Science and Technology Library

Chapter 654

In the lab, Chen Mo looks at the bytes of the holographic platform in front of him and thinks.

It's actually waiting for the results.

Now we are using the quantum simulator constructed by quantum logic gate to test the newly designed quantum chip. If the quantum chip is tested successfully, it means the experiment is successful.

The design of quantum chips is at a critical moment.

After a long time of research and a lot of materials in the science and Technology Library, he has found a feasible way to expand the number of quantum bits. If this experiment is successful, it will be the biggest breakthrough.

Quantum chip design, when expanding the number of quantum bits, just like the existing traditional chip design, has a stable and feasible direction.

"The results of the experiment come out."

Mo Nu points to the holographic platform, and an image is displayed on the platform.

The bright spot above is the result of their test. 103 qubits can be manipulated.

His method is right.

In the future, the direction pointed by this method will continue to increase the quantum manipulation and measurement architecture, and the number of controllable quantum bits will continue to increase.

There is no limit to the possibilities of computers in the near future.

With the palm of his rubber glove, Chen Mo picked up the cookie sized chip on the bench.

This is the quantum processor, which has the functions of quantum manipulation and quantum measurement.

The reason why quantum computer is terrible is that it can use notebook size computers to perform the work and calculation of supercomputer servers covering thousands of square meters.

In the future, the amount of computation of computers will increase exponentially, and the old Moore's law will fail. Next comes the new law.

Even if the number of controllable qubits increases by only one every year, the computing speed of the computer will double every year until it grows infinitely. But this law doesn't apply to Chen mo.

"How long does it take to make a quantum computer according to the original design?" Asked Chen mo.

"It's 5:23 p.m. and it can be finished tonight. To be exact, it only takes five hours from the start of printing parts to the completion of assembly."

"Assemble two."

It is not difficult to design quantum computer operating system based on quantum logic.

Compared with the difficulty of quantum chip design optimization, quantum computing operating system is the basic technology of quantum computer.

The programming language of quantum system is a kind of programming language improved by Chen Mo on the original Chinese programming language, which is one level higher than the original programming language logic.

Once the quantum computer is born, it means that information and digital will enter the era of racing.

Suddenly, Chen has a sense of silence. The science and Technology Library in his mind is moving.

The successful design of quantum chip is undoubtedly a great breakthrough.

"I'll have a rest."

Chen Mo left the lab, took off his lab robe and goggles, went to a chair, sat down, and entered the science and Technology Library.

Pushing open the huge door, the science and technology ball fell from the ceiling of the science and Technology Library and was suspended in front of Chen mo.

After the completion of the lunar base and the announcement of the success of the quantum chip, the two technical projects were completed, and the flowing golden light has filled the whole science and technology ball, but it has not overflowed.

Looking carefully, Chen Mo can see the surface of the technology ball, which is covered with a light silver light.

It's only one step away from the golden light full of technology balls.

Chen Mo can be sure that after quantum computer manufacturing is completed, he will have the next authority of science and Technology Library. He is always looking forward to the next administrator permission.

The technology of administrator's silver authority is abnormal enough.

There are many more terrible technologies in science and Technology Library, including super ability development, antimatter manufacturing and control, dark matter, super speed of light technology, space technology, quantum transmission, God particle production and control technology.

Those technologies are the closest to science and myth.

If we master those technologies, for today's human beings, he is God.

He's not sure how many levels are needed to unlock those technologies.

However, when the quantum computer is finished tonight, he will be able to unlock the technology of the next authority, which is a step closer to the highest authority of the science and Technology Library.

Coming out of the library of science and technology, Chen Mo has been vaguely expecting something.

"Go home first, and let me know when the quantum computer is finished in the evening."

Chen Mo tells Mo Nu to take her out of the lab.

"Let's go back by bus today."

On impulse, Chen Mo decided to change his way home and experience the ordinary pace of life in Binhai city.


Mo Nu nods and holds Chen Mo's hand. Like ordinary lovers, they leave the company. They have put on masks and glasses. Black Hawk and other bodyguards can only take off their suits and put on plain clothes, not far behind them.

They usually go shopping with Xiaoyu and Zhaomin. They seldom experience the common way of travel and can't live too far away. Chen Mo also needs to experience the way of travel of coastal citizens now.Compared with a few years ago, Binhai has changed completely.

The city of technology, the city of the future.

This is the description of Binhai city by people all over the world.

The headquarters of marching ant group is located in Binhai City, which is far away from any other city in the world in terms of high technology and development.

In terms of urban development, the city of holography is the symbol of the popularization of driverless public transportation, the completion of intelligent transportation and the use of driverless cars.

On the road, I saw a driverless car, and the people in the car were eating, chatting or playing with mobile phones. Occasionally, we can see young people playing holographic games and some tourists taking photos and sending friends.

These are the normal phenomena of Binhai city.

The roads in Binhai City, even in the peak hours, will not be congested. Big data and artificial intelligence make the traffic and public facilities of Binhai city get the most adequate and reasonable distribution.

The "artificial intelligence plus" plan appeared, and the intelligent SkyEye system and intelligent abduction system spread all over the city. Now the crime rate of Binhai city is mostly creating a new low every year.

Binhai is now an international metropolis and a benchmark city for the development of China.

Almost become the development sample of other cities in China, many first tier cities are introducing the development mode of Binhai city and the achievements of smart city.

There is nothing more fulfilling to see a city because of its technology.

On the bus, there is no seat. Mo Nu cuddles Chen Mo's arm. Both of them are wearing masks and glasses. The people around don't look carefully or know their identity. They just think they are an ordinary couple.

The tall figure and dress of Mo Nu still attract some people's attention, but she doesn't pay attention to it after just one more look.

"I picked up an elite Phoenix when I ran yesterday. It should be able to beat your Chen. Do you want to have a duel?"

The two girls in front of Chen Mo, holding the holographic mobile phone to open it, saw that the bus space was enough, and began to play a pet duel. Chen Mo is also interested in watching this scene.

Pet release skills can be automatic, or human voice control, gorgeous skills, cute and delicate pets, but also into a variety of styles.

Guided by this small game, the public welfare and environmental protection projects of marching ant group are promoted, the marching ant platform is successfully promoted, and the marching ant mobile payment is successfully popularized. It has to be said that the company's R & D personnel are not small minded about the game of pet adventure.

"Big brother, would you like to play?" The two girls who are having their pets fight, look at Chen Mo, who is watching attentively nearby, and send out an invitation to duel.


Chen Mo is slightly stunned and smiles.


Five minutes later, Chen Mo saw that he was beaten to the ground, risking Venus' pet, and was robbed of energy. His face was depressed.

A founder of marching ant lost to two girls when he played his own game.

"Big brother, your girlfriend is very beautiful. Thank you for your energy. Goodbye." When the bus arrived, two girls greeted Chen Mo and left with a smile.

"Go and bring some small gifts to Xiaoyu."

Chen Mo puts away his cell phone and takes Mo Nu to get off.