Science and Technology Library

Chapter 750

Chen Mo sits on a floating motorcycle and looks at Qingshui college.

He doesn't know these words.

But he knows that his location is the inner campus of Qingshui University, the outer campus is the place for students' activities, and the inner campus is the place for teaching and office of Qingshui University.

An alien college.

Chen Mo feels unreal.

A planet that has been enslaved by civilization has developed a complete social system. The level of technological development of the society here is stronger than that of the earth. If it wasn't for aliens of different shapes coming in and out of the surrounding area, Chen would think that this is the earth decades later.

What will be waiting for him in front?

Maybe there are countless unknowns and dangers! The sober consciousness tells Chen Mo that this is a civilized world. This college is just a Petri dish.

Solemn and huge school gate, in Chen Mo's eyes, has been a jungle full of thorns. To be free here, he needs to plan to escape. On the way ahead, he will face countless soldiers in battle armor, as well as hidden in the unknown dark, secretly observing his three eyed star man.

Chen Mo suddenly wakes up from his thoughts and looks more and more clear.

If he doesn't run away, he is similar to the monkeys in the laboratory. If he fails to run away, he will die without a whole body, or even worse. But if he is kept in captivity for a lifetime, the truth is terrible.

In the deep space, Xiaoyu and his family are waiting for him to go back.

After calming down and calming down for a while, Chen Mo recovers his former calmness, brushes on the machine with an ID wrist instrument, presses the acceleration handle of the suspended motorcycle, and enters the school gate.

"Hello, I'm Chen Mo, here to report."

Chen Mo's hovering motorcycle drives to an office building and enters an office. It took him a long time to find out that this is the check-in office. He just learned a universal language of cosmic alliance with the translator.

The three eyed person who arranged for him to come in should arrange his academic status. For those people, the academic status here is just a matter of one sentence, the simplest.

Although Chen Mo did not understand the purpose of the three eyed man, he wanted to arrange him here.

The teacher in the office looked at Chen Mo, picked up a camera, pressed him, looked up at him again, and then took out a printed card with photos and handed it to Chen mo.

"This is your class. Report yourself."

Teacher's words, with disdain. In Qingshui University, there are very few students who join in classes. They all come in by the back door. Not only the teachers look down on them, but also the students here look down on them.

Chen Mo ignores the teacher and looks at him with his student card. I still can't understand the words. I can only distinguish my class by the same words. The translator can translate, but he doesn't know the pronunciation of these words.

He is eager to learn the world's characters. Otherwise, he would not be able to escape the control of civilization.

It took a long time to find his class, class 9 of physics in R & D department.

A teacher led him into the classroom.

The teacher's name is Kerry. This is a transliteration of the name. He takes Chen Mo into the classroom, asks him to find a seat, and then continues to explain the knowledge in the classroom. The students of different shapes in the classroom took a curious look at the new students and began to whisper.

Each of these students is very distinctive. Anyway, each of them is not like the "Earth man", and their dress styles are different. Can smell some special taste, not smelly, but also not fragrant, the air is mixed with fragrance.

Chen Mu did not know if they used perfume to cover up the smell of a classmate.

"Where does life come from? I haven't seen anyone like that. "

"Who knows? Maybe it's a new one. What does he do? "

"He looks very pleasant. He should be a male. Maybe he is still a new life on this planet?"


Chen Mo drew at the corner of his mouth.

He sat in the corner of the classroom. His hearing was sharp, but he couldn't understand what they were saying. It's just a translator hanging on his ear that translates all the whispers of two female students nearby to him, which makes him laugh and cry.

Looking around, Chen Mo feels that he is out of line with the surrounding environment. He doesn't know whether he has not yet adapted to the exclusion of the environment, or whether he is controlled by civilization.

Books are like flat-panel devices. Chen Mo still can't read the words on them.

Mr. Cray is lecturing. He speaks very fast. The translator translates what he says to Chen mo. However, many professional words can not be understood by Chen Mo, so the information obtained is intermittent.

In general, Chen Mo knows that it's levitation technology, occasionally mixed with some techniques of Warcraft.

Others listen carefully and take notes quickly.

Two hours later, Kerry announced that after class, there would be no class for the next two days, and the whole classroom was cheered with joy.

No one paid attention to Chen mo. within a minute, he had run away.

Chen Mo is the only one left in the classroom, as well as the teacher who tidies up the things on the platform."Teacher, where can I learn universal language?" Chen Mo talks with difficulty, which is what he learned from the translator. He is not familiar with it. He is a bit awkward.


Cray was stunned and couldn't help looking at him more.

"In the library, there is the tenth floor, language area, universal language introduction to mastery."

Kerry showed Chen mo the building shape of the library with the light curtain of the wrist instrument, and wrote the name of the book needed by the way, so that Chen Mo could remember it.

"Thank you."

With Chen Mo finished, Cray left the classroom.

Chen Mo rides a hovering motorcycle and quickly finds the library.

The library is big, very big, much bigger than an international airport on earth. Even if there is a title, Chen Mo found it in 20 minutes.

The library is the best place to know about a civilization.

Chen Mo must learn the language, writing and normal communication well before he can survive here and try to escape. But he can't show the sign of escaping, or he will fall short if he is detected by his three eyes.

With books and text translators, Chen Mo is immersed in them.


"Ziwei civilization sent people to visit the origin city?"

Torrell almost cried out, his eyes round, his face blue-green, and his color deepened.


For origin City, there is no message, which is more explosive.

Even if an ordinary person of crape myrtle civilization is appointed, it is a surprise. One of the seven divine civilizations, the first generation of civilization in the universe, the rule maker, has the supreme position in the main universe.

Countless lives are the most revered and adored God level civilization, creating and developing battle armour flow, making it the most common and commonly used battle weapon in the universe.

With the recognition of crape myrtle civilization, the status of origin city will rise to the sky step by step.

If any civilization can cooperate with or help crape myrtle civilization, the benefits will be endless.

"What did Wang say?"

"Wang has prepared the Supreme Identity Card, which will be given to the people of Ziwei civilization. They can freely enter and leave every place they want."

"Why did they come here suddenly to investigate?" Asked torrell in doubt.

"I don't know, so the king ordered to inform the three eyed people not to annoy the emissary of Ziwei civilization, not to investigate and inquire about their whereabouts and affairs, otherwise it would be very troublesome." Said the three eyed man.

"Good." Torrel nodded heavily.

The origin city is vast and vast. The flying natural stars created by science and technology, each civilization in the vast origin City, just like the noble family in the small city, the three eye civilization is one of the largest families in the origin city.

It's an opportunity, an opportunity to climb.

Ziwei civilization sent envoys to visit the origin city. The news has spread in the origin city. All civilizations are like beating chicken blood, hoping to seize this opportunity.