Science and Technology Library

Chapter 751

When he closed the book, Chen extended himself and sang comfortably.

It's daytime, no sunshine, but the sky is very bright, and the sky is a huge outline of the planet.

The concept of time is different here.

Chen Mo has experienced three nights, which is the three days of the planet, but feels that one day is longer than the earth.

During this period, Chen Mo read more than 30 books of universal language, and became more and more proficient in looking up, listening and reading words and meanings at the beginning and reading articles at the back.

Memory and language learning are very simple for Chen mo.

At the beginning, it was unknown to see the new world. Now it's much clearer and there are many things to see.

The superstars he saw in the sky are called the origin City, the parent star of Qingshui, a city that all creatures on Qingshui are yearning for. It is not a natural formation of the universe, but an artificial construction. This is an existence that ordinary people cannot understand.

The preliminary outline of the alien world has been opened to Chen mo.

The world is big.

The rules of the universe are created by the seven divine civilizations of the universe alliance. There are countless other civilizations. They are divided by the color of light. The red level is the lowest, and the purple level and the black and white level are the highest. Because the divine level civilization is this level.

There are complete rules of civilization here, which is a magnified version of ordinary civilization.

Biological level, like a social class.

The universe forms a system, but the internal is not absolute peace. The open and secret fights among civilizations are like the intrigues among the earth's big families, big enterprises, or even the wars between countries.

The law of the jungle will not change as long as there are creatures and desires.

The most surprising thing Chen Mo found here, or something that made him feel very interesting, was Zhan Jia.

In addition to the Department of research and development, Qingshui University also has the Department of combat.

Each student has a set of armour. Daily training, fighting and entertainment will be integrated with the element of battle armour, which is an essential equipment for a strong person, just like the earth man's car.

As long as you are familiar with the armour control technology, you can equip your own armour.

Chen Mo has observed that the elements of war armor are integrated into every corner of the society. As long as they are soldiers, they will have their own war armor.

There is also a special group name for those who use war armour: War Xia.

This is not unique to mercury.

Chen Mo specially looked at the data. The battle armour of the universe alliance originated from the crape myrtle civilization, one of the seven divine civilizations. The technology used since the expansion of the universe has become more and more powerful, and the battle armour has developed into the preferred equipment for comprehensive operations.

This allowed crape myrtle civilization to take advantage in the first space war, and the latter advantage snowballed to grow, and evolved into a god level civilization.

The order of the seven divine civilizations of the universe is determined, and the school of war armour has become the main weapon of individual combat in the struggle of cosmic civilization, which is highly praised by individuals. Powerful armour of divine civilization, equipped with destructive weapons, can destroy galaxies.

This special system also gave Chen Mo a new understanding of the world, but at the same time, he also knew that the world would be more cruel than the reality, and the struggle would be more intense than the jungle.

If you want to be strong in this social system and become a human being, you must master a strong armour and become a warrior.

Whether it's an escape plan or a battle, it needs a lot of money.

Chen mosong loosened his neck and conveniently took some books by the desk and put them back on the shelf. Returning to the old business of making money, Chen Mo thought for a few seconds and left the library.


Origin city field, cosmoport jumping point.

A beautiful waterdrop shaped spaceship appears in the area of the space jumping point. The spaceship is purple and transparent. You can see the purple flower mark in the middle. If someone else sees it, you can definitely recognize it.

The symbol of crape myrtle civilization.

A crystal crape myrtle, reflecting the deep universe starry sky, noble and mysterious.

This crape myrtle is a totem admired by countless civilizations, representing one of the seven supreme rights of the universe alliance, governing the prosperity and life and death of countless lives.

"Welcome to the space jumping point of cosmoharbor of origin City, please accept the safety inspection..."

The universal language electromagnetic broadcast of the universe alliance, the routine security check of the jumping point, to avoid someone bringing the destructive weapons into the origin city.

The waterdrop spacecraft ignored the security broadcast, left the space jump point, and flew towards the origin city at the speed of light. None of the spacecraft in charge of security inspection dared to approach and block.

They have been informed in advance that they all know the crape myrtle sign, and the people in it kill them at will, and no one dares to come out and say a word more.

Thirty minutes later, the waterdrop spacecraft appeared in the space port of origin city. A transparent purple spacecraft with a body width of more than 50 meters appeared from the waterdrop spacecraft and fell rapidly towards the ground of origin city.

The emissary of crape myrtle civilization has arrived.

The top ten civilized kings of the strength of the origin city are quietly waiting at the ground stop, in a row.No one dares to be impatient.

They are indifferent and merciless to the lower life. At this time, they are like ordinary subjects who welcome the king. No one dares to have any dissatisfaction. Because crape myrtle civilization only needs a word, or wave, their whole civilization will disappear.

"Here comes the messenger."

Seeing the purple spaceship landing, the ten civilized kings' eyes are blazing, their faces are adored and their bodies are slightly bowed, that is to say, they are greeting the noble people. If it is recognized by the people in it, their civilization will ascend to the sky step by step and become one of the top civilizations in the universe.


A soft and elegant voice appeared, and a woman came down from the spaceship. She was born with a noble and mysterious temperament.

A long purple hair, long skirt flying, purple skin emitting fluorescence, there are strange patterns on it. Where she stands, she has a unique temperament, noble and mysterious.

The body shape of a woman is almost the same as that of a human, but her height is slightly higher than that of a human. The division of race by the universe, humanoid is represented by the figure of crape myrtle civilization.

When the leader of civilization on the field was stunned, he felt a high-level life attraction from the genetic instinct, but he still held back.

Offending the women in front of them, they will be buried in Yuanyuan city.

"Emissary, this is the supreme pass of our civilized territory. You can go in and out of all parts of our territory. If there is anything else you can do for you? You can tell me. "

The man with the mouth is about 2.67 meters in size. He is dressed in noble royal clothes and has blue-green skin. The most conspicuous thing is the three eyes on his head. He is the king of three eyes civilization, but in front of the women, his momentum and nobility are not worth mentioning.

As the king of the three eye civilization, he is an unattainable God in the eyes of other lower life, holding a powerful advanced civilization, but in front of the crape myrtle civilization, their identity is not worth mentioning, even less than any ordinary warrior of the crape myrtle civilization.

The horror of crape myrtle civilization is that any soldier can destroy a senior civilization.

The leaders of other civilizations, seeing that the king of three eyes was the first to open his mouth, were annoyed and presented the supreme pass of their own territory.

Ziyun chuckles and asks the entourage to take the pass.

"I also need a guide who is familiar with the origin City area."

"Our three eyes civilization has the most powerful soldiers in the origin city. They are familiar with everything in the origin city. I can send them to drive you." Three eyes can't wait to say.

It's been preempted again.

The kings of other civilizations were a little annoyed and bowed down one after another and said, "I have the most powerful soldiers here, who are familiar with the origin city and can serve the messengers."

"Just three eyes of civilization, and send him back to the place where I stay."

Ziyun leads the people to get on the sub light speed spaceship and leave, leaving behind a face of excitement and regret for the leaders of other civilizations.

"Has the exact location of the spatial fluctuation been found?" On the sub light speed airship, purple rhyme recovers quietly elegant, secluded opening.

The man beside shook his head.

"Not sure where it is, it needs to be explored."

"Well, someone should pay attention to our whereabouts, and then find out the purpose of our trip. A little dike should not be found by other companies. It should be regarded as a normal investigation." Purple rhyme light said.