Science and Technology Library

Chapter 752

Three eyes civilized palace, a royal underground, secret space, only three eyes king, there is a man.

The man's appearance is somewhat the same as the king of three eyes. He is the 27th son of the king of three eyes and the prince of three eyes civilization.

Make sure no one is around, and the king of three eyes will open his mouth.

"Three questions, you are going to be a guide for the emissary of crape myrtle civilization. Pay attention to what they are looking for." The three eyed king kept his voice to a minimum.

"My father doubted that they were coming to look for something important?" Three questions asked.

"No doubt, no doubt." Three eyes Wang blinked the third eye: "people of God level civilization are not born easily. As soon as they appear, they suddenly come to the origin city. If there is not something that attracts them, do you think they will send someone here? What can attract divine civilization is certainly not a common thing. If there is a chance to get it, it will benefit us a lot. "

The eyes of the king are firm.

On the surface, he can obey the crape myrtle civilization, but in the face of the opportunity to climb up, any civilization wants to seize the opportunity.

Take a chance. If they succeed, their civilization may be better, or help the crape myrtle civilization find what they need. When they give it to the people of the crape myrtle civilization, they will get great benefits.

"You are the best child in the family. This time, the emissary is a woman. If you have the ability, you can try to communicate with each other more, but remember not to provoke them." Said the three eyed king.

"OK." Three ask nod.

After all, he is the best young man and the best fighter in the three eyes civilization. He is confident in women.

After three eyes Wang Yu's long exhortation, he opened the secret chamber and left.


Make money.

This is what Chen Mo needs to do now.

There are two ways to escape from the control of the three eye Civilization: one is to have enough powerful weapons to destroy the three eye civilization; the other is to use the speed of light spacecraft, or even the super speed spacecraft to escape the planet directly.

Both of them, either way, require a lot of money and technology.

No matter how powerful Chen Mo is, he can't do it.

Light speed spacecraft and super light speed spacecraft need antimatter as the energy material to drive. The extraction and preparation of antimatter need large engineering, and the manufacturing of spacecraft also needs large engineering. Chen Mo doesn't think that if a large engineering is made, the three eyes civilization will not pay attention to it.

Even if he plans to escape, all his actions must be careful.

The life of bluemercury, we all know that this is a planet ruled by the three eye civilization, and people here don't seem to panic and fear for being controlled by the three eye civilization.

If you think about it, people with three eyes of civilization will bring them to the prosperous city from the corner. Once they accept it, the world will be totally different.

There must be people like him who want to escape, but in qingmercury, the direction of research and development is limited by the three eye civilization, and they can't develop the speed of light spacecraft, and they can't escape at all.

Chen Mo walked on the street of qingshuixing city for the first time. Qingshuixing is very prosperous and social development, several grades higher than the earth.

Looking around the business district, this scene used to be what he planned for the future of the earth.

Holograms are all over the city, with various tall buildings, anti gravity levitation vehicles and flying battle armour flowing in the air.

The commercial plaza no longer has a gate on the first floor. The third floor, the fifth floor and even higher buildings are all open. People sitting in suspended cars and war armour can directly land on the high floor of the building, and then enter the commercial plaza or go home.

"Do you want to be at the top of your life? Trump, you deserve it. "

"Qingyun battle armour, handsome in shape, is a good tool for chasing girls. You can't afford to lose money or regret it."

"Dragon pattern battle armour, make yourself faster and stronger. Beauties like it."


The huge holographic screen is advertising. It's the same taste as the bustling city. Chen Mo feels interesting.

There are many war armour shops on the roadside, all kinds of war armour shops and parts shops are brand-new, such as 4S shops for cars, in addition, there are war armour painting shops, and finally war armour repair and refitting shops.

Most of the shops for maintenance and renovation are on the first floor, which is convenient for the landing and maintenance of war armour.

There are many technologies and materials that Chen Mo has never been exposed to.

Chen Mo walks into a shop where war armour is repaired and refitted. Several technicians are debugging and inspecting war armour. A war armour with a height of more than 3 meters should be a large alien war armour.

"Do you recruit technical apprentices here?" Chen Mo asked in a strange universal language.

Several people stopped their work and looked at him in surprise. They were only surprised to see Chen Mo's life for the first time and continue to do their work.

"Any work experience?" A generic pink yellow humanoid said.


"We only recruit skilled apprentices here."

Chen Mo nodded slightly, didn't disturb again, turned around and left. I tried several companies in a row, big or small, and the final result is the same.Ride a hoverbike all the way to the corner at the end of the street.

Chen Mo didn't give up after hitting the wall more than ten times. If he wants to escape from mercury, he must contact the technology field. Only in this way can he have the chance to accumulate technology, otherwise, he has no hope.

When Chen Mo is ready to give up and come back next time, he finds that there is a small repair shop in front of him.

Holding the mentality of trying, Chen Mo still rode the hovering car to fly in the past.

The maintenance shop is very small, only a few hundred square meters, which is the size of the earth's roadside "repair motorcycle". In the shop, there is a wine red humanoid, with wrinkled skin, like the ravines of mountains, who should be an old man.

The rest of the spider engineering robots, not working, just standing quietly in the corner.

"Boss, do you recruit technical apprentices here?" I've heard it many times, and Chen Mo's words are very smooth.

"Young man, haven't you been here for a long time?" The old man beckoned Chen Mo to come.

"How do you know?" Chen Mo nods.

"The pronunciation is not clear. It should have been caught after learning the language."


Chen Mo has no taboo. At least people on this planet know the rule of three eye civilization and will arrest people from outside. This is not a secret.

"Soon after he was arrested, he understood the knowledge here?"

"My hometown knows something, but there are still some problems, but I study very fast."

"You've just come here to get used to it, and you've learned languages, and you're really learning fast. I'm the only one here. I'm really short of an apprentice to start with, but the salary may be lower. For apprentices in other stores, the salary is 500 star a day, and I only have 200 star a day. Would you like to? "

"Yes." Chen Mo nods and agrees.

He never wanted to earn the capital to escape from mercury by his apprentice's salary. Now he mainly contacts and quickly familiarizes himself with the armor technology here, and then tries to make money and develop the armor technology.

"When can I work?"

"It's ok now, but I'm in Qingshui college. Sometimes I have classes, but I can come after class."

"You just came here and entered Qingshui college?" The old man's voice was obviously a little surprised.

"They arranged it in the R & D department."

The old man knew who Chen Mo said they were. He took a deep look at Chen Mo, with appreciation in his eyes.

"My name is Jia, and I will be called that later. When you are going to class, just let me know. If it's OK, I'll start work today. It's half a day for you. There are some technical books about armour. Look at them for yourself. There are some old armours that no one wants. Try to disassemble them and practice. "

The old man pointed to a few random books not far away, and continued to sit on the chair, doing nothing.


"According to the information, it can be determined that the spatial fluctuation is around the origin City, but the specific location is not confirmed." Zetsch points to a map of stars and a dynamic map of waveforms, with all kinds of data on it.

In front of him are Ziyun and two other members of Ziwei civilization.

Purple rhyme looks cool, put on the instrument handed over, receive the above content and data, purple eyes are erratic.

"How can I be sure?"

"Space quantum detectors are needed to detect at close range, which is based on the fluctuation of space." "It's very difficult to capture spatial fluctuations, it's a short time to appear, it's very difficult to find if you don't grasp a specific time," zetsch said

"It's a matter of great importance. You can't worry. As long as the information is not leaked, it can't be too slow. Try to narrow down the scope of exploration. If you stay here for too long, you will attract the attention of several other companies." Ziyun said.

"Good." Zetsche promised immediately.

"Ziyun, Zeqi, three eyes civilization sent people over." Light curtain pops up a man with purple eyes and opens his mouth to report.

"Let them come."

The purple rhyme is cold and open, and the temperament is as calm as water.

Third, try to make yourself look natural, but I feel a little nervous. In Yuanyuan City, he belongs to the best group, standing at the top of Yuanyuan City, but for crape myrtle civilization, any ethnic group is stronger and nobler than them.

The first close contact with the emissary of crape myrtle civilization, although he was confident, he was still a little nervous. His so-called confidence, in the eyes of the other party, is just a joke.

"Emissary, my name is Sanwen. Sanyan civilization has been sent for your dispatch." After seeing Ziyun, I was shocked.

"My name is Ziyun. You can call me Ziyun later. Now we are going to visit Yuanyuan City, and you will lead the way." Ziyun smiles, recovers the cool appearance, as always, is superior.