Science and Technology Library

Chapter 755

This is the latest type of war armour. Chen Mo has learned some information and technology about it in the repair shop of Jia.

Bluebird battle a focuses on high-speed and flexibility, and the flight system is its best component. It's reasonable to say that it shouldn't break down so quickly. After all, the reputation of this armour is there.

Maybe the girl made it too hard.

But such a lovely girl should not be ruthless. If Ke'er is really unlucky and happens to buy one that is unqualified, it's her misfortune.

There are tools for dismantling the armour on the suspended motorcycle. A small mechanical maintenance tool robot with a fist is enough to dismantle the armour in case of emergency.

The official price of bluebird is 2.8 million star coins, which is not cheap. With permission from Ke'er, Chen did not dare to repair it.

"Which engine has a problem?" Asked Chen mo.

"All engines stopped at the same time." Ke'er looks at Chen Mo and answers truthfully.

"That should be a problem with the flight control system."

Chen Mo gives up disassembling the engine, gets up and goes to the back of the armor, and opens the armor's head.

This armour is too precise. Now the tools are common. Chen Mo has to work hard to open the shell of armour's head and expose the chips and circuits inside.

The chip is a little bigger than the thumb nail.

This is the optical sub chip. Its computing power is a hundred times more terrible than that of supercomputer, which is enough to meet the function and calculation required by war a.

"Give me your tiny light brain." Chen Mo said.

"What do you want to do with brains?"

Ke'er didn't hesitate to give Chen mo the tiny light brain the size of a mobile phone in his hand.

Micro optical brain is equivalent to their "mobile phone" and "personal computer". It can do a lot of things, but this thing is private after all, can't help asking more.

"Check the flight control system for you. I don't have a light brain."

Chen Mo lets Ke'er unlock, the light curtain that pops up is Ke'er's art photo, or the sexy one. On one side of Ke'er, her pink face turned red, almost turned into a monkey's ass.

It's a shame.

Chen Mo didn't think much about it. He used the tool interface of the maintenance machine to connect the micro optical brain and the battle armor system.

Soon, Chen Mo found something unusual.

During this period of time, Chen Mo first got familiar with the optical brain and software programming technology, which are the foundation of Chen Mo's development technology and the tool to escape from mercury in the future.

Although it's another kind of technology, it's just different on the surface. There are many similar principles in essence, the same mathematical formula, and the difference is just text symbols. Chen Mo uses the equations and algorithms he uses to substitute the text symbols here, which is easy to master.

The same universe, the same set of physical laws, so the programming technology here, Chen Mo now understand.

"Your flight control system has been modified?"

"How do you know?"

Hearing that Chen Mo knew that the flight control system of war a had been modified, Ke'er's confidence increased greatly.

I don't have any materials, but I don't know that war armour has been modified.

This made her more curious about the normally reticent man. Since Chen Mo entered the class, outsiders only know Chen Mo's name and never know anything about him.

"The flight control system program crashed."

Chen Mo knocks several times on the virtual button of the light brain, and a bunch of warning signs pop up. The key position of this virtual button is different from that of the earth's computer, which is a bit anti human.

"I've spent more than 200000 on refitting, and I've added two small auxiliary engines for flight. Just now, they said it's OK."

Ke'er's face is full of anger.

Fist clenched, as if waiting for autumn to settle accounts.

"The power system of Bluebird battle armor is different from other battle armor." Chen Mo said.

The original flight control system of Bluebird battle armour is six main engines, plus two auxiliary steering engines, two more main engines than the traditional battle armour. Therefore, the flight speed and flexibility of Bluebird battle armour are very high. Now, two more are added, with higher flexibility, but the requirements for the flight control system are also higher.

It's just that the refitter is not familiar with its flight control system, but simply adds the program of two auxiliary systems. Once eight engines are started, the program conflicts and the system collapses directly.

"Then what? Can it be repaired? " Hearing Chen Mo's explanation, Ke'er was very nervous.

"Generally, it's OK to restart the flight control system, but the original engine circuit should be changed by adding two auxiliary engines?"

"Yes, I just tried to restart the flight control system, but it crashed." Ke'er nodded busily.

"I'll try to fix the flight control system for you."

"Will you change the flight control system?" Asked Ke'er in surprise.

"Yes, but this is the first time."

With the consent of Kohl, Chen Mo checks the circuit and design of the flight engine and knocks it on the virtual keyboard of the micro optical brain.

At first, I didn't adapt to the anti human key design on the virtual keyboard, and then I gradually adapted to it, with a lot of speed.For Chen Mo, the architecture of flight control system is not complicated. The program has always been Chen Mo's advantage. Chen Mo is easy to master the programming language rules here.

After sorting out part of the structure of the flight conflict, Chen Mo rewrites a set of control engine procedures according to his own design.

Ke'er looks at Chen Mo, who focuses on programming, and suddenly finds that Chen mo of different ethnic groups looks pretty handsome. Chen Mo seems to have an inexplicable charm.

Dull and absorbed, Ke'er touches Chen Mo's eyes, and her pink face turns bloody red, which can't be hidden. About 30 minutes later, Chen Mo finished programming and collected the light brain to send back to her.

Fixed it?

Take the letter to try to start battle armour with the suspect Ke'er. It can be used indeed.

"Here's the maintenance fee."

Ke'er hands Chen Mo 20000 star coins very freely. Although Chen Mo doesn't need to be paid, she can see that Chen Mo needs money very much, or she won't sit on the cheap floating motorcycle free of charge from the school.

Chen Mo is not polite to accept it. He is really short of money. Now he needs some money to do everything.

Sitting on the suspended motorcycle, Chen Mo leaves straight away.

Until Chen Mo disappears in the field of vision, Ke'er can't be distracted.

This man has a special charm. Although he doesn't speak much, he gives people a kind of peace and sunshine. There is also a kind of indescribable temperament. It's much better than those males she has seen who can only fight. It's not a level at all.

A new student; a life never seen before; a new one; what did he do before? What's the story?

This can't help but make her interested in Chen Mo's field.

Curiosity returns to curiosity, but the son returns to the spirit, controls the war armour to speed up to leave.

Back to the dormitory, Huan also came back. Seeing Ke'er with a smile on his face, he couldn't help reaching out and stabbing: "Oh, I still want to find you. You're back. Xiao Ke'er is coming in spring?"

"Get out and watch your game." Kerr threw her a white eye.

This white eye, with the pink face, is a lot more lovely, let ring cackle straight smile: "isn't war a broken? How did you get back? "

"I've also raised war A. I went to find louzhi's yellow skin to settle accounts. I just modified it and put it forward. As a result, the system crashed on the way. If Chen Mo didn't help me fix it, I would be a street girl. And you, the game is more important than me

"Chen Mo? The new short man? He can build armor? "

Ring as if to discover a new world, immediately came to interest. If Chen Mo heard that someone said he was short, he would be furious. But for Ke'er and Huan, who is nearly two meters tall, he is really short.

"He changed my armor flight control system, or I'm still on my way."

Ke'er said today's story carefully, and then found that Huan was staring at her with strange eyes, with a funny face.

"Why do you look at me like this?"

"Girl, when you said Chen Mo just now, let your eyes shine." Ring clapped Ke'er's shoulder meaningfully: "now cross race love can be seen everywhere, I have no objection! True feelings must be pursued bravely. "

"It's really your sister."

"You are my sister."

Two people are joking and quarreling, and soon the topic turns back to battle armour.

"Give me a try of your battle armour. Let me see if the flight control system written by Chen Mo works well. Go back to find the yellow fur to settle the account."

After the fight, Huan lets Ke'er open Zhan Jia and give her temporary control. Ke'er and Huan are of the same race, both of them have the same figure, so Ke'er's armor and ring can also be worn.

Put on the armour and go outside.