Science and Technology Library

Chapter 646

European Union headquarters, brissell.

At this time, in a closed conference room, two men and one woman, three people are sitting in a triangle on the round table.

Outsiders here must recognize them.

British new prime minister Boris Johnson; French President marcalon; German prime minister who took over the German baton from the German "Iron Lady", known as "little mercar", Anne Gretel renkabauer.

This time I came to Brussels to attend an EU conference.

As there are so many things happening in front of them today, they decided to meet and discuss the future direction and Countermeasures of Europe.

None of the three looked very well.

Because some time ago, they felt betrayal again.

At the same time, the United States, Russia and the three island countries have succeeded in controlled nuclear fusion technology, but almost at the same time launched their controlled nuclear fusion research agreement, leaving them behind.

Now, the controlled nuclear fusion technology of the United States, Russia and the three countries has made progress, while the controlled nuclear fusion technology of Europe has not made a breakthrough.

If we continue to maintain this status quo, in the near future, they will be surpassed and abandoned outside the gate of a strong country.

This is not what they want to see.

"That thing, once again, proves that they can't rely on it. What are they going to do next?" Asked makaron.

Johnson and renkabauer both quieted down and dared not speak easily.

After thinking for a long time, there was finally some movement.

"At this particular time, Europe must unite." Renkabauer crossed his fingers and looked calm: "the wind of historical change is very important. Compared with China, the United States and Russia, we must be united. "


Johnson looked at him carefully and asked her to go on.

"You should all have received some information about the reasons why their three countries have made breakthroughs in controlled fusion technology."

Makaron and Johnson looked at each other and nodded slightly.

It's a little bit of a clue. Their intelligence department tells them about the possible speculation. Now that the United States has released artificial intelligence, they have confirmed the news. And the dispute between Russia and the United States was also very strange. They got a lot of information.

"Then what do you mean?" They both looked at renkabauer.

"Focus on the AI research team to tackle AI and develop advanced AI as soon as possible. On either side of us, we don't have a strong enough technical team and capital. If we don't work together, we can't do anything. Change has begun, and we are not ready to leave the center of the world. "

Renkabauer's words, let makaron and Johnson nod gently.

This woman, who can take over the big stick from the iron lady and take charge of the leading sheep in Europe, is certainly no worse than them.

"What do you suggest?"

"We will focus on the funds and technical talents of European countries, the talents and technologies of different countries, and reorganize the research team. As long as we bring together the best talents from all countries, we will have the best team and all technologies will be successfully shared. " Said renkabauer.

The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, which was established by European cooperation, all of them have reservations. Now it is betrayed in the research direction of controlled nuclear fusion technology, and they are indeed passive.

"If so, this information can be made public at the summit. Now China, the United States, Russia and the island countries are all trying to grab technical talents. If we don't unite, we will be abandoned by the times. Don't expect the United States to help us. The last controlled nuclear fusion technology exit is the reality. "

Renkabauer stopped.

She said all she had to say, and then it was up to both of them to choose.

In this era of technological explosion, they have no choice, or they will retreat to the second rate in the world.

"I agree." Makaron raised his hand and said.

Both looked at Johnson, and now only Britain was left.

After leaving the EU, they are now in an awkward situation, but they are also the top three countries in Europe and one of the top five hooligans. They have been played so many times. If they still follow the United States, they can only be isolated.

"I agree."

Johnson raised his hand, too.



"100 meters..."

"50 meters..."

"10 meters..."

"Landing successful!"

On the back of the moon, the edge of the wisdom sea once again welcomes guests. This time, it's a giant tiannv.

Chen Mo named the melting hole area "ant hole area".

After several months of continuous launching of construction machines and helium-3 extraction machines, today's ant cave area is a bit busy. Whether it's day or night, the machines can work normally.

Now it's the time of the month and the day. We can see that more than ten helium-3 extractors are working. We need another helium-3 extractor to collect helium-3 and store it in the storage tank not far from the slurry tunnel.

There's no sound here. It's as quiet as death."Please note that the transport compartment is open."

Tiannv's artificial intelligence opens the cabin door of the transport cabin, the robot in the transport cabin opens the safety belt of the fixed equipment, all kinds of machinery and equipment start, slowly leave the transport cabin and enter the moon.

With the exception of five helium-3 extraction robots, all the other robots head into the slurry tunnel.

This time, there are a lot of them, and the size of the machine is also a circle larger than that transported by the shennu. There is also a toolbox with several robot drills, so that the robot can replace itself.

A transport robot, carrying the helium-3 collection cabin, arrives at a predetermined position next to the slurry tunnel and puts it down. It takes the collection cabin which has been fully collected and returns to the tiannv.

The one ton collection cabin is equipped with a refrigeration system, and there are 100kg of helium-3 in it. This is collected by the helium-3 extraction robot, which will be used as fuel for controlled nuclear fusion back to earth.

"Earth, this is the tiannv. All tasks are completed. Please return."

After all the robots are put in, the helium-3 collection cabin is recovered, and several robots are loaded with some lunar rocks and lunar soil, the artificial intelligence of tiannv sends out a request signal.

"Return allowed."

In the laboratory of Building 1, Mo Nu received the signal and passed the instruction.

"MEG, the maiden is back."


Chen Mo, who is in front of the experimental platform, responds and looks at the design drawing of the quantum chip in front of him.

This is the quantum chip design drawing made by Mo Nu according to his idea.

The importance of making quantum computer is self-evident.

Quantum chip needs to integrate the quantum circuit into the substrate to carry quantum information processing. There are many ways of quantum chip, including superconducting system, micro nano photonics system, atomic system, ion system and semiconductor quantum dot system.

Chen Mo chose to study superconducting system.

At present, he has room temperature superconducting materials, and the technology of superconducting quantum chip system is relatively difficult to realize.

In the field of quantum chip research, Chen Mo has several technical solutions obtained in the library of science and technology, and combines some theories in reality to choose the best, hoping to develop a more efficient quantum chip.

At present, the difficulty is to extend the decoherence time of qubit.

Quantum coherence refers to the special connection between quantum, by which other quantum states can be deduced from one or more quantum states.

If a string of quantum bits are related to each other, we can regard this string of quantum bits as a "community of destiny". If we deal with one of the bits, it will affect the operation status of other bits. The quantum computer can operate efficiently, which is based on this characteristic of quantum.

Decoherence is the collapse of wave function, one of the basic mathematical characteristics of quantum mechanics.

The simple explanation is that there are continuity probability amplitudes of 0 to 1 states, which suddenly change to a specific function point of 0 or 1 at the moment of "observation".

One image explanation is that in Schrodinger's cat experiment, when Schrodinger didn't open the box to "observe" the cat, the cat only lived in the box with a certain probability, in the superposition state of not living or dying, that is, life and death. When Schrodinger opened the box to "observe", the existence of the cat's original uncertain life and death suddenly changed into reality, life or death, that is, 0 or 1, One of them.

The operation time of quantum computer is affected by quantum decoherence.

The coherence between qubits is difficult to maintain for a long time. Once the external entities are observed, the coherence of qubits will be lost.

In a computer, quantum bits interact with the external environment and decoherence occurs. The time from the coherent state to the loss of coherent state is the decoherence time. If the decoherence time is not long enough, the quantum computer cannot calculate it.

Increasing decoherence time is not only the difficulty of quantum chip technology, but also one of the problems that Chen Mo is now studying and solving.

In addition to extending the decoherence time of qubits, realizing the preparation, measurement and control of spin qubits, Chen Mo is now studying the subject.

Among the technical theories Chen Mo got from the library of science and technology, superconducting quantum interference is the best theoretical technology he can use to control micro quantum states.

In addition, in terms of control accuracy, it is necessary to break through the fault-tolerant quantum threshold before the quantum chip can succeed.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of scalable quantum computing, the error rate of logic operation can not exceed 10 orders of magnitude. In order to achieve this fault tolerance, Chen Mo chooses topological quantum error correction as the research direction.

The topological properties of quantum states are used in the quantum error correction process.

This theory is recorded in the quantum data of science and Technology Library, and there are similar topological quantum error correction theory in real science, which is the highest fault tolerance quantum computing scheme that can be realized by the existing technology.

"Go to the lab."

Chen Mo stands up from the platform, lets Mo Nu store the data of quantum chip design, and goes to the quantum lab. Now the uncertain method is not feasible. He needs to test his ideas and ideas with experiments.