Science and Technology Library

Chapter 655

"I'm back."

As soon as he got home, Chen Mo took out the present he had just bought and shook it in front of Xiaoyu.

"I bought it for you on the way."

Life is not vigorous, but at least there are some surprises in the calm.

"Peeking at my shopping cart." Xiaoyu saw the lipstick and a rose Chen Mo gave her. Her eyes were bent into crescent. She was a little sweet: "go wash your hands and eat, we are both waiting for you to come back."

"Dad." As soon as Chen Mo entered the door, Xiao Wushuang ran over with her feet on her feet and hugged her. "I got the little red flower again today. The teacher said that I played the best piano."

Say, take out a little red flower from the pocket, show off in front of Chen mo.

"Wow, it's amazing."

Chen Mo took the little girl's little red flower and looked at it before putting it back in her hand.

"Matchless, wash hands with my father and aunt mo. my father just came back from work, hungry, and hugged me after dinner." Xiaoyu told me that the father and daughter were going to take hands and prepare for dinner.

A warm dinner.

It's night, it's already 10:30, no one can sleep, Xiaoyu also goes to take a bath.

Chen Mo takes the ink girl into the study.

The first quantum computer has been assembled. On the holographic platform, a quantum computer mainframe that is twice the size of the ordinary desktop computer chassis is projected and suspended.

This is a real-time video projected from the lab of Building 1.

The box is transparent and can see the internal situation intuitively. Apart from the design of the shape first and a little bigger, other parts can't see much outstanding place.

However, the internal situation of the host is different from that of the traditional computer.

All the conductors in it are made of normal temperature superconductors. Some fist sized instruments are all over the mainframe. The LEDs in them are still flashing. All kinds of instruments operate normally.

In the middle of the main board of the case, the cookie sized quantum processor is embedded on it, with the logo of marching ant group on the package.

The power consumption of the machine is not large, and even with such a powerful calculation, the power required by the machine is even lower than that of the ordinary computer, so the graphene heat sink can completely meet the cooling needs.

"Try turning it on."

As soon as Chen Mo's words fell, in the holographic video, the display screen suddenly lit up, floating the symbol of the current army ant group.

One second power on.

This is not a traditional supercomputer, not a full command line operation. On the display screen, there is a complete desktop system, and several computing software is programmed with quantum programming language.

This is the calculation software designed by Chen Mo for the convenience of computer operation, according to the logic of quantum algorithm.

According to the original test project, Mo Nu input a trillion level variable equations on the computer to solve.

According to the algorithm theory, quantum algorithms solve linear equations, trillion level variable equations. Now the total amount of computation of global computers can be completed in tens of millions of years, while 103 quantum bits of quantum computers can be completed in 10 seconds.

Confirm that the input equations are correct. Under the command of Chen Mo, Mo Nu controls the computer to execute the command.

The completion of quantum computer means that all technologies at this stage are turned on, and it can obtain the next permission of science and Technology Library.

It must be a lie to say no to expect.

He is not sure what technology will be opened to him in the next authority.

With Chen Mo's attention, a long string of characters unfolds on the screen, and he can see countless numbers flowing rapidly on the holographic platform.

"Solved successfully."

At the moment when Mo NV announced her success, Chen Mo felt a cool head.

This time, the feeling is different from the success of quantum chip in the afternoon. It's a sense of stage sublimation.

Quantum computer research has been successful.

The completion of the quantum computer with 103 qubits has confirmed that Chen Mo has unparalleled "quantum hegemony". In addition to the quantum encryption algorithm, any other encryption algorithm in the world, in the face of quantum computing, is virtually fictitious.

Looking at the quantum computer mainframe with only two mainframe chassis sizes, it is more than 50 times of the total global computing capacity.

Suppressing the excitement, Chen Mo closed his eyes and entered the science and Technology Library.

The success of quantum computer is very gratifying, but what's more gratifying is that the next authority of science and Technology Library has been opened.

Chen Mo is looking forward to the next permission technology.

Chen Mo has seen the same layout of science and Technology Library many times. The only difference is that the science and technology ball is floating in front of him.

The silver light of science and technology ball disappears, only the gold light flows.

The golden light forms a vortex, just like the golden Nebula in the universe, which is very gorgeous.

After a minute, Chen Mo takes back his eyes on the technology ball.

He remembered that when he was promoted to administrator's authority last time, Shu Lao said that from the beginning of administrator, every time he opened the authority of each stage, the science and technology library would carry out a "brain domain evolution" on his brain.The history of science and technology library is too long, carrying countless scientific and technological achievements of civilization.

It's impossible for ordinary people to undertake the mission of science and Technology Library. Only by constantly making the brain domain of ordinary people evolve, can they shoulder the burden and inherit the mission of science and Technology Library.

It is also a kind of luck for him to stand on the shoulders of countless civilizations.

Now shulao is not here. If you want to make brain evolution, it's on this technology ball.

As long as you hold the technology ball with your hand, you can carry out brain domain evolution, which is the content that comes out of your mind, the Technology Library told him.

The pain of the last brain evolution, Chen Mo's memory is especially new.

Now I think it's all numb.

Chen took a deep breath, straightened out his mood, raised his hand slowly and held the technology ball.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

The moment the palm touches the technology ball, it is tightly absorbed on it and cannot move.

The golden whirlpool of high-speed rotation forms the golden thread, penetrates the surface of the technology ball, climbs along his palm, passes through his arms, shoulders, back neck and even the brain.


Chen Mo stares at his eyes. If he can't move, he may be in pain and kneel down.

The golden thread seems to crush all the cells and blood vessels in his brain, tear all the genes into atoms, and then recombine them again and again. At this moment, the whole head is covered with gold thread.

The pain made his body tremble unconsciously, everything lost color, and Chen Mo had only golden light in front of him.

Without fainting, Chen Mo became more sober than ever before, and could not shout out with a taut face.

Seconds are like years. Every second is suffering from inhuman suffering. I don't know how long it will take, and all the pain will fade like a tide. At the moment when the technology ball released and absorbed his palm, Chen Mo knelt directly on the ground, his eyes were dull, his hands were crouching in his mouth to gasp.

After about ten minutes, the sting of the sequelae is slowly subsided, Chen Murai swallows saliva, licks the dry lips.

It's terrible.

At that moment, he thought he was dead, but he was still alive.

Rubbing his head, Chen Mo breathed a sigh and confirmed that it was completely recovered. Chen Mo just focused on the suspended science and technology ball in the central science and Technology Library.

As he expected.

[science and technology administrator ยท gold]

the name is not important, but the next technology unlocked.

Chen Mo put his hand on the ball of science and technology, and a huge amount of information came into his mind in an instant. At the next moment, Chen Mo's face turns black and swears when he sees a necessary project specified above.

You! Big! Sir! Of course!