Science and Technology Library

Chapter 753

Xiaoyu was lying on the production bed, his face painful and sweating profusely.

Zhao Min, next to her, holds her hand tightly. Her eyes are red and her face is anxious. After three hours, she dare not disturb the doctor. She can only appease Xiaoyu.

Chen Mo has been missing for more than nine months, and Xiaoyu has reached its due date.

"Husband, husband."

Xiaoyu is tired and has a hoarse voice.

Hearing Xiaoyu's subconscious name, Zhao Min's eyes were red: "it's OK. After you give birth, he will come back."


Xiaoyu's tears could not stop falling, and his face was more painful.

"My husband will come back."

"I'll be back." Zhao Min kept nodding.

An hour later, with a baby crying, Xiaoyu's painful face relaxed and relieved, and the tense atmosphere in the delivery room turned into joy.


All of a sudden, there was a cry of surprise. Everyone looked at the doctor who delivered the baby. The woman doctor who was in charge of delivering the baby looked a little flustered, and the nurse who was swaddling the baby was not calm.

They delivered their babies hundreds of times. They saw such strange things for the first time.

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Min looks cold, let Mo Nu take over the baby, some vigilance to see the doctor.

"Cord blood is red and gold." Some of the midwives opened their hands.

Zhao Min's pupil shrank, and a heart suddenly raised: "what's the matter?"

"Mo Nu, show me the child."

Xiaoyu's eyes are red. Let Mo Nu hold the baby. See the child's skin, surprise, tears can not stop, voice with cry cavity.

"My husband's blood is like this."

The delivery room was dead and silent. The doctors and nurses who delivered the baby stared and looked at each other, as if they had found a big secret.

Zhao Min was also shocked, but immediately returned to his senses.


Shi Wei is a little nervous. She sits quietly in the room, surrounded by robots. They are not allowed to contact with the outside world.

For more than ten years, there has never been any problem in the delivery room where she delivered the baby. Today, I overheard that secret. Chen Mo's blood night is different from ordinary people.

But it is also relieved that there is something special about Chen Mo's genius.

Just now, Zhao Min asked them to come here. They were not allowed to leave or contact with the outside world, which had to make them nervous.

Since the disappearance of Chen Mo, Zhao Min has demonstrated unprecedented iron-blood means.

The current March ant group, however, is very terrifying. It controls the African continent, has a unique science and technology, and has Mars. It's powerful. If you want them to keep secrets forever, it's just a matter of words.

After a while, the door of the room opened and Zhao Min came in.

Shiwei is tense, and the three doctors and nurses beside her are also nervous.

"Today is a big day. I won't be so nervous."

Zhao Min's voice didn't stir. She handed them an agreement.

"You heard some secrets just now, but I hope you can keep it in your heart. At least I don't want it to leak out of your mouth. This is a confidentiality agreement."

"I'll sign it." Shiwei didn't hesitate to take up her pen and sign her name. She didn't read the terms.

Originally, she didn't want to say anything. If Zhao Min and Chen's family are offended by this matter, they can't escape at all, because they can't escape from the earth. Another doctor and two nurses did not hesitate to sign their names and press their fingerprints.

Seeing their decisive appearance, Zhao Min nodded slightly, all of them were intelligent people. She didn't worry that they would talk nonsense.

"Each of these four cards has 5 million yuan, which is the reward for your secret keeping and delivery today. The password is the last six of the bank cards. You just think today is an ordinary delivery. Xiaoyu has given birth to a healthy son and forgot about blood." Zhao Min gave everyone a card.


Shiwei nods and agrees. The other three also nods in a hurry. Hesitates for a moment. The four still accept the bank card.

When they were sent away, Zhao Min turned around and went to Xiaoyu's resting room.


Xiaoyu is leaning on the bed, holding the swaddling clothes. He looks tired, but he is very gentle. His eyes are still red. It's a man treasure. The old man at home cried for a long time when he thought of Chen mo.

After Zhao Min came in, her family had gone out and left the space for her and Zhao min.

"Sister Zhao Min, do you remember that her husband would vomit and suffer in her sleep every few days?" Xiaoyu gently stroked the baby's face.

"Well." Zhao Min nodded softly.

"He told me last time, too."

Xiaoyu thought of Chen Mo and her eyes were moist again.

"During the period when Mars transformation was completed, he had another accident in his study at home, and he just told me. Every once in a while, he says, his body and brain change, like evolution, and become smarter every time. The last time it was a little serious, his blood changed and became golden. ""No wonder he's getting smarter." Zhao Min is much more relaxed.

"So before he said that his new human, I have never been pregnant, thought that reproductive isolation, the emergence of the baby, is also a kind of luck." Xiaoyu said, tears falling down.

"It's OK. He will come back. We are still waiting for him here. He will certainly come back."

Xiaoyu dried his tears and said, "well, my husband must be alive. My baby is the bridge between me and him. I can feel it."

"Mo Nu is developing the speed of light and super speed of light. At that time, if mogo doesn't come back, go out to find him."

Mo NV, who has been standing quietly, interposes.

"Now the machines on Mars have discovered dark matter and antimatter, and are trying to capture and extract. As long as the extraction is successful, the materials for building the spacecraft and the energy for driving the engine will be available."

In order to develop superluminal spacecraft more quickly, Chen Mo told Mo Nu about the theory of superluminal spacecraft, the theory of space curvature engine, the design theory of light speed spacecraft, the theory of space jump, the technology of light speed engine and the extraction technology of antimatter and dark matter.

At the same time, there are a variety of technologies and super power development technologies, which make Mo Nu's huge computing power and special quantum consciousness to assist in research and development.

All the information about technology and direction are available to Mo nu.

Before Chen Mo was arrested, he told Mo Nu to develop according to the original direction and plan.

Dark matter is an essential material for spacecraft hull and engine materials, and antimatter is an essential energy material for curvature engine and light speed engine. Once dark matter and antimatter have been successfully extracted, the next step is to start building superluminal and light speed spacecraft.

After Chen Mo was captured, Zhao Min let the armed forces quickly rule Africa, and then asked Mo Nu to make every effort to develop and construct the experimental devices needed.

With the support of super artificial intelligence and complete mechanization, we are desperate for development. In the past nine months, the earth has become totally different and developed to another level.

"How long will it take to develop successfully?" Xiaoyu asks.

"It's hard to say that at the current rate of development, it can be done in a year or two. My consciousness will not be tired, there is no limit, the calculation is fast, but now the condition, only so fast. " Said Mo nu.

After hearing Mo Nu's words, Xiaoyu and Zhao Min look at each other with firmness in their eyes. The room is quiet again.

"Sister Xiaoyu, what's the baby's name?"

Mo Nu breaks the silence again. She doesn't know the baby's name.

"Now nameless, wait for the husband to come back and name him." Xiaoyu looks at the baby in her arms, with infinite tenderness in her eyes.


Chen mo of qingmercury, far away from the other end of the universe, is disassembling the armor, and suddenly feels something.

An inexplicable throb.

After the palpitation, Chen Mo's mood seems to be more comfortable. It's a kind of inexplicable joy that can't explain why.

Is Xiaoyu successful in production?

An idea came to chenmo's mind.

When he woke up from the sleeping cabin, he didn't know how long he had been caught. If the joyful throb just now was due to the small fishing production on the distant earth, it's only nine months since he was caught.

He was sleeping for nine months in a sleeping cabin.

Time is not long. If you escape and return to the earth, all your relatives will be there.

After throbbing, Chen Mo is more determined to escape as soon as possible.

"Something on your mind?" When Jia found Chen Mo's stupor, he asked.

"No, just a little bit of trivia." Chen Mo shakes his head and continues to dismantle the armour.

"I miss my family, don't I?" Jia turned around and said, "I used to be like this. When I came to this planet, I was a little smaller."

GAH made a stroke with his hand, which was about the height of chenmo's thigh.

"I didn't think about it later. I couldn't remember what they looked like."

"Jia, how long have you been here?" When Chen Mo came here for a few days, he also felt the temper of Jia, an easygoing old man.

"Three hundred years of origin." Jia looked at the sky, with endless thoughts: "I remember, when I was caught, my mother looked at me, she cried very painful, but there was nothing I could do, I don't remember her now."

"How long do you live?" Asked Chen mo.

"More than three hundred years of origin. It's almost now. It's almost the same time that I came here." The voice of Jia was relieved, and there was a secret relief: "what about yours?"

"About 50 origin years."

"Then you have a chance. If you have a chance to leave, take my ashes away. Even if you leave in space, it's better than here." Jia joked.

"Yes." Chen Mo nods.

With a smile, kasaran continued to lie on the chair and rub the identity wrist instrument on his wrist. When no one came to repair the armour, he looked bored.

As for the escape joke, he didn't take it seriously. Even the people who monitored them didn't care what they said.Chen Mo continues to dismantle the armor and is familiar with the technology.