Science and Technology Library

Chapter 737

Brain control virtual reality helmets appear, there is a brief shock on the field.

Then, everyone on the stage looked at the holographic projection picture that appeared on the stage incredibly, and burst into crazy applause.

Over time.

Many of the people invited here are big gods and anchors in the e-sports circle, or game enthusiasts, who have fantasies about virtual reality devices at least.

In the area where professional athletes, game hosts and game fans are located, cheers are higher than waves.

I didn't expect it to come true today. It was made by a little girl.

Brain controlled virtual reality device.

"Shit, really?"


"Cow batch."

"Sleeping trough!"

"But I have no culture, and I have no culture."

In front of the screen of the global live broadcast, countless fans of the game pay close attention to the press conference, which is an instant climax. The virtual reality technology that countless Games dream of, if the product is true, it will be a epoch-making product in the game circle.

It's just a childish face. Many people doubt the authenticity of the product more or less.

The press conference continues.

The hologram propaganda video of brain controlled virtual reality helmet is a combination of various cool game pictures from the first perspective. The hologram projection, together with the exciting music, makes people hot.

Hero, king, sword tower, Warcraft, chicken

Several games that have been included in the professional e-Competition events, all appear in the promotional videos, all kinds of explosive killing pictures.

Under the stage, the shouts and applause were thundering.

The atmosphere at the press conference, with the emergence of the publicity video, reached the most intense stage.

Some video game gods and anchors are ready to move. I wish I could buy a virtual reality helmet immediately to experience the feeling of a game.

No wonder the marching ant group will invite the world's E-sports circle gods to attend the conference this time. This product will be released, unparalleled in the group of young people, with unparalleled status and reputation, a pioneer of the new game era.

After the broadcast of the promotional film, some people's excited mood on the stage has not been recovered.

Matchless returned to the center of the stage and began to introduce her works, just as she usually explained her homework to Mo Nu and Chen mo.

Before finishing the project, her father and aunt Mo had to let her explain the relevant technologies and principles.

Over time, she has developed a habit.

Now these are just a simple combination of technologies, and don't explain the principle. It's very simple for her.

"The main technologies used in Pisces include brain wave sensing technology, consciousness connection technology, cortical activity sensing technology and traditional VR technology."

Brain controlled virtual reality equipment is developed by ourselves, so the functions and advantages of each new technology are very clear.

In the production of PPT, all are introduced one by one.

"Brain wave induction technology and consciousness connection technology are developed by my father Chen mo. On the basis of these two technologies, I have programmed a new set of conscious action recognition instructions and a set of cortical activity sensing instructions. Let the consciousness sensor transform the brain's action thinking into a simple data instruction set, so as to achieve the effect of controlling the game picture.

The experience of traditional VR image is far from the real image. Except for the main vision, the other vision is seriously distorted. On this basis, I optimized the distortion of VR images, developed a wide-angle 3D field perspective technology, improved the reality of the field of vision, and the field of vision reduction is close to more than 90% of the reality perspective, making people feel at home. "

Now we can't really let people's consciousness enter the virtual world.

There is no choice but to work hard on vision and hearing. As long as the visual reality is high, there will be a great sense of virtual world experience.

"It has an intelligent vision capture function, which can sense the picture you see according to the focal length of the pupil. Even if you remove the mouse and don't touch the screen, you can also surf the Internet and play shooting games. This function can assist in aiming."

Unparalleled design of this virtual reality device, has scared the audience at the scene.

Although it is not written by Chen Mo, it is still a revolutionary product for the e-sports circle, with unparalleled ability, which is shocking enough.

"Is this really a little girl's work? Did Chen Mo research it out and publish it to his daughter? "

"This kind of technology, for Chen Mo, is to combine several simple technologies. Chen Mo should be lazy to develop small areas, so it becomes his daughter's homework."

"Chen Mo has cheated my wallet. Now his daughter comes out and continues to cheat my wallet. This family is hateful. It's delicious. "

"I want to play virtual reality in my lifetime."

"Order one now."


The March ant group mainly invited the big anchors and professional E-sports players in the e-sports circle, so this conference attracted the attention of the game circle and young groups.Now the brain controlled virtual reality equipment comes out, which makes the audience watching the live broadcast and the audience at the scene extremely excited.

In the game world, virtual reality is the highest belief.

There are also questions about the debate about who invented the device. Some people question that Wushuang takes his father's technology as his own, but these arguments can't be seen now.

It took 15 minutes to explain all the important functions.

This is the first generation of pioneering products, without any reference and comparison.

"Now prepare for a live game experience. This experience of the game is "King", by Manyu platform president he Xiaoman and we randomly selected four live audience match, a man-machine battle. "

When Wushuang said he Xiaoman's name, there was a burst of laughter at the scene. Even the Live Live Live barrage could hear the audience's joy across the screen.

Now I know the unique identity, and the identity of he Xiao Man is not a secret.

"Did you call him Xiaoman? Call auntie. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Sister in law, niece, it's disrespectful. I want to spank."

"No big or small, call auntie."

Countless happy banter.

When I heard the following laughter, I was only naughty and didn't care: "now I randomly select four audiences to go to the experience area to experience the product. At the end of the conference, we will give each of the four lucky viewers a virtual helmet. "

As soon as matchless words fell, the field was filled with cheers.

AI randomly selects a few numbers to enter the site, which will soon appear on the screen. Matchless will also give the next time to the experience area to introduce the live experience.


Mu Yanxin is a little surprised to follow the staff of marching ant company. Unexpectedly, she is one of the lucky ones chosen.

After the experience, there is a helmet gift, so she can play virtual reality games for the first time?

That kind of feeling, it's nice to think about it.

There are five game chairs in the experience area, and five virtual reality helmets are placed on the table in front of them. The colors are different, but the design is the same. They look similar to the racing helmets, but the curved screen of almost half of the helmets in front has a very strong sense of Technology.

"What do you need to pay attention to when using this?" Asked Moyan.

Now the scenes of several people are on the screen of the press conference. Her problems are naturally the concerns of everyone on the stage.

"The game is the first perspective. People who play games like CF for the first time may have similar experience, that is, when they watch the game picture for the first time, some people will feel uncomfortable and dizzy.

The second is the sense of game. King is a MoBa game. In the past, the game was from the perspective of God. You can only see the enemies in your field of vision. You need to turn your head to see the enemies and situations behind you.

Initial contact with the game, the characters are more difficult to control, after adaptation, the experience will be very good, the sense of presence is very strong, very real, as if they are fighting, which also adds more possibilities and more extensive space for the tactical nature of competitive competition. "

The technician in charge of product experience explains to Mu Yanxin, as well as to the camera and the audience.

Mu Yanxin is clear. He greets Xiaoman and can't wait to sit on the chair. With the help of the staff, he puts on the virtual reality helmet.

Light material, lighter than you think. Looking at the screen in front of the helmet is like looking at the world with glasses. The surrounding is a little fuzzy. The front is a very clear world, and it feels very real.

Virtual reality helmet built-in king, a cool hero selection interface appears in front of moyanxin.