Science and Technology Library

Chapter 645

Eva was sitting in the White House with a dignified, calm face and a worried face.

She is the new president, the daughter of the former president, born as a model. After her father was elected, she entered the political circle and became the first princess. Because that stepmother is not very sociable and knows no politics, she almost does the work of "first lady".

Accompany or represent their father on important visits to maintain their international relations.

Born as a model and a famous lady, she is good at communication. She is a fish in water in the political circle and constantly gains fame and exposure in various international affairs. She is also in constant contact with her father in ordinary state affairs, as a think tank or even an assistant of her father.

Over the years, she has become familiar with the politics.

This election, with the help of her father's resources and the accumulation of sufficient prestige, she succeeded in taking over her father's baton and entering the White House with absolute superiority.

But now the world situation is very troublesome.

With the emergence of controlled nuclear fusion technology, the world economy and pattern are undergoing a new shuffle process.

Since China's successful manned landing on the moon and the successful development of helium-3 Resources announced by the March ant group, China is now the leader of global technology. Although they are reluctant to admit it, they are half a step behind.

Maybe not just half a step.

On the desk in front of her is the satellite image of the space center of flying ants sent by the intelligence agency. This behemoth is so advanced that they deploy the space-based weapon platform Falcon in space.

This marching ant group is more troublesome than they think.

"Nick, how is the progress of controlled fusion technology?" EVA looks at Nick.

Nick and others are the legacy of her father's administration. They have enough ability to help her in the early days when she adapted to the position of president.

"The news from the Institute is only one step away from success. But there is another problem, superconductor and some materials. Superconductors are necessary for controlled nuclear fusion. The Institute is transforming the fusion device. Now it is ready to use low-temperature superconductors for experimental verification... "

Nick said seriously.

"Money?" Asked EVA.


Nick shrugged. I didn't expect EVA to know so soon. But EVA is smart, and he doesn't have to work as hard as his father used to.

"Give them, no matter what method they use, the shortest time to bring controlled fusion technology up to commercial standards." EVA said coldly.

China controls the controlled fusion technology, but they don't, which is a barrier.

She chose a different style from her father when she was in the position. Instead of fighting against China, she chose to be strong.

She has studied the situation in China. Now they can't bluff China at all. Confrontation is useless, but it brings them losses.

The world pattern is shuffling. Only when they are strong, can they take more interests in this shuffle.

"Can AI now crack termite systems?" Asked EVA.

They have been sparing no effort to monitor the global network. With AI as a tool, they will have the hope to control the global Internet. But since the previous virus crisis, termite systems have become very popular as well.

In particular, some important enterprises and individuals, as well as most of the Chinese market, have popularized the termite system.

If artificial intelligence can't control termite system, they can't achieve their goal.

"Still not."

"Still not?" EVA sighed and knocked on the information on the table: "what do you think should be done about the March ant group?"

"Even if we are not ready to fight with them for the time being, we need to maintain a sense of existence. Otherwise, the global attention will be attracted by China, and our status and influence will disappear faster. We need to let the outside world know that we are still strong. " Nick said.

"Well." EVA nodded softly: "announce the breakthrough of artificial intelligence technology to the public."


The image taken by the satellite was exposed to the Internet.

For a while, it caused a big stir.

The March ant group has been able to develop helium-3. Now it will build a large aircraft again, which is likely to be used as a means of transportation for building a lunar base and developing lunar capital.

Has the development of lunar resources entered an accelerated stage?

Chinese March ant group, now a unique, the outside world in addition to envy, there is no other way.

With the rise of China and the rise of controlled nuclear fusion technology, the relationship between the United States and the European Union is not as good as it used to be. Under the strength of a single country, it is impossible to do anything about the March ant group.

Not long after the news of the mysterious big plane of the March ant group spread, there was no small movement in the United States.

American Artificial Intelligence Laboratory announced that it has made a breakthrough in artificial intelligence technology and successfully developed advanced artificial intelligence that can assist human beings in scientific research.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately grabbed the limelight of the mysterious big plane of the March ant group.Artificial intelligence technology has the achievements brought by the artificial intelligence of marching ant group. In recent years, many countries and large enterprises have studied artificial intelligence as the most important technology.

However, although there are breakthroughs, they are also breakthroughs in life assistant, automatic driving, intelligent language and human-computer communication.

Now the United States has announced that advanced artificial intelligence can assist human beings in scientific research.

The news shocked the world.

In the past, they only speculated that the March ant group had achieved such a terrible success, which was aided by artificial intelligence. Now the United States has released this truth and confirmed this fact.

The outside world has been optimistic. Next, the United States will enter the stage of technology explosion.

"These damned Americans are shameless."

The leader of the island's prime minister's office turned black.

He knew that the artificial intelligence released by the United States was taken away from him through shameless pressure and sanctions.

Just think about it. During this period, he wanted to kill those shameless people all the time.

He directed and acted in a play, framed them, attempted to seize their technology, and demanded compensation from them. Now he even announced that artificial intelligence is their own achievement.

If he could, he would like them to disappear from the earth.

But no one doubts their words, because the technological strength of the United States has been leading the global development, only recently surpassed by China, but they are still very strong.

"Longyi, how is Tianzhao cracking the technology of marching ant group?"

Lazy to read the news again, the more he read, the more he felt the pain in his liver. Anbei threw away the newspaper in his hand, drank some tea and forced himself to calm down.

After Tianzhao breakthrough, they have the ability to assist in research and development, and they will focus on the reverse cracking of the technology of marching ant group.

At present, the main technology of marching ant group represents the highest level of global technology. If they can crack those technologies and master them by themselves, they will not worry about not keeping up with the development of Chinese technology.

"Hardware technology is easy to crack, but the software technology of marching ant group is very difficult." Said Sato.

"What do you say?"

"We reverse engineer their robot design and holographic projection design. But the soul of machines is software, artificial intelligence, which we can't crack. "

Sato said truthfully.

"Moreover, they have long known that there will be a day when they can crack the technical structure and materials. The marching ant group has applied for a patent. But some good news is that we can master and use this technology, but it's impossible to use them for profit. "

"What about war robots?"

"We don't have a war robot, so we can't know its technology, design and materials. But we designed our own war robots through the sky light. We asked the AI team to modify the AI program for the war robot. The preliminary test showed that the combat effectiveness was good and much better than that of ordinary soldiers. When it is mature, the combat effectiveness will be better. "

"Once mature, let Fujiyama base, mass production of war robots in secret."

An Bei's eyes sparked with danger.

"The world situation is changing. There are signs of chaos. Maybe without a ignition point, the next global shuffling war will be triggered. Be ready. Then, we won't be subject to the damn Americans. After shuffling, we will be equal to them."


"We will not participate in this technology competition. First, we will crack the technology of marching ant group and the technology we originally developed, and we will eat through those technologies to prepare for the future rise."

The Russian president has a dignified look and a wise look.

In front of him sat the Russian President's science and technology adviser, the president of the Academy of Sciences, the Minister of technology, and the scientists of the weapons research and development department, all of which were important tasks in the field of science and technology.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, he was the president who brought Russia back from the brink of collapse and maintained its current strong position. He has more wisdom and courage than any other world leader.

They have been blocked and sanctioned by the United States and Europe for a long time, and their national strength is getting weaker and weaker.

Now fossil energy prices have plummeted, and their losses are not small.

That's why he wanted his agents to rob the island's AI at any cost.

That one, he bet right.

Artificial intelligence assisted scientific research, optimized the controlled nuclear fusion device, and successfully helped the weapon R & D department to develop several long-standing weapon technologies.

Technological breakthroughs are much faster. Now they have signs of regaining their glory. The Americans are staring at the March ant group and China. They want to keep up with them in technology, but they have already lost.

They don't participate in the peaceful development. As long as they can tolerate enough, there will always be a time when they burst out and make a big splash.

At this time, it's not suitable or necessary to participate in this technological competition.

"Tell me when the war robot design is complete." Said the Russian president.

That war woke up the whole world.The terrorist fighting ability of the marching ant group war robot makes the global military community fundamentally change the future war form.

In the future, various machines will become the main tools of war.

Countless technologies condensed by wisdom, in some ways, are much better than human beings.

"To find a way to attract European technical talents, what we need most now is talents. If European technology doesn't break through, once the next shuffle starts, they will be out. "