Science and Technology Library

Chapter 653

The capital.

In a study, there is an old man with a dignified face, Xia Zhan, who is nearly 60 years old. He looks only about 50 years old, much younger than the actual age.

When I heard the Secretary's report, I was a little coagulated.

"Man, what do you think of this?"

"It's so blatant to put pressure on people. It's nonsense."

There was an old man with elegant and dignified face beside him, who was not happy at this time.

"Quick success, quick profit, short sightedness."

Two barrels of oil chairman go to charity party, talk to Chen Mo about cooperation? Although they went there in private, they put pressure on their work in public.

The identity of the two people is there, and they can't help gossiping, which is to lower their overall image.

"The first two old fellows have managed to protect such a pillar. If they make such a fuss and have problems, it's not worth the loss." The leader sighed and shook his head: "at this time, he still cares about this kind of petty profit, which can't be reused."

The old man beside agreed to nod.

The March ant group was founded not long ago. Now it is in the stage of space exploration. Chen Mo is in a day, and there is no limit to the future.

The technology and benefits they get from Chen Mo can no longer be measured by money.

The next journey is a far-reaching sea of stars.

At this time, Wang Qilin and Dai Houlong go to destroy their impression and relationship. If Chen Murong is angry, the relationship will directly break up, which is nonsense.

No matter when, there are always one or two black sheep.

"I'm glad I didn't make a big mistake. Let me deal with them." The refined old man spoke.

If they use special means to annoy Chen Mo, it's a real big mistake. It's just the beginning, and it's too late.

"Well." The leader nodded: "Chao Xin, please inform Comrade Li Chengzhi to come here."


The Secretary nest letter nodded and left the study. He knew that the two had just talked, and it was doomed that Wang Qilin and Dai Houlong could only step in place.


"Want me to work with them?"

Chen Mo looks at Li Chengzhi. He is surprised that he will suddenly come over.

In the past two days, he was in the laboratory, studying quantum computers, and had long forgotten about Wang Qilin and Dai Houlong.

In his opinion, what should come will come. It's useless for him to think too much. Unexpectedly, Wang Qilin and Dai Houlong didn't wait, but Li Chengzhi.

Now, Li Chengzhi is a major general who shoulders Venus. People look very energetic.

"I'm afraid not."

Chen Mo shook his head and refused.

"Do you know what their conditions are? He wants to mine the whole technology of helium-3, or the shares of flying ant aerospace, or the shares of nuclear power group, and give them the management of the market side of the outer space resource project. These conditions let me choose one. How can I give it to them? "

As soon as they came up, they put forward the conditions of hegemony, not to mention that the conditions were too much, and Chen Mo always ate soft but not hard, which meant that they could only return without success.

"I'm not talking about these conditions, so you can find a project to cooperate with them. After all, they all come here in person."

Li Chengzhi said helplessly.

He is a talker. He is also very embarrassed and even embarrassed about these things.

"I worked with them this time. It's not that outsiders thought they were putting pressure on us. We gave in? That night, there were many people watching. I promised to cooperate. It's not good for their reputation. It's not good for our reputation. I don't know what they think. From the beginning, they shouldn't have come here, and they have to be in public. " Chen Mo said.

"They have already alerted the two of them about their coming to you. It seems that they are not happy with what they have done, so I'm here. "

Li Chengzhi points to the above, the meaning is self-evident.

"If it is in your interest, can you find a solution and give them a step down. The elimination of traditional energy sources is speeding up. Those two companies have nearly two million employees. The faster elimination means that millions of employees will be eliminated and laid off in a few years. They are also worried. "

Chen Mo's face slowed a little.

He was assured that they had made their own decisions.

"Solution you need to ask Zhao Min, who knows the operation of the company best. Maybe there is a solution." Chen Mo said, "she is very upset these two days. Go and tell her."

The identity of Wang Qilin and Wang Qilin is not low. If they come in disorder, the marching ant group will have a lot of trouble.

So after coming back that night, Zhao Min has been worried about possible problems.

"What a sin."

Li Chengzhi scolded the two men in his heart and shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Those two guys need to wipe their buttocks for the trouble caused by shortsightedness. Fortunately, things are not so big now, and they are still in the embryonic stage. They can be strangled in the cradle. Otherwise, it will be more trouble, which may lead to trust crisis.March ant group is the leader of science and technology of the whole mankind. With Chen Mo in one day, the future is limitless, not comparable to a little bit of petty profit.

Li Chengzhi leaves Chen Mo's office, and Chen Mo also goes to the laboratory.

The research of quantum computing is progressing smoothly.

With the beginning of the design, to solve the quantum decoherence problem, and to complete the preparation and manipulation of quantum entangled state, the quantum chip has been initially completed, and now it is in the optimization of the chip structure design to expand the number of quantum bits.

Now we have found the breakthrough and method. It will not be long before the 100 qubits of quantum chip he needs can be completed.

In time, the marching ant group will realize the artificial intelligence + quantum hegemony.

In the study of quantum computers, Chen Mo ignored the world.

Soon, Li Chengzhi found a solution in Zhao Min's place.

Five days later, Zhao Min appeared, and marching ant group and two barrels of oil jointly announced that they had reached a strategic cooperation to provide charging technology and help two barrels of oil to transform the national gas station into a super charging station to meet the demand of rapid charging of new energy vehicles. At the same time, it also helped the two countries set up super charging piles in the streets of parking lots in various cities across the country.

A farce, with this kind of solution, ends in harmony.

But this farce is not bad for the March ant group.

Only those who know the inside know how big a person this incident is, and the supporters behind the March ant group. No one will dare to take the idea of the March ant group ever since.

Half a month later, a notice was drawn up from the capital and released to the whole country.

Some opinions on the development of outer space mineral resources, among which regulations clearly stipulate that the outer space mineral resources developed by domestic private and private enterprises are owned by individuals or enterprises, and other individuals are not allowed to possess them for any reason, and the business income can be taxed according to law.

When the news came to the ground, Binhai city officials also announced new regulations to reduce and remit the tax of the outer space mineral resources development company within two years. After two years, the tax will be halved in the next two years.

Two exemptions and two deductions.

Once the rule came out, there was a domestic uproar.

Everyone knows the huge profits from the sale of helium-3 by the March ant group. These new regulations save the March ant group too much tax. The official efforts to support the development of outer space resources are undoubtedly encouraging the March ant group to accelerate the development plan of space resources.

Not long after the announcement of various information about the outer space mineral development plan, the March ant group did not disappoint, and a shocking news came out soon.

The first lunar base for all mankind has been completely completed, and flying ant space company has announced the opening of the moon travel plan.