Science and Technology Library

Chapter 647

Tiannv landed at the airport of the flying ant Space Center.

The giant, even if the staff now see it, still looks surprised. It is the most powerful aircraft in the world, and there is no one.

With the help of the robot, the helium-3 capsule was loaded into a transport vehicle and headed back to the Research Institute.

The world's first large-scale collection of lunar helium-3, has announced a safe landing.

This is great news for flying ant space.

Li Ruoxi was at the airport. He saw the helium-3 transported from the tiannv. His tight face was just loose, showing a trace of joy.

She was not the green girl who had just entered the marching ant company in school.

Because of her intimate relationship with Xiaoyu, in order to avoid gossiping, she was placed on top of her own relationship. In those years, she was constantly transferred to various departments, familiar with the operation of the company, and step by step depending on her achievements.

After being entrusted with an important task by Zhao Min, she is now also a strong person, managing one of the most important subsidiaries of marching ant group.

The space field is a completely strange field for her.

Since she was the general manager, she had to go to bed in the early morning every day to make up for all the knowledge about the space field, physics, management experience and operation mode of the space company.

Sometimes she would ask the company's artificial intelligence as a management assistant for some knowledge and technology about aerospace, or ask some professors.

In order to familiarize herself with the space environment, she even participated in the second phase of space tourism training and entered the space tourism once.

If the starting point is not enough, hard work will become her motto.

From the beginning of the amount of anxiety, to now become a leisurely, one-sided female general, she is really growing up.

Now the company is very large.

So far, more than 900 billion yuan has been invested by flying ant aerospace, second only to the controlled fusion power plant of Huaxia nuclear power group.

Build a space base, build a space shuttle production line, build a space hotel, build a moon base and launch a moon resource development project. The terrible cash investment has brought up the scale of flying ant spaceflight, and the maintenance cost is expensive every year.

She is not in charge of the technical department, which is managed by Chen Mo and other expert teams. She is only in charge of the administration and the company's commercial profit projects.

There are not many profitable projects in feiant Space Center, only space travel and commercial launch.

But that is about to change.

As a private enterprise, the center of all work and technology is to serve for "money". Only by making money continuously, can we maintain the operation of flying ant spaceflight, a terrible giant.

The successful development of the lunar base project, helium-3, is a huge turning point for feiant space. Now it's time for feiant space to increase its profits.

Chen Mo has already told her that she can make the most of the company's conditions to make profits for the company, including the resources for moon development.

"It is announced that we have successfully returned helium-3 from the moon. The helium-3 has been developed on a large scale. From now on, we will sell helium-3 to the outside world and accept global orders for helium-3."

"Good." Li Ruoxi's secretary hurriedly agreed to call the marketing department and the publicity department.

Flying ant space successfully transported back 100 kg helium-3 from the moon.

News release, global shock.

Some of the most powerful countries in the world have just announced that they have made important breakthroughs in controlled nuclear fusion technology, but they have not really succeeded. The March ant group has carried out large-scale development of lunar helium-3.

This pace, leaving others far behind.

This is the first time in the world that a company has sold resources on the moon on a large scale. Shocked, many people begin to wonder what the price of helium-3 is.

However, the published price made countless followers almost swear.

One kilogram of 300 million Chinese coins.

It's like stealing money.

When some people thought that no one would buy it, they were disappointed soon.

Shortly after the announcement, the Institute of high temperature plasma of the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced the purchase of 25kg helium-3 for research on controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Immediately after that, Russian officials announced that they would buy 5 kg helium-3 from the flying ant Space Center. The Russian official voice has just been settled. The island official also announced that they would buy 5 kg helium-3.

The two countries announced the purchase of flying ant space company, Europe and India are not willing to lag behind, also sent to buy 3 kg of helium-3. Even Yiguo came to buy 2kg.

If it wasn't for the amount of helium-3 they needed, they would almost start snapping it up.

Shortly after the announcement of the purchase, several countries kept silent. The U.S. officials, who often targeted the March ant group, also came to buy 10 kg of helium-3.

For ordinary people, 311 million kg is very expensive, but for tritium fuel currently used to study controlled nuclear fusion, the price is half the price, which is simply a good price.Several countries that are studying controlled fusion technology have not missed this opportunity.

Helium-3 is the main fuel of controlled fusion technology in the future. They need to use these fuels in advance to study controlled fusion technology. With enough fuel, their research and development speed can be doubled.

In just half a month, the company made nearly 12 billion.

Now it's just that the controlled nuclear fusion technology has not been fully popularized. In addition to the two controlled nuclear fusion power stations that have been put into operation in the world, the rest are all experimental equipment.

If the world popularizes the controlled nuclear fusion technology, establishes hundreds of thousands of controlled nuclear fusion power stations, and runs them day and night, then the flying ant Space Center's revenue of selling helium-3 is enough to scare people.


In the quantum lab, Chen Mo is waiting for the results.

The preparation of entangled states and coherent manipulation of multiple qubits is the core of quantum computer.

Chen Mo uses the cavity quantum electrodynamics system to prepare the quantum entangled state. Quantum bit manipulation is relatively difficult. There are many kinds of particle systems in quantum entangled state. No matter which particle is used, there are very high requirements for the control and measurement of entangled particles.

Now there are superconducting materials, using electronic quantum state is his best research and development path.

In quantum bit manipulation, Chen Mo uses the method of superconducting quantum interference to manipulate the quantum.

To design the electrodynamic quantum control system of the superconducting quantum dot device, we can control the electronic state of the quantum dot by fine adjusting the electrode to interfere with the electron.

Quantum chip design, integrated measurement readout system of superconducting single electron transistor.

Superconducting chip is one of the solutions of solid-state quantum computing. Its advantage is that it has good scalability in technology, can integrate more quantum bits and improve the computing power of quantum computer.

"The results of the experiment come out."

While Chen Mo is waiting quietly, Mo Nu opens her mouth.

A simulated image of the experimental results appears on the platform. The coupled resonance image, the simulated quantum dot, is located at the intersection point. This image is the random walk of qubits in the superconducting chain.

Mr. Chen quickly focused on other data.

The maximum and minimum control errors are in the range of 10 ^ - 6, and the fidelity is as high as 99.99%. This control accuracy has far exceeded the threshold value of quantum gate control accuracy required by fault-tolerant quantum computing.

This result shows that the experiment of 16 qubits is successful.

After checking the data, Chen Mo was satisfied.

In the right way, we can gradually expand the controllable quantum quantity.

The technology requirement of quantum chip is not high. The superconducting transistor chip of micron level can realize the main frequency logic circuit of gigahertz level. The key lies in the number of quantum bits that can be controlled.

Quantum computers can manipulate up to 50 qubits, which is comparable to the current supercomputers.

If the number of maneuverable quantum can reach 100, the computing power of quantum computer can reach 1 million times of the total computing power in the world. Its terrible computing power can make any difficult password of traditional computer be cracked in a moment.

Quantum computer is a real parallel computing computer. As the number of controllable quantum bits increases, the computing power increases exponentially. When the number of controllable qubits reaches 1000, the computing power of quantum computer is almost infinite.

This is the necessary tool for the next information revolution after the age of artificial intelligence internet.

"Go to the next experiment." After confirming that there is no problem, Chen Mo asks Mo Nu to start the next experiment.