Science and Technology Library

Chapter 635

"Bloody barbarian."



"Can you be more shameless?"

"Can you be more shameless?"

At the gate of the prime minister's residence and office, Sato longyi and Honda stood obediently. They could hear clearly the voices of swearing and smashing things in the locked office.

The prime minister is angry, and they are no exception.

Only they knew how terrifying the impact of the CIA press conference was.

Originally, Tianzhao was robbed. They were already annoyed. The CIA also participated. They didn't announce it to the public, but they chose to hold their breath.

Because of that incident, they formed a confrontation with Russia. Both sides were in the same boat. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, the Americans came up in person and stabbed them in the back.

They are also required to hand over the "Tianzhao" team and program code.

It's obvious that Sima Zhao's heart of the American people has been defeated by the Russians last time. He didn't get the AI program. This time, he chose this shameless means to put pressure on them.

They don't spread intelligent viruses. Who does?

It doesn't matter anymore.

It may be spread by Russians. Americans take advantage of this opportunity to put pressure on them to get AI programs and "Tianzhao" team. It may even be just a play directed and performed by Americans themselves.

But they can't argue that Murakami's team is indeed studying that the Americans have mastered the relevant evidence and can't explain it at all.

Before long, the angry scolding and collision in the office disappeared, and the surrounding area became quiet.

"Come in."

A low and hoarse voice came from the office. Sato and Honda, who were at the door, were shocked by their spirit and opened the door carefully.

When I opened the door, I saw the room full of mess, messy books, torn pieces of paper, broken tea sets, decorations, and Anbei, who was sitting on the chair and looked very black.

"What do Americans say?" Anbei opens his mouth, his voice is cold, and he may choose someone to eat at any time.

"The ambassador sent a message that the White House asked us to hand over the" virus program "and the R & D team of the virus, otherwise, it would sanction US." As soon as Sato spoke softly, for fear of a little louder, he detonated the bomb in front of him.

They all know that the so-called virus program in the United States is the program code of "Tianzhao". The R & D team of virus is the R & D team of artificial intelligence.


Hearing the sanctions, Anbei's face turned from black to red, furious.

Their economic lifeline is in the hands of the Americans. After Tom exposed the news, their domestic economic market has started to shake. The yen has a sharp depreciation trend. Their national financial team is trying to maintain stability.

If they don't deal with it properly and are punished by the Americans, they will experience multiple disasters. The economic market that has just begun to improve will collapse completely and fall back for another 30 years.

At that time, their only global status will be greatly reduced to the third or even fourth class.

It's unacceptable for proud of them.

If it wasn't for AI being robbed, they would use AI to develop science and technology. In a few or ten years, after China became the world leader, the influence of the United States would decline, and they would not be so afraid of the Americans.

But now the Americans are holding on to their fate, and it's up to them.

"Won't they promise us compensation?"

"No, they have to develop virus teams and 'virus programs'." Sato didn't look very well.

They didn't do it. They promised to pay for it. They were already low spirited. As a result, the other side recognized that artificial intelligence was necessary when he died. From the beginning of the whole thing, the other side came for artificial intelligence.

"A group of shameless robbers."

Anbei's face changed from red to black again.

"Tell them that it's absolutely impossible for us to hand over the team and promise to compensate them."

After seeing some functions of AI, they now firmly believe that AI is the key to future development. And those artificial intelligence talents in Murakami waterstop are fundamental.

With those talents, artificial intelligence technology can be improved rapidly. If it is handed over, their losses will not be as simple as some money compensation.

The CIA released its findings.

Things reversed too much and too fast, which attracted much attention at this critical moment. In the early stage, it was a trend of speculation into confrontation between the United States and Russia.

Now it's exposed that island countries are the main culprit for attacks on US networks.

It's a bit of a surprise.

At the beginning, some people believed that there was a conspiracy in it, but it involved the research team of the "Satan" virus. Many people who had encountered the Satan virus incident chose to believe the results of the CIA investigation.

Only through experience can we know how much damage Satan caused at the beginning, which almost shakes the foundation of the Internet, and so far the memory is especially new."Do the islanders want to use those people to continue to develop intelligent viruses and attack the world? In support of the decision of the Americans, the people of this kind of team must not let go, ask them to hand over people immediately, and permanently prohibit them from contacting computers. "

"Terrible team, last time almost shakes the foundation of network security. Fortunately, there is termite system as the last defense line. Later, let them break the defense line of termite system. I'm afraid they want to use computer intelligent virus to control the global Internet."

"Put pressure on the island countries and punish them if they don't hand over the Satan team."

On the international network, there are many people who agree with the American decision to sanction the island countries.

Reports of damage caused by the Satan virus have also been retold. No one can calculate the direct and indirect losses caused by the intelligence crisis until now.

After a "terrorist attack", many people in the outside world are still sympathizing with them. Now, the R & D team that connived at the "Satan" virus continues to develop intelligent virus weapons, making the sympathy of the outside world disappear completely.

Many victims who have been in the "Satan" intelligent virus crisis have turned their sympathy into anger and started to attack Island officials on the Internet.

Heated discussion and criticism spread on the Internet.

The island countries, which were fighting against Russia in the air, had no time for others.

Things continue to ferment.

After receiving the news that the island countries refused to hand over "Satan", the White House officially announced that it would ask the island countries to hand over "Satan" team and "virus program" within one week, otherwise it would launch the sanctions plan against the island countries on the grounds of threatening the security of the United States.

The plan will require countries that are supplying oil and other mineral resources to the island countries around the world to suspend resource exports to the island countries.

As soon as the news of sanctions came out, the world was shocked again.

Americans come to really, this time the sanctions program, almost a blow in the life of the island.

As an island country with scarce resources, there is no controlled nuclear fusion power generation, new energy has not been fully popularized, oil has not been officially eliminated, and other resources are scarce. It offends the bear in the north, has hatred with the surrounding countries, and is almost in a dilemma.

For the United States, which still controls the lifeblood of the world's oil, it's not too hard to cut wool when it comes to sanctions against island countries.

Indeed, as soon as the White House's comments on sanctions came out, they directly caused panic in the island market. On the second day of

, the opening of the island stock market broke down directly, and the depreciation of the Japanese yen created the largest since the end of the economic bubble in 80s.

The island economy, almost in a day, is on the verge of collapse. It has not completely collapsed. The plan has not been officially launched. It is not clear whether the island government will agree to pay people in exchange for the cancellation of the plan by the United States.

Once there is uncontrollable inflation and a sharp devaluation of the currency in the island country, more than half of the country will be abandoned.

The world is scared by the crazy strength of the president of the United States. In order to lose a cyber invasion, the world is going to use its greatest influence to block a country.

Among many countries, the most vulnerable to blockade is the island country, which has always been controlled by the United States in economy and politics.

Because of this blockade, the people of the island countries are angry and scared, angry for the innocent sanctions of the United States, and fearful for the national economy that they may collapse.

They can do nothing but demonstrate.

The outside world also felt a bit wrong about the sanctions. The U.S. response is a little over the top, blocking a country for a virus spread that has not been thoroughly investigated.

Except for the insiders, there is no evidence that Americans are making other ideas.

Soon, the island officials released an urgent message that Prime Minister Anbei would go to Washington with his delegation to discuss the incident.

After the news was released, the collapse situation was relieved, and the panic in the island's economic market slowed down, but many people were still worried.

The next afternoon, Anbei took a special flight to Washington with a think tank and important people to negotiate.

The negotiation lasted for five days, and the "consensus" was not announced until the morning of the sixth day.

The island countries are willing to hand over the "virus program" and promise to permanently monitor the team members of "Satan" and stop studying the "intelligent virus". Finally, they will compensate 13 cities for nearly 5 billion dollars of losses caused by the virus attack.

The White House also promised not to extradite the members of the "Satan virus" team, and the members of the "Satan" team will continue to be monitored by the island countries, and will not be allowed to develop intelligent viruses. All previous sanctions have been cancelled.

Let the news come out to ease the storm.

Only a few countries in the know know that the AI developed by the island countries has been successfully won by the United States by unreasonable means.

A crazy and sensational game came to an end, ending in a complete victory for the United States.