Science and Technology Library

Chapter 739

Kong Xinyu stood at the door, very excited. Virtual reality helmet order, finally arrived. Just now, the courier brother called him, and he couldn't wait to wait at the door.

As a bone ash level game enthusiast, he did not hesitate to go to the March ant mall to place an order on the day of the conference.

The supreme edition deserves the title of his enthusiast.

The products of marching ant group have no words, and the quality will never let people down.

Virtual reality has always been his most desired product. Even though the technology is developed today, Chen Mo still has no choice to research.

March ant group held a press conference to invite the world's game God and big anchor. He had this notice. March ant group may release virtual reality equipment, but it's true.

The courier hasn't come up yet. Kong Xinyu is a little worried. Now many of his friends' virtual reality helmets have arrived and are showing off in the circle of friends.

Various social platforms and game circles, after experiencing its charm, all kinds of fancy blow up virtual reality helmets.

Now many people have begun to use virtual reality helmets to play games. Waiting for one second more is a kind of suffering for long Xinyu.

Anxiously, the door of the elevator opened, and Kong Xinyu was overjoyed to see two express boys carrying a big box out slowly.

"At last. "

Kong Xinyu quickly opened the door and cleared the small obstacles on the road, so that the express boy could easily carry into the room.

"It's beautiful."

Seeing the supreme version of virtual reality helmet after unpacking, Kong Xinyu sincerely praised it.

The supreme version has associated seats, which are very comfortable. You can sit and play, or lie and play.

Virtual reality helmets are much more beautiful than those seen at the conference. The lines and coating are very meticulous. They have a sense of texture with a sense of technology. The details are in place. After

is ready, Kong Xinyu even can't wait to sit on the chair and put on the brain control virtual reality helmet.

A whole new world appeared before his eyes.

There is almost no problem in the production line of marching ant group. Only when there is a need, we can quickly produce enough products. There is no shortage.

Not only Kong Xinyu, but now many game fans have received virtual reality helmets. More and more video game fans are using virtual reality helmets to play games.

Immersive screen, direct brain control game, more powerful sense of game substitution and game experience, which is not before.

Shortly after the release of virtual reality helmet, penguin, Blizzard, Ubisoft, Netease and other top game companies in the world announced that they would open the server of brain controlled virtual reality game to provide experience and matching as virtual reality equipment.

Several companies also sent teams to March ant company to discuss cooperation and prepare to cooperate to develop more virtual reality games.

For the game field, this is an opportunity for change. If we seize the opportunity and get more shares in the virtual reality game field, it means more opportunities.

Not only a few top game companies are fighting for it, but some outsiders are also starting to acquire medium-sized game companies and prepare to take a share in this new field.

Soon, the Manyu platform and the world E-sports League announced that the virtual reality game will be included in the future E-sports Super League events as the main event.

Virtual reality games are on fire.

At the same time, the fire, there are unparalleled.

Unrivalled in its naivete and self-confidence, it was a surprise at the conference.

In this conference, Chen Mo's daughter became the most outstanding representative in the game circle and the younger generation.

Countless E-sports fans worship matchless as the Supreme God in the field of E-sports.

Three months.

In the field of world e-sports, it took three months to complete the renewal.

A steady stream of virtual reality games are launched. Traditional games are all designed and developed according to the standards of virtual reality games.

In the field of games, virtual reality helmets have gradually replaced traditional screen computers.



In the martial room of the gym, a muffled sound explodes. In front of Chen Mo, robots fly upside down and smash on the wall. Then they quickly get up and rush towards Chen Mo again.

Ten minutes later, all the robots stopped. In the middle of the room, Chen Mo stopped and took a deep breath.

After relaxation, the muscle lines on his body are much softer. Chen Mo's body is restored to its original shape. His sweat is so big that he feels hearty.

"Mercer, drink water."

Mo woman hands Chen Mo a bottle of water, and begins to wipe his sweat.

The robot is Chen Mo's training robot.

Since getting the Zijin permission of the science and Technology Library, Chen Mo's body has changed. Now, Chen Mo feels that his body is getting stronger and stronger, and steel can be bent under his fist.

This kind of promotion is surprising."I'll take a bath. It's time to go to the company for breakfast." Chen Mo looks at the time and goes to the bathroom of the gym.

Xiaoyu is wearing an apron and is busy with breakfast in the kitchen.

Although the domestic servants and robots can make breakfast, she is used to preparing breakfast for Chen mo.

Watching Chen Mo eat his own breakfast, Xiaoyu will be very satisfied, so that it will taste and have a warm home. Tie up the man and his stomach. Xiaoyu knows that.

Marriage so long, two people's feelings have not faded from the freshness.

After marriage, Xiaoyu takes Chen Mo and his family as the center of the world, and Chen Mo spends most of his time studying them. So Xiaoyu helps him deal with his family relationship, so that Chen Mo has no worries.

Chen Muqian is on her side, and she is also on Chen Mo side. She is easy to satisfy and happy for a long time with a little benefit.

Chen Murao said that she was not promising, it was a kind of doting tone. It's also a kind of happiness to do what little women do every day, to manage their families well and to be unproductive.

When Chen Mo accompanies her, she can be happy for a few days, unbridled and coquettish, and do whatever she wants. When Chen Mo is busy with her research, she will read and shop by herself, ask her family, or see the charity foundation and incomparable things.

Know when can disturb Chen Mo, when can't disturb him, so Xiaoyu's sensible, let her get Chen Mo's best love.

Life is simple, and not boring.

"Porridge is ready."

Xiaoyu turns off the power of the induction cooker and carefully opens the lid.

Suddenly, Xiaoyu frowned, and the smell of steam from the pot made her feel sick.

Is it about porridge?

Xiaoyu hesitates for a moment, grabs the spoon next to him and even it up a few times, then takes a sip after blowing it cool.


Just tasted the taste, an extremely strong nausea hit, let Xiaoyu retch a few times.

What's the matter? Does it taste normal?

Xiaoyu pats his chest and slows down, remembers the taste just now, no problem.

Oh Oh

When Xiaoyu just wanted to have a second taste, a stronger antipathy came.

Xiaoyu ran to the kitchen counter next to the washing table and retched a few times. Her disgust made her tears fall out and her face pale.

After a long delay, he raised his head and smelled the taste of porridge floating out of the pot, which was a strong antipathy.

Dare not stay in the kitchen, Xiaoyu directly fled, ran into the bathroom, two minutes later, came out of it, pale face.

Suddenly thought of something, Xiaoyu hurried back to the room.

"What's the matter? The Nanny Robot said you vomited? " When Xiaoyu came out of the room, Chen Mo just came back in a hurry.

Just now, Mo Nu told him that the Nanny Robot saw Xiaoyu vomiting. He didn't even want to think about it, so he came back quickly. He had just taken a bath and his hair hadn't dried.

Seeing Chen Mo, Xiaoyu ran straight to him and hugged him tightly.

"What's the matter? What happened? If you have a husband, you are not afraid. " Chen Mo caresses Xiaoyu's back.

"I have."

"Yes, I'm not afraid. Yes? What do you have? " Chen Mo suddenly felt that it was wrong, and his voice improved a lot with expectation.

"I'm pregnant." Xiaoyu puts the pregnancy test stick in his hand in front of Chen Mo like a treasure offering, with a strong look of joy.

"Then you can still run so fast."

Chen Mo's spirit was shocked. With a surprise, he gently picked up Xiaoyu and put her on the sofa. He gently touched her stomach.

"I'll have a good rest in the future. I don't need to cook. I'll inform my mother to come over and have someone take care of you."

"Well." Xiaoyu nodded cleverly, still immersed in joy.

Over the past few months, she has been trying to have a second child, often pestering Chen Mo for that, but she has been tossed to beg for mercy every time, and then challenged the authority again and again after two days, so repeatedly.

Chen Mo used to be horrified. Now, after the evolution of the body, he is more horrific and has endless energy and physical strength.

She has been working hard and hasn't let go of any opportunities except for a special period of rest.

But for a few months, her stomach was still motionless, and with Chen Mo's physical changes, she was no longer demanding.

Just now, I had some doubts. I just came there last month, just over 20 days ago. I shouldn't have pregnant vomiting. But thinking of Chen Mo's situation, Xiaoyu tried. I didn't think it was true.

It was a big surprise.