Science and Technology Library

Chapter 644

In the science and Technology Library, Chen Mo holds the science and technology ball in his hand.

The golden light inside the tech ball, as he thought, has skyrocketed. He can see clearly that at this time, inside the technology ball, the golden light is as big as the ostrich egg, leaving only the outer layer, which is transparent silver light flow.

Football sized technology ball, the distance is occupied by golden light, seems to be only one step away.

The construction of the moon base and the manufacture of the tiannv have reaped a lot, which is the reason why the golden light has skyrocketed.

Now that tiannv is finished, he needs to carry out the next research project.

After a little thought, Chen Mo is sure.

In the past few months, three countries from the United States and Russia have announced major breakthroughs in the field of controlled nuclear fusion technology.

He also has the artificial intelligence of the island country. It has been determined that there are remarkable points, and the level of intelligence is not low. After the continuous improvement and research of the three countries, they have been able to use it as an auxiliary technology, so they can make such rapid progress.

Chen Mo speculated that only the last, or the material, or the superconductor problem, would limit the three countries' controlled nuclear fusion technology to completely break through the difficulties.

Artificial intelligence is the biggest advantage of marching ant group.

Now that other countries are catching up, he has to stay absolutely ahead.

In recent months, three countries have been testing to allow artificial intelligence to remotely invade the network.

Unfortunately, the termite system of the marching ant group has always been the last line of defense, and Chen Mo has moved his hand and foot secretly for many times, making them slow down in the direction of artificial intelligence remote invasion.

But that's not a long-term solution. We have to build an information security network.

In addition, although Mo Nu has been continuously improving in recent years, there has been no periodic breakthrough and upgrading. Now is the time.

The core performance of AI is computing power.

As long as the computing power goes up, artificial intelligence has unlimited possibilities.

March ant group's chip technology, after Chen Mo's transformation, has reached a process of 3 nanometers.

This is the limit of Moore's law.

If the transistor is smaller, there will be quantum tunneling effect in the transistor circuit, and Moore's law will fail.

In the post Moore era, the development of computer chips is mainly in two directions.

The first is to use one's brain in the design of chip's three-dimensional spatial structure, or the second is to determine another feasible direction at present: quantum chip.

Quantum chip and quantum computer are Chen Mo's first choice.

Chen Mo looks at all kinds of technical books that come to mind in the science and technology ball. After several classification and selection, he soon finds the technology he needs.

Principle and design of quantum computer

principle and design of quantum chip

theory of superconducting quantum interference

principle of quantum dot manipulation

theory of quantum polymorphism

quantum non logical operation and principle

principle and characteristics of quantum superposition and quantum coherence

They are all technical theories related to quantum computer and quantum chip design, but there is still no corresponding technology and product as a reference. Both quantum chip and quantum computer need him to understand the theory and then design and manufacture by himself.

This is a new subject.

Chen Mo doesn't pick out any books about the principles of technology related to quantum computers. He accepts them all at once until his head hurts.

There are too many skills to finish.

Even Chen Mo can only sigh.

Chen Mo naohai has a clear concept and direction for the design and manufacture of quantum computers.

Traditional computer can only operate on binary system of 0 or 1, which is called "bit", but quantum computer is much more powerful than this binary operation.

Based on the principle of quantum mechanics, quantum can be in multiple states at the same time, such as the famous Schrodinger's cat's life and death superposition state.

The basic unit of quantum computer is quantum bit. They can operate on quantum bit, and can calculate the value between 0 and 1. This value is infinite compared with the fixed binary of 0 and 1.

Because of the characteristics of quantum, the computing power of quantum computer increases exponentially every time a quantum bit is added. It will never fail like Moore's law. In theory, quantum computer has infinite possibilities.

For example, to solve the equations of billion variables, even though the superconducting computer of marching ant group is 100 times faster than the fastest supercomputer in other countries, it will take several years to solve the equations. It will take hundreds of years for supercomputers in other countries to solve the problem, but only 10 seconds for quantum algorithms to solve it.

The horrible computing power of quantum computer is a technology coveted by the world. The world's top laboratories are studying quantum computing technology, but the progress is slow.

In addition to the advantages of infinite computing power, quantum networks have the most powerful security.In quantum communication experiments, scientists have proved that only the two sides of EPR pair can complete quantum information transmission, and no third party can obtain complete quantum information.

This kind of characteristic is doomed that the information of quantum editing will not be eavesdropped in the process of transmission.

Based on the "Beijing Shanghai trunk line", "Wuhe trunk line" and "Mozi", Huaxia has built a 2109 km long quantum communication experimental network, which is an information network that Mo Nu dare not touch, otherwise someone will be found to have moved the information.

Quantum communication network has absolute security and is the best solution of network information security.

Once the quantum network construction is completed, the information will have absolute confidentiality, and there is no need to worry about the monitoring and information security of artificial intelligence.

In addition to the above advantages, quantum computers have many advantages.

Quantum is in many states at the same time, which makes it have a very good ability of non logical operation.

Chen Mo has always believed that quantum theory is the most feasible way for Mo Nu to evolve and have human thoughts and emotions. In addition to powerful computing power, quantum mechanics, as the most mysterious physical theory, is suitable for the creation of nothing.

The uncertain polymorphism of quantum mechanics, similar to the way of thinking of human beings, is also the most mysterious and fascinating part of quantum mechanics.

Einstein thought that God didn't roll dice, everything in the universe was certain and regular. But quantum mechanics has shown that God not only rolls dice, but also goes where humans can't see them.

In Chen Mo's current cognition, quantum mechanics is almost the most mysterious theory in the universe.

Chen Mo sometimes thinks about whether the highest task of science and technology library is related to quantum theory, as Shu Lao said, but that's not what he should think now.

At this stage, we need to consolidate the basic theory step by step, and then other advanced technologies in the science and technology library can be completed better and faster.

After getting the theory and design principle of quantum computer and quantum chip, Chen Mo began to digest the technical theory, and did not know how long it took before he opened his eyes from the sofa.

Mo Nu is sitting beside him, looking at him carefully.

"How long did I sleep?" Chen Mo rubs his temples.

"Three hours." Said Mo nu.

"So long."

Chen Mo sat up and looked at the time. I didn't expect to digest the theory in the science and Technology Library for three hours.

"Go home first. It's time to get off work and study tomorrow."