Science and Technology Library

Chapter 636

When the United States gets the artificial intelligence it wants, the dispute with the island countries has subsided and returned to normal.

The storm of the world is fading.

The island countries are still fighting against Russia across the air, but it is not so fierce at the beginning. The U.S. has made a lot of small moves and seems to be fully preparing for the next election.

All three countries have AI. They all feel the horror of AI. They don't publicize it to the outside world. They want to keep a low profile as much as possible.

The island countries and the United States still maintain their original relations. In order to fight against Russia, a military exercise was specially held. It seems that the contradiction of the previous period has never happened.

Only the parties concerned know that the two sides have long been at loggerheads.

Now that the incident has subsided, the world is calm again.

Flying ant Space Center.

The goddess is ready.

In the past two months, Xiaoyu and Zhao Min have completed their space training and suffered a lot.

Today is the day of space travel.

At this time, Xiaoyu and Zhao Min have been wearing space suits, and their bodies are covered, with only one head exposed outside.

"Drink this."

Chen Mo takes two tubes of blue liquid from Mo Nu's hand and hands them to Zhao Min and Xiaoyu.

"What is this?"

The two men looked at the liquid in Chen Mo's hand strangely, like some kind of oral liquid. There was nothing special about it.

"A radioprotective agent that prevents genetic mutations in the human body that may be caused by space radiation." Chen Mo explained.

After all, there is radiation in space, and long-term activities in space will lead to gene mutation, which is not good for human body. In order to reduce this problem, Chen Mo found this kind of radiation prevention agent from the science and Technology Library.

The effect of the drug is one week, which will be produced by starfish company and used by astronauts and high radiation workers.

Zhao Min and Xiaoyu didn't think much. They took the medicine and drank it.

This is Xiaoyu and Zhao Min's cabin. Suddenly there is a strange and sharp sound. The translation comes out.

"Red tailed ephemeris, at 42:64:89 on 21 / 74 / 204756, flight 20981 has entered the galaxy, 5142 destinations, Orion, galaxy. It is expected to arrive in 5 years. No habitable star is found..."

Just after the report was finished, the sharp alarm sounded. In a moment, all the sleeping warehouses in the control room of the spacecraft were opened. The pink creatures in the deep sleep suddenly opened their eyes, and there was panic in the red eyes.

"Top alert, top alert, meteorite flow at coordinates a5247, s1547, x24567, impact 5 seconds later, weapon system activated."


The tentacles on the head of the red tailed creature shake, and the mouth sends out strange sound waves.

The whole control room panicked.

The weapon system of the spacecraft has been turned on, all aimed at the direction of the meteorite.


A stream of particle beams flew towards the meteorite, and the hit meteorite exploded in an instant, turning into smaller pieces and flying in all directions.

"Alarm, alarm, hull damage."

"Alarm, the ship is damaged. Please get out of the ship immediately. Please get out of the ship immediately."

The red tailed creature heard the alarm and looked desperate.


The impact of the big meteorite caused the spaceship, which had not known how many years of wandering in the universe, to explode in an instant, and countless pieces and debris of the spaceship shot in all directions.

The largest fragment, along with the meteorite shower, is heading for Orion.

On Orion's spiral arm in the direction of debris flight, the sun still radiates eternal light. The blue earth is still spinning.

"It's beautiful."

On the shennu, Xiaoyu crouches by the window and looks out at the blue planet. Xiaolian is excited. Next to her is Zhao Min, with a complicated look.

Like two children who have never seen the world, the two keep their eyes on the earth.

In front of them, the blue planet with fluorescence is the one they live on. No creatures can be seen. Their huge corporate headquarters are too small to be seen at all.

How big is the field of vision and how broad is the mind.

At this moment, they really feel that human beings are smaller than dust in the universe. For the eternal universe, they are just transient passers-by.

People with unstable mind will lose their fighting spirit if they realize this tiny feeling.

Seeing only excited Xiaoyu, Zhao Min was envious. There is a person to take care of, don't think too much, sometimes still very good.

Chen Mo beside, a calm face.

She now understands that Chen Mo is facing up to the challenge of the universe.

I'm afraid this man won't be willing to disappear into the universe as ordinary as a bacterium.

Chen Mo seems to see Zhao Min's mind, smiles and pats her back, and touches Xiaoyu's head: "pretty, right? Is it the Star River over there or the earth? ""Do you think it's Mo or Zhao Min?" Xiaoyu asked jokingly.

Hearing this question, Zhao Min almost laughed. This question is really interesting.

"Well, each has its own merits. It looks good." Chen Mo said with a dry smile.

"Do you think there are other creatures in this universe, alien civilization?" After Xiaoyu returns to his mind, he looks out of the window at the earth with some emotion.

"Let the great scientist answer you."

Zhao Min and Xiaoyu look at Chen Mo and wait for his answer.

"This question, similar to deep-sea bacteria, is whether there are any other bacteria outside the bacteria living in the pit deep in the trench." "There must be, but they are confined to the deep sea," said Chen

"But isn't there a Fermi paradox? If there were aliens, millions of years before we developed, space travel would have found us. But we didn't find the appearance of aliens, and we didn't find any evidence that aliens really exist. Isn't there any aliens? "

"Well, even these theories are known." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Just heard of it." Xiaoyu said.

"This paradox is a paradox. In fact, in Liu Cixin's three bodies, the dark forest rule is used to explain Fermi's paradox. The main idea is to deliberately hide themselves among alien civilizations and not be discovered by other alien civilizations, so as not to attract the cleaning up of higher civilizations.

But it's just a possibility that not all civilizations will hide from each other, so human beings launched Voyager 1.

There are many possible explanations for Fermi's paradox.

As I said just now, the Fermi paradox of deep-sea bacteria is equivalent to that of deep-sea bacteria. Are there any other creatures outside? If so, why haven't they been found yet? Or evidence that they found us.

They didn't find us, didn't we?

In fact, there is a problem of finding time span here. Millions of years, long for humanity, short for the universe.

Millions of years ago, we were just a pool of liquid. Suppose the bacteria on the sea floor can only live for two days. How many generations does it have to pass on before the day we find it?

Maybe decades later, after a deep-sea scientific exploration, we will find that deep-sea colony, and then in a few decades, we will find another second colony, the third one? The time to find those colonies, sooner or later.

The same question applies to us. Suppose we are a colony in the deep sea of the universe. Is it not the turn to discover us for the time being? After all, space travel is much more dangerous than deep sea exploration, and much wider than the sea.

Of course, you can also assume that the creatures of the universe appear at the same time. We are the fastest generation of civilization. Millions of years later, our universe explored and found that other civilizations, no matter which result, scientific inference, extraterrestrial life exists.

But in the universe, what is the probability that we are the first generation of cosmic civilization? This probability is the same as that of all creatures on earth who think they are the first generation of civilization. The probability exists, but this probability is estimated to be lower than the lottery probability of penguin game. "

Hearing the last joke, Xiaoyu and Zhao Min couldn't help laughing.

"I think it's a little more likely than the penguin game lottery." Zhao Min joked.

"It's so complicated. Fortunately, I'm stupid. I don't need to think so much." Xiaoyu said.

She generally understood the meaning of Chen Mo's explanation, and as for the details, they were not included in her consideration.

"You are afraid that one day the aliens will discover our colony, just like human beings catching specimens, catching you as the target for research?" Zhao Min asked.

"Then I'm determined to be the superbug that infects them

"If we were discovered by aliens, wouldn't we be exterminated directly as described by the three bodies?" Xiaoyu asked curiously.

"It may be, but it may not be, that the dark forest rule may apply to civilizations of the same class, or when the civilizations of two species are close. For example, in the era of great navigation, the Indians in America were slaughtered.

But the same level of civilization, or similar to our level of civilization, the probability of universe exploration to us is too small, and the time span and distance span are too long. It is impossible for a civilization of the same rank to exterminate us unless it looks for habitat like a trisomy.

Civilization exploration far higher than our civilization level finds us, such as exploring Africa and finding a new species of ants in the rainforest. Will we burn the ant nest with a fire? Obviously not. Catch at most a few to study or watch.

If our human intelligence and civilization do not reach their level, they will not be threatened, and our living environment has no value for them, the dark forest law may fail. If we have interests for them, you can refer to the small animals in the zoo. "

Chen Mo looked at the deep space of the universe, said youyou.

The law of the jungle, no matter what civilization, is applicable. That is the essence of the universe,