She is also the favorite object of countless male students in Qingshui University.

At this moment, she stood helplessly on the road, while using wrist instrument to contact people, while waiting for depression.

"Huan, where are you? My armor is out of order. "

"I'm on the court. The game is about to start."

"Then what shall I do?"

"Wait for me. I'll go right after the game. It's about to start. Hang up."

"You are inhumane. I don't have a shop before or after the village."

Ke'er can't help hanging the wrist broken instrument. She is so depressed that she can only see if there are any passers-by and ask them to send them for repair.

A pink woman, standing on the side of the road like this, was still standing with a set of armor. Many people passed by, mostly flying in the air, refused to come down.

All of a sudden, Ke'er's eyes were bright. She saw a black spot flying over, flying very low.

"Hello, stop. Can I help you?"

Ke'er is waving his hands and jumping.

Chen Mo hears the voice, stupefied for a moment, subconsciously slows down the speed, follows the voice to see, sees desperately waving the hands of Ke'er.

He recognized that this was with the girls in his class. Their relationship was irrelevant. Chen had not been in the class for a long time. He just studied and left after learning. He would not participate in the activities of those classmates.

But Chen Mo remembers that Ke'er, at least in Chen Mo's aesthetic sense, looks lovely.

"Yes?" Chen Mo confirms that she is calling herself, stops slowly and looks at Ke'er strangely.

"Chen Mo, it's you."

Seeing Chen Mo, Ke'er is very happy.

Chen Mo stepped in and didn't talk to anyone, which made people feel out of group and unfamiliar. But when she first saw Chen Mo, she and Huan had snitched and joked, and let Huan try Chen Mo's length.

"My armor is broken. It needs repairing. Would you help me repair it?" But her face was so pitiful that she couldn't bear to refuse.

"I'm a hoverbike. I can't carry people." Chen Mo's stall hands are helpless.


But he was discouraged. He thought he met with hope. As a result, he was riding a floating motorcycle presented by the school. This kind of low-grade product has no back seat and can't carry people.

It's bad luck for people, and it's bad luck for things.

Leaning on the side of Zhan Jia, Ke'er is sad. Chen Mo can't let her drive back with the floating motorcycle. Then she can pick it up again. Chen Mo won't agree.

"Can you practice armor?" Can son flat mouth, big eye blinks.

"Well, what's wrong with your armor?"

Chen Mo looks at the armor around yanke'er.

The latest customizable battle armour released by qingshuixing Dongqing company this year is Qingniao. Its main speed and flexibility are up to 25 times the speed of sound. Its combat system is also known for its flexibility. Its auxiliary response and judgment system is very good.

This set of bluebirds is painted with blue and white texture, up to 2.5 meters high, with streamlined body and long legs, which just fit the body shape of Ke'er.

"It's like something's wrong with the flight system." Hearing Chen's meeting, Ke'er immediately came to hope.

Ke'er is tall and two heads taller than Chen mo.

Chen Mo is absolutely the height of a man in the middle of the human race. Now standing with Ke'er, Chen Mo immediately becomes a dwarf, which makes Ke'er more and more ambitious.

"Then I'll try. I'm not responsible for the repair?" Chen Mo asked pointing to Zhan Jia.

"No problem, just repair it."

Suddenly, Ke'er turned sad into happy, and the sad look of pity just now disappeared. She doesn't expect Chen Mo to fix it. She just takes this opportunity to get to know more about this strange guy. Now it seems that Chen Mo has a special attraction.