Science and Technology Library

Chapter 656

Chen Mo thought of the technology ball coming into his mind, a project that must be completed in the [science and technology administrator · gold] stage.

[planetary transformation]

the content of the project is to transform an uninhabitable extraterrestrial planet into a habitable planet.

Chen Mo confirms several times that it is indeed this content.

This is not to build a living base on an extraterrestrial planet, but to transform the planet so that the planet's own environment changes dramatically and becomes a livable planet.

This project must be completed in order to obtain the content of the next authority, otherwise, no amount of technology can be developed.

Transform the planet with manpower.

The process of realizing this project includes countless technologies.

And it's sad to say that the authority of [science and technology administrator · gold] stage and the technology acquired are also only technical theories and materials, and there is no scientific and technological design and drawings.

Transform the planet.

It takes billions of years for a planet to evolve. This project is undoubtedly to shorten the time span of billions of years to his lifetime.

It's just a freak project.

It's the ability to drive God directly to create the world.

After confirming that the project is correct, Chen Mo is too lazy to look at it again. Instead, he focuses on other technologies.

Artificial gravity theory, life medicine formulation and manufacture

Super artificial intelligence manufacturing and theory, neural consciousness connection system and brain wave induction technology principle

planetary bomb design and manufacture principle, nano robot design and manufacture

advanced human potential development pharmaceutical formulation and manufacture, super soldier pharmaceutical preparation Fang

advanced quantum algorithm, design and manufacture of super quantum computer

planetary transformation theory, design and manufacture principle of advanced climate control satellite

Inexhaustible knowledge, inexhaustible technology.

Chen Mo sometimes has difficulty choosing because of too much technology.

"Husband Husband Wake up... "

[planetary transformation] project gave Chen Mo a headache. When he just wanted to acquire technology, Xiaoyu heard some anxious voices.

Chen Mo takes a look at the golden science and technology ball in front of him, turns around and leaves the science and Technology Library. As soon as he opens his eyes, Chen Mo feels cool. Xiaoyu's worried face comes into view.

"What's the matter?"

"Scared to death by you. You were shaking all over just now. You were sweating. Your clothes were wet." Seeing Chen Mo open his eyes, Xiaoyu seems to receive the biggest surprise. The color of worry disappears instantly, and he helps him wipe the sweat on his forehead.


Chen Mo's mind returned slightly. He felt the clothes clinging to the skin, stroked Xiaoyu's waist, and indicated her peace of mind.

"Have you been under a lot of pressure recently? Do you want to rest? " Asked Xiaoyu softly.

"No, it's just a nightmare." Chen Mo holds Xiaoyu's waist and lets her sit on her leg.

"If you are tired, you can have a rest earlier. Would you like to study today?" Xiaoyu looks at the quantum computer suspended on the holographic platform. This is Chen Mo's quantum computer. Xiaoyu still knows. She has seen the design drawing.

As soon as I'm free, I'm busy with this device.

Chen Mo is a habitual offender.

The first two times, they had problems in deep sleep. They were vomiting, dizzy and scared to death. Doctors said they were nervous fatigue.

She was also afraid that Chen Mo would have the same problem.

"Well, not tonight." Chen Mo did not refuse. He took them away from the study.

The next morning.

Xiaoyu wakes up from the dream, the light that the gap of curtain stealthily penetrates repeatedly, turn around to see Chen Mo lying quietly beside him.

After a while, Chen Mo seemed to feel something in his heart and opened his eyes.

They looked at each other.

"What? Do you think my husband is more handsome today Chen Mo joked.

"It's a lot more handsome." Xiaoyu agrees to nod.

I don't know why, when the two people look at each other, she feels that Chen Mo has indeed changed. The change overnight can't say where. Her appearance is the same as when she gets up, but it makes her feel different and more attractive.


"Seriously." Xiaoyu had a sweet smile on his face: "I wish you were a little ugly. Every day, other women miss you. Unfortunately, my wish is doomed to fail."

"I also want to keep a low profile. Strength is not allowed."

"No shame."

Xiaoyu chuckled.

"I'll get up and make breakfast. You can sleep a little longer. Don't exercise today."

"No, it was fine last night."

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"It's up to you."

After Xiaoyu gets up, Chen Mo also gets up, changes the number of fitness clothes and goes to the gym.It's a habit of him. He must keep his physical fitness too high. Because it's necessary to wear armour at all times. It's not good to wear it when you're weak.

"Black Hawk, come on. Two moves."

After warming up, Chen Mo put on his boxer protector and waved to the Black Hawk.

After Wang Hai went to Africa to manage soldier ant equipment company, Black Hawk took over Wang Hai's position.

As Chen Mo's personal bodyguard, Blackhawk's quality is the best of all bodyguards. When exercising, he is also Chen Mo's personal partner. He has been used to it for a long time.

"Good." Black Hawk has no affectation. He puts on his boxer protector and enters the arena.

"Here we go."

Chen Mo reminds me that with a push at his feet, he goes to the Black Hawk.


The sound of the dull collision sounded in the martial field, even the white pearl and other people watching from one side were shocked.

"The boss seems to be quicker and more responsive today than before."


Others agreed to nod.

The boss is a freak that can't be described by common sense.

It's deceitful to be calm and gentle. The boss's force value is not inferior to any of them. I'm afraid that the Black Hawk, who has the highest personal force value, is not sure that he can win the boss.

They can't think of anything the boss can't do except to have children.

Chen Mo also felt today's changes.

The brain processes information faster, thinks faster, responds faster, and sees other people moving slower. All these are the benefits of brain domain evolution.

Now he feels that his brain is like a quantum computer.

It's just that his physical fitness hasn't been able to keep up with the brain's response and make full use of the quantum computer.

Ten minutes later, they stopped fighting.

Blackhawk is obviously relieved. Chen Mo's speed and reaction are much faster today, which puts more pressure on him than before, and he also feels that the boss didn't use all his strength today.

"It's been a hard day, so far."

Chen Mo takes off his protective gear and heads for other fitness equipment.

It seems that looking for opportunities to develop the potential of the body, the current physical quality, really can't keep up with the brain.

In the library of science and technology, there are many technologies for human potential development. After gaining the gold Authority, all technologies within the silver authority will be opened to him, and he can successfully complete the corresponding drugs without spending too much time.

After exercise and bath, Xiaoyu's breakfast is ready.

A light morning.

After breakfast, Xiaoyu sent Wushuang to school. Chen Mo and Mo NV went to the company.

Last night, quantum computer succeeded in obtaining the permission of science and technology Librarian in the golden stage. Now, he has a new project, which is abnormal to the extreme.

I'm afraid that all the research tasks in the future will be carried out around this project.

A headache project.