Science and Technology Library

Chapter 643

Hangar 2 of flying ant Space Center.

In the hangar, a huge object is displayed.

This is the new plus version of shennu. Chen Mo named it "tiannu". It's a sister version of shennu, but the sister is a little "fat".

Chenmo stood before him, shorter than the wheels of the landing gear.

With the landing gear, the plane is 21.8m tall, 153.7m wingspan and 70.4m long. Compared with it, the shennu looks like a little cute.

This fat girl, even if she has mature technology, plus the equipment and machines specially developed for manufacturing it, costs a lot. Not counting the cost of expanding the base and building the hangar, the cost of building the tiannv has exceeded 80 billion yuan.

In five months, the world is changing. Chen Mo is in the lab, focusing on making the tiannv.

It was not until yesterday that the assembly was completed with the support of the machines in the first area of the March ant group and the workshops and factories of the March ant group.

"All systems were checked and no problems were found." Said Mo nu.

"Open the door and prepare for the test flight."

Chen Mo gives orders.

The assembly of the tiannv is completed, and there is no hint of completing the technology in the science and Technology Library. Only after the test flight is successful, can we determine whether the R & D is successful.

The tall rolling shutter door of hangar 2 rises slowly. This is the first time tiannv has seen the blue sky outside.

In hangar 2, the workers who participated in the assembly of the tiannv were all amazed at the tiannv. This is not the first time they saw the tiannv. Every time they saw it, they couldn't help admiring it.

This is probably the most powerful plane in the world.

All the people left the hangar, and the tiannv started. The ion engine at the end of the hangar was spraying a dark blue flame, and it came out of the hangar slowly, like a phoenix out of the cage, with a powerful momentum.

A minute later, for the first time, a brand-new and huge body was exposed to the sun.

"My God."

"What kind of monster is this?"

All over the world, spy satellites are being used to monitor the intelligence agency of the flying ant Space Center. When they see the satellite image of the tiannv, they cry out.

After the self army ant group announced that it has the technology to develop the moon resources, the flying ant Space Center has become the target of the intelligence agencies of the world's major powers. Several major world intelligence agencies are all under 24-hour satellite monitoring.

The 36000 Mu private space center contains the most advanced space technology in the world, but it is the place that the global intelligence agencies know the least, because the ground intelligence personnel can't get close to it at all.

After the expansion of feiant Space Center is completed, the vehicles seen from spy satellites can enter and leave. It can be determined that there is a big movement in the new workshop.

I didn't expect such a terrible big guy to come out now.

According to satellite images, the plane has a wingspan of more than 150 meters, twice the size of the shennu.

"Are the March ants crazy?"

"What are they doing?"

Countless questions have emerged from the minds of intelligence personnel in various countries. The figure of the plane was sent to the desks of leaders of various countries at the first time. The world's major intelligence agencies are paying real-time attention to the movements of the tiannv through satellites.

Flying ant space base.

The tiannv has entered the airport and the robot is in the cockpit.

The test was carried out by Chen Mo himself. On the screen in the control room, there were various instrument data of the tiannv. Other staff were a little nervous. They were also the first time to test fly such a large plane.

"Start the engine."

At the command of Chen Mo, the ion engine in the belly of the tiannv was started.

The blue fireworks erupted, and a wind appeared in the airport. As the power of the ion engine increased, so did the wind.

"Engine 1 is OK."

"Engine 2 is OK."


"Engine 10 is OK."


"Flight control system is normal."

Mo Nu reports to Chen Mo about the work of various systems of the tiannv, and now it's only the final test before liftoff.

Take off!

As the command fell, the power of the ion engine of the tiannv increased at the airport, and the wind suddenly blew heavily. Tiannv's huge body, in the attention of the public, slowly floating up.

Instead of flying high, the plane hovered in a 20 meter high sky.

"My God, can such a big plane hover vertically?"

"What kind of engine is this?"

Through the satellite image, we can see that the tiannv hovered in the air, and the intelligence departments of various countries mostly fried fryers.

The shennu is big enough to take off and hover vertically. It's terrible. In the moon landing project and space project, the shennu can fly up and down in a vacuum, refreshing the outside world's understanding of the shennu engine.

Now the plane, which is twice the size of the shennu, can also take off and hover vertically. At this moment, the cognition of marching ant group technology has risen to a new level again.It's a monster company.

Some conspiracy theory patients even doubted whether Chen Mo was the future man who came back hundreds of years later.

"Take off."

After hovering for about five minutes, it was confirmed that the flight control system was stable and the ion engine was stable. Chen gave the flight command.

The light of the ion engine soared in a flash, speeding up and rushing to the sky.

With the height rising, all the data on the screen are bouncing. No one dares to relax and stare at the screen, ready to respond. If the plane falls, it can drop a large listed company.

"External airflow is stable."

This is a spaceship. It needs to be tested in space. The control room was inexplicably tense with the rising altitude of the tiannv.

"The altitude is 80km, the external temperature is negative 93 ℃, the cabin temperature is 25 ℃; the cabin air pressure is 101.3kPa, the air pressure is normal, the environmental control and life support system is normal; the flight control and communication system is normal; the power supply and distribution system is normal, and the propulsion system is normal Instrument and lighting system are normal; data management is normal. "

"Height 100 km..."

"Height 200 km..."

"The altitude is 400 kilometers, the speed is 7.9 kilometers per second, the cabin temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, the air pressure is 101.3kPa; the environmental control and life support system is normal; the flight control and communication system is normal; the propulsion system is normal; the instrumentation and lighting system is normal; the data management is normal."


After the test content and completion of the test, Chen Mo gives the return order.

Three hours later, the tiannv returned to the flying ant Space Center and landed steadily. Everyone in the control room smiled easily. Logistics personnel dare not neglect, and quickly go to the plane to maintain the tiannv.

Sitting at the main console, Chen Mo felt a sense of relaxation in his mind.

He knew what it meant.

The completion of tiannv means the completion of a new technology.

The technical difficulty of this goddess is greater than that of the goddess. Moreover, the supporting technology of this project is too much, the project is very large, and the difficulty of research and development is greater than that of the goddess.

The science and technology library only provides the formula of spaceship materials, and other work, including design and manufacturing, must be solved by itself.

This time, the golden light of science and technology ball should be much bigger.

Chen Mo is not sure now. He is far from the next authority of science and Technology Library and how many more technologies are needed.

If you insist on not coming, let it be.

Tiannv returns to the hangar for maintenance. Chen Mo leaves the control room with Mo Nu and goes to the laboratory.

"I'll have a rest and wake me up in case of special emergency."


After admonishing Mo Nu, Chen Mo lies on the sofa and enters the science and Technology Library.