Science and Technology Library

Chapter 652

The charity auction has begun.

A famous domestic auction seller is introducing the origin and price of the auction on the stage.

They are mainly jewelry, bags and clothes loved by a famous lady, or works of art of antique paintings. The price varies from tens of thousands to millions, but the price is the second. As everyone knows, the auction proceeds will be used for charity, with different meanings.

For people in this circle, it is much more important to obtain fame and network resources than this money.

"Here is the charity auction sponsored by Mr. Chen Mo, a diamond bracelet. According to jewelry experts, there are 13 D-class flawless diamonds, each weighing 1.4 carats, which are of great significance from the numbers. The starting price is 4 million. "

"5.2 million."

"5.3 million."


"Eight million."

When they were fighting for the bracelet, a voice interrupted. Looking for the voice, they saw Chen Mo just coming out of the box.

Wang Qilin and Dai Houlong also came out of it with a smile, as if they had gained a lot. They went back to the main table and sat down, but under the smile, they were covered with unhappiness that others could not see.

"Is this a success or not?"

"I don't know. It's like some kind of cooperation."

All the guests on the stage are talking in a low voice, guessing what cooperation the two sides have discussed, but they can't guess why one came.

On the main table, there are all some big guys. At this time, it's not easy to ask Chen Mo what's going on. They shouldn't be in charge of these things. They watch the charity auction quietly.

"Have some tea."

Chen Mo sits down and Zhao Min hands him tea.

She doesn't ask about the chat. It's not suitable for this occasion, but she believes Chen Mo won't suffer.

Shortly after sitting down, the etiquette lady sent back the bracelet he had photographed.

After all, it's Chen Mo's thing. Chen Mo offered a price, and no one else followed.

Take it up for auction, take it back and walk around.

This is the gift he gave Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu is not willing to sell it. Xiaoyu knows that this is a charity auction tonight. It's just a process to take out. It's just a donation.

The following banquet time is spent in chatting, drinking and auction. In the spare time of auction, the big guys on the stage will talk with each other about investment and business.

But all of us didn't touch the topic of Chen Mo and Wang Qilin.

The party didn't end until ten o'clock in the evening.

"Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhao are abrupt tonight. I hope we can talk more about it next time." Dai Houlong and Wang Qilin shake hands with Chen Mo, smile and turn away.

"What did you talk to them about today? I'm glad to see them. "

In the car, Zhao Min asked curiously.

It's inconvenient to ask more questions at the party just now. Now on their way back, they can talk about it at will.

"They pretended that they wanted to cooperate with us on the outer sky resource development project, but nothing was achieved." Chen Mo shook his head and smiled.

"What conditions have they given?"

"They want to buy out our mining technology."

"I dare to speak, but I'm rich enough."

Zhao Min is astonished.

They are all state-of-the-art technologies. How much does it cost to buy them out? No valuation at all. But no matter how much money they have, they are not afraid. As long as they dare to offer, they can really afford it.

"I didn't agree with them, and then they want to buy shares in nuclear power group and flying ant aerospace, or exclusive authorization to sell them the qualification of outer space resources, and they manage the market side."

Chen Mo said all the conditions they had just talked about.

Take a stake in flying ant aerospace or nuclear power group, get meat from his bowl, and want to manage the market.

The market end is the most critical place for any company. If someone controls the market end, the lifeblood of the company will be in the hands of others. Anyone who knows a little about the operation of the company will not accept that condition.

"Appetite is not small."

"Maybe they think it's natural for us to cooperate with the nuclear industry group and the Academy of Sciences after they cooperate, so the conditions put forward are also a little greedy and domineering."

Chen Mo shook his head and smiled.

"The benefits of outer space resource development are too great."

The cake is too big, money and silk move people's hearts.

It's normal for others to want a piece of the cake. What's more, the large-scale emergence of controlled nuclear fusion technology and helium-3 fuel has shaken the status of two barrels of traditional fossil energy.

If the two countries don't do anything, they will face the risk of elimination.

"Will they be the pawns sent by the top to test what we mean?" Zhao Min said.

After all, the times are different. Zhao Min is not sure what the above opinions are.

Feiant aerospace is a private enterprise, and its strategic resources are in the hands of a private enterprise. No matter how you look at it, others will find it a little inappropriate."It shouldn't be."

Chen Mo shakes his head.

"The cooperation between the artificial intelligence technology and the controlled nuclear fusion technology in front should be clear. We have discretion, and the cooperation is based on our active cooperation.

we have many strategic technologies in our hands, such as ion engine, space plane, battle robot and Amethyst. Which one is not comparable to the controlled nuclear fusion technology? But they only choose fusion technology and outer space resources?

We can think that at most two barrels of oil are facing market difficulties. They want to get benefits from us. After all, the performance there is related to their future. "

The style of the two people is totally different from that of the people sent from above.

Li Chengzhi is often asked to cooperate with him or ask for help, but he is always polite to him, using the tone of consultation and inquiry, rather than putting forward such hegemonic conditions as soon as he comes up.

"It's too complicated and a bit of a headache." Zhao Min is worried.

"It's no use thinking too much now."


Moon, ant cave area.

Now it's the day and the moon. On the high-temperature surface, the robots in this area are still busy.

Not far away is a sector of open space cleared of moon dust. The open space is like a funnel cut from the middle. The slope is not steep. There are gravel pavements and ruts everywhere.

Where the ruts meet, I don't know when a long tunnel has appeared.

At the entrance of the tunnel, it is closed by a ceramic alloy gate, on which the signs of marching ant group and flying ant spaceflight can be clearly seen.

Entering the door of the tunnel entrance, the temperature drops slightly. For the tunnel with a diameter of five meters, the light is not very bright, but the tunnel wall is smooth, which is obviously transformed and reinforced.

The tunnel winds to the depth. Beside the deep parking room, on a branch tunnel, the mechanical door is closed tightly. Behind the door, there is the tunnel. The huge fortress building is embedded in the tunnel wall and sits in it.

A long passage extending from the fort to other tunnels in the cave.

The lunar soil 3D printing robot is continuously pouring and printing molten lunar rock and lunar soil. The gap between the walls is also filled with thermal insulation materials. After all materials are cooled, the whole wall is connected into a solid body.

Other robots do their own work without stopping.

The first phase of the lunar base is coming to an end.