Science and Technology Library

Chapter 634

In 4 states and 13 cities in the United States, unknown computer virus spread, leading to large-scale blackouts, and many companies, schools and supermarkets were attacked by virus, causing heavy losses.

Within a day, many cities in the United States were attacked by the virus one after another.

The news about the spread of computer intelligent virus, broadcast from American radio and television stations, spread into global news.

Another computer virus incident.

This is not the first time.

At this time point, the climax of the war between the island countries and Russia has just passed. The United States agrees with the island countries' proposal, announces sanctions against Russia, and has put them into action.

The sudden outbreak of intelligent virus in many cities in the United States has made the global atmosphere inexplicably tense.

At this point in time, the U.S. urban network was attacked by an unknown virus. The only idea of the outside world for this attack is that the virus attack may be Russia's revenge.

"It's absolutely the Russians who do it. It's not surprising that they even intervene in the general election."

"The whole world should sanction that hateful country."

"They don't know what to do. They think we are as easy to bully as the cowards of the island countries, kill them, increase the sanctions, and let their economy collapse completely."

"That's a terrorist country. We must punish them."


On the first day of news exposure, various media speculation reports appeared, which attracted the indignation of the American people, countless invectives against Russia, and filled the Internet.

At this special time point, Russia was pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

Later, a White House spokesman told a press conference that if the killer of the virus attack is found, he must pay the price. As soon as the official voice fell, the CIA announced its intervention in the investigation.

A large audience began to eat melons.

On the second day of the exposure of the virus attack on the United States, Russian officials clarified in a press conference under the continuous fermentation of public opinion. They have nothing to do with the outbreak of computer viruses in the United States, and they have no idea about it.

It's just that the Russian explanation is not very convincing. The preconceived idea makes too many people think that it must be the work of Russia.

The global atmosphere has become more subtle with each side's arguments.

At Langley's headquarters, Tom is drinking coffee and browsing the latest news.

He has been paying attention to the news of intelligent virus. He didn't immediately clarify and announce the "investigation results". The more the news ferments, the more attention it gets.

The more angry the people are, the less resistance they will have to make to their next plans and arrangements.

Now the media has pushed the incident to the height of the confrontation between Russia and the United States, which has attracted the world's attention and enough attention.

If there is a big reversal, it will be very interesting.

"Are all the reporters here?" Tom looked up at his assistant.

"Here we are." The assistant nodded softly.

"Then go." Tom took a sip of coffee and put it down. He grabbed the "investigation" document and left the office with his assistant.

He could not help but smile at the thought that the islanders were more miserable than he had swallowed Huo Xiaoqiang.

It has nothing to do with him. His task is to get AI technology. Because the technology of artificial intelligence in island countries has been determined, the approximate rate is advanced artificial intelligence.

At the CIA's press conference, journalists from all over the world were crowded and their heads were surging.

This time, when the CIA released the investigation results of the virus incident, the results may be directly related to the trend of global politics and have been paid attention to by the world. Many devices on the field are live broadcast.

In the front row, velisawa was a little nervous.

She is a Russian journalist in the United States. She is very indignant at the comments that Russia is the main culprit of the attacks in the press. However, her country's public opinion power is limited, and it is impossible to affect the direction of global public opinion before they come out.

Too much preconceived speculation and hatred of Russia make people believe that the media's unwarranted speculation is true.

If this press conference, the CIA released the results of the investigation, the blame will be on them, and the confrontation between the two sides will certainly escalate. The already tense relationship between the two sides must be worse than worse.

Suddenly I saw Tom come out from the backstage, and the spirit of velisawa was shaking, and her body was leaning forward slightly.

This is the first time that Tom has appeared in front of the media since taking over the post after the former director Lina's plane crash, or about the investigation of the virus incident.

Tom's face looked a little gloomy, and his bad mood was written on it.

His appearance, let some live reporters on the field specially add a few close-up shots, the scene atmosphere quiet down, some subtle.

"The results of the intelligence virus attacks in four states of our country have come out, which makes us very sorry and angry." Tom's face was calm, he grabbed the document and shook it.

Below a group of reporters, all hold their breath, especially Victoria, looking at Tom."According to our survey results, 13 cities suffered from intelligent virus attacks, which were done by Islanders."



When Tom said the last few words, the scene was as crazy as a brain damaged fan seeing an idol. All the reporters in the front row stand up, and the camera lens shoots at Tom crazily.

The gap of event reversal is too large, which makes everyone confused.

Unbelievable results.

It has been widely said that the Russians retaliated against them, but it was the "allies" they were helping.


The island reporters on the stage almost shouted and stared at Tom with red faces.

And unlike him, the front row velisava almost jumped up with excitement. The CIA said it wasn't them, so it had nothing to do with them.

"Mr. Tom, do you have any proof that the island country did it?" The island reporters could not raise their hands and immediately asked questions, looking very angry.

There were a lot of questions about attacking Russia, but none of them can be used now, and I heard such incredible news.

"We have traced that the hackers attacking 13 cities, IP is the island country's, and the computer virus spreading in 13 cities is the" Satan "virus variety that once led to the global intelligent virus crisis.

After the last spread of the island's "Satan" virus, which caused huge global losses, the island's research and development team of the "Satan" virus, according to the regulations, should now be in prison. But our investigation found that the team's R & D personnel were not jailed and were still leading the research and development of intelligent viruses. "

Tom had the information released.

It is the researcher of Murakami's waterstop team.

The last time the "Satan" virus spread, the global economic losses are immeasurable.

Now, the team members who develop Satan virus are still at large, helping island countries develop intelligent virus?

"According to the address we traced, the virus attack came from the base where they were located. We have enough reasons and evidence to prove that this team did it. We ask Island officials to hand over Satan's R & D team and bring it back to our country for investigation and trial. "


The live pictures of the press conference have been broadcast all over the world through live cameras, and they have guessed the beginning, but the result is such a reversal.

Last time, the shadow of Satan virus was vivid, the global network almost fell, and the islanders also falsely accused it was the work of marching ant group, which was finally discovered.

Now Tom says the Satan virus team attacked them, and most people choose to believe it.

Only the terrible intelligent virus R & D team can cause this kind of damage. When the Satan virus spread, even the island countries lost a lot.

Crazy even attack themselves, what else dare not do?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. It's a frame up."

At the scene of the reception, the island's reporters could not believe all this, and finally left the scene angrily.