Science and Technology Library

Chapter 738

The simple test training is over.

Jiang He felt that the picture in front of him had changed.

At the foot is a strange land, with a special engraved magic array. In front is a huge crystal stone suspended in the air, shining straight into the sky, and a stone tower towering into the clouds in the distance.

The blue sky is surrounded by the light of magic array. The inscription totem is clearly visible.

All of this excited Jiang He.

He is a high-end game fan, usually likes to play games and watch the host play, which is his few ways of recreation. Fortunately, in the last lottery, he became a lucky fan and was selected by the anchor to attend the conference.

Now he's lucky to be the audience choice to experience virtual reality helmets.

He had countless fantasies about virtual reality games.

Top players, full-time experts and other game movies and novels are his favorite.

He had thought that Chen Mo would invent virtual reality devices, and he could also experience the immersive feeling of virtual reality games, but Chen Mo had never thought of developing advanced game terminals.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mo's daughter released this press conference.

When he saw the virtual reality helmet, he almost shouted out, and the dream came true.

Back to God, Jiang He put his mind in front of him.

Ahead, there are several other heroes.

The eyes of several people are very curious, all of which, for him, is a new world, a magic world of fantasy.

"What a real picture."

Jiang He looked at the painting halberd in his hand and exclaimed. The picture is CG quality, very real. You can see the body, hands and feet of the characters with your head down. It's all very real virtual pictures.

"Welcome to King's Canyon." "The enemy is three seconds away."

Familiar cues reverberate in your ears.

"The game starts. Don't be shocked. I'll go to fight first and play at will."

"People's claws are not used to tickle."

With the heroine's lines appearing, Xiaoman has run down the spring and quickly heads for the wild area high underground.

Jiang He takes back his eyes and looks at the blue cube beside him. The light curtain of the equipment pops out. He chooses two equipment to go out, and Jiang He also rushes down the spring clumsily.

"God stops the murderer."


"This is the first angle of view for their game footage."

Matchless is still on the stage of the conference.

After they start to experience the game, they can't beat artificial intelligence to tune out the game picture and put it all on the stage screen.

First, there is also a traditional comprehensive perspective, which sees completely different pictures.

"This is the view of the fire dance."

Unparalleled out of moyanxin's game perspective amplification, through the holographic screen put on the stage of the conference. The angle of view is not very stable, and it's a little astringent. Obviously, Mu Yanxin hasn't completely adapted to this vision experience.

"This mode needs a period of running in. The brain and eyes gradually adapt to the game environment, and then the experience is very strong. The real character perspective is unknown behind it. The authenticity of the game will bring more play space to the experience and competitive tactics of the game.

Sneak attack, capture, siege, detour, escape and blind spot of vision, all of which can provide more tactical possibilities and different experiences for the game. It is no longer the era of hand speed and reaction speed, and it can achieve real competitive tactics, strategy and skill integration. "

Peerless with a baby's fat face.

She took the conference seriously.

This is an opportunity that Aunt min gave her. Her father let her on the stage. She can't let her father down or her mother down. So she made a lot of understanding in the early stage and specially consulted aunt mo.

After watching for a while, Wushuang adjusts Xiaoman's perspective.

"After mastering the game skills, you can be familiar with dodge attack, use skills and attack, like ako."


Xiaoman looks at the demon breed cheetah in front of him.

CG's image quality is very clear and real. The magical patterns on leopard can be seen clearly. The first perspective is terrible.

Knowing that there is a virtual reality helmet, Xiaoman asks Wushuang for one to play, but he has a good time and is addicted to it like playing chicken blood every day.

Compared with her clumsiness at the beginning of the game, she has mastered the skills in the game and understood all kinds of instructions of virtual reality helmet in a few days.

Flash, arc.

Xiaoman starts his normal attack at a high speed. The two skills are seamless. After finishing the move, he takes two steps back. After stopping the attack of cheetah, he moves again.


Ten seconds later, two howls, two demon species cheetahs have fallen to the ground.

Xiaoman quickly retreats to another wild monster area.

On the holographic screen of the press conference, Xiao man's skillful skills led to a scene of exclamation.From the traditional map, the movements of the other several people are clumsy, which can't be compared with the traditional mode, but the real fighting sense from the first perspective makes people hot.

The field of vision has a high degree of reality, which is in line with their imagination of virtual reality game screen fantasy.

Ten minutes later, the other four slowly found a little skill, with little man with rhythm, it's easy to push off the crystal of simple level man-machine, the moment when the crystal exploded, the game ended.

The press conference was quiet again.

All the people who like the game, their eyes are burning at the moment.

That kind of immersive sense of game is their most fanatical pursuit. If they can, they would like to pay for a device now.


The first generation of virtual reality helmet, countless people can't wait to know its price.

Matchless without selling, press the PPT remote control, all the prices will appear on the screen: Standard Version: 23888, high configuration version: 36888, supreme version: 68888

"not expensive, conscience price."

"The supreme edition is ready."

"My dream of virtual reality helmet, hahahaha..."

"Reservation channel has been opened on the official website."

"Coordinate Binhai City, two sets of supreme edition, fortunately, the hand speed is fast, tomorrow's arrival."

"Three sets of high configuration version have been ordered, and so on."

"Poor people, start with standard configuration."


"Buy it."

Seeing the price, the excited crowd turned into cheers.

This price, for game enthusiasts, is just the price of a computer. In this era, there is not too much burden to buy one.

After the release of virtual reality helmet, Wushuang stepped off the stage and handed the scene of the conference to the host. She's finished her work, so don't worry about it next.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min, who are waiting in the background, both smile happily when they see unparalleled return.

Unparalleled since childhood, smart, this performance, enough to use amazing to describe.

A girl, for the first time on the stage facing thousands of people and cameras below, is still calm and confident. They see Chen Mo's shadow from their unique body.

"Mom, aunt min, how am I doing?"

"It's great. Dad has been praising you for being smart." Xiaoyu is overjoyed.

"Yes, your father has been praising you, smart and confident." Zhao Min said with a smile.

"It's really good. If you want any reward, dad will give it to you."

Chen Mo nods with a smile.

Matchless on the stage this time, facing the world's lens and the attention of so many people under the stage, the performance is beyond her age. It has to be said that Xiaoyu and Zhao Min are in place for matchless education.

"Dad, does it count?"


"I want a brother and sister."



Zhao Min and Mo Nu immediately smile, and Xiaoyu and Chen Mo are helpless.

Soon, Chen Mo got good news.

With the opening of booking channels of marching ant shopping malls and major e-commerce platforms, the number of bookings began to grow crazily. Three minutes after the matchless press conference, 400000 sets of orders have been placed, with a pre-sale volume of 12 billion.

With the passage of time, the news spread completely, and the orders of virtual reality helmets fell into a completely crazy growth stage. In just one hour, the number of global bookings exceeded 2 million, and the amount of pre-sale reached a terrifying 50 billion.

The first generation of brain controlled virtual reality terminal is on fire.