Science and Technology Library

Chapter 625

Space training base, neutral buoyancy laboratory.

There is a huge pool here. In the pool, there is a space capsule as a simulation spacecraft.

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min's space training has begun. Today's training content is to simulate weightlessness environment with neutral buoyancy.

"Here we are."

Xiaoyu and Zhao Min, who are ready to go into the water, see Chen Mo in diving equipment coming.

"Training together?"

"No, I'll train you in this program." Chen Mo said with a smile.

He went to space and received professional astronaut training. He is the most experienced one here. He is most familiar with weightlessness. He is most qualified to train two people to weightlessness.

Moreover, Chen Mo comes in person, and the team in charge of training will also assist from the side.

"OK, Mr. Chen."

Xiaoyu chuckles and starts to tidy up his diving equipment.

"This training is much harder than some theoretical training, and we should be prepared for it." Chen Mo reminds me.

The training of centrifugal acceleration and the training of weightlessness are very important and very hard. Chen Mo was trained as a professional astronaut and felt very hard.

This one requires a high level of physical fitness, but Xiaoyu and Zhao Min have both used potential drugs. Their physical fitness is better than that of ordinary people, which is not a big problem.

Weightlessness in space is not as simple as underwater simulation.

In weightlessness environment, body fluids will flow to the upper body, so in space, it's like feeling inverted for a long time.

The face will be filled with body fluids and look fatter than usual.

In space, people do not have the concept of southeast, northwest, up and down at all. They will have serious imbalance reaction of balance system and feel dizzy. Therefore, the current neutral buoyancy simulation weightlessness training is only a simulation.

"Go into the water when you are ready." Chen Mo put on his diving equipment and went down to the pool.


US embassy in Japan.

This is the U.S. intelligence terminal on the island.

William haggard has received instructions from Washington to retrieve the island's AI program. Don't expose your identity if you don't have it, at all costs.

As can be seen from the order, Washington is determined to get Ai.

"Samurai, here comes the mission. It says to get the smart app." William picked up a satellite phone on a secret line and said.

"I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome. The confidentiality of AI materials is very strict, and non researchers can't get close to the laboratory. The core intelligent program code needs five secret keys from the chief of the base, Ono Chi, Murakami, the leader of artificial intelligence research, and three core R & D members to be copied. "

"You have to find a way to get smart programs, if necessary, at any cost." Said William.

Advanced artificial intelligence is related to the next era, whether they can maintain a strong key, its value is immeasurable, as long as they can get it, they can pay any generation.

"I need some help." The other end of the phone thought about it before opening.

"What do you need?"

"I'll think about the plan first, and what help I need. I'll talk about it after the plan is determined."


William Hung up the phone, picked up the coffee on the table and squinted.

Since the Second World War, although they have helped the island countries to develop for many times, even as allies on the surface, their covert control has never stopped.

Island countries are the only countries in the world that have suffered from nuclear attacks. They are also worried that this crazy nation will retaliate against them, so they have been controlling the political and economic trend of the island countries.

In the 1980s, there was an upsurge of speculation in the island countries, and the stock market and real estate market were wildly hyped. At that time, the island countries claimed that the real estate value of a Kyoto City could buy all the land of the United States.

Soon after that, he was sheared. Unable to get up after a fall in the economic bubble, the island economy, which is known as the island state that bought them, has been half dead since the end of


They don't simply think that the islanders will be grateful to them for doing so much.

The dog has been abused for a long time, and it will bite back when it is in a hurry.

In recent decades, their penetration of island countries has touched on various fields, and they are all aware of a little bit of turbulence.

A few days ago, the research of artificial intelligence in the secret research base of the island country was successful. Less than half a day after the success of the news, the intelligence personnel spread the news.

The breakthrough of artificial intelligence in China, the development of these years, makes the whole world focus on it. They dream of acquiring advanced artificial intelligence technology.

Now, the successful development of island countries is a good opportunity for them.


Kyoto, the island country.

In the basement of a villa in the suburb, a man and a woman are entwined with red fruits on the sofa.Charming cries and gasps make people blood boil. Not long after, with two excited roars, the battle that consumed physical strength stopped, and the temperature of the hall dropped slightly.

Buss put the woman in her arms and lit a cigarette.

"Do you have a chance to find the right one?"

"Yamamoto's secret key has been copied. He didn't find it. Cangjingjie and Ono Zhi have been hooked, but it's hard for others, especially Murakami. He didn't look me in the eye at all. He only knew how to study. "

The woman gasped and said languidly.

Twisted the body, showing a delicate face, only 20 years old, the standard lovely animal and human harmless Island woman. This kind of face is easy to be cheated by her appearance.

She is not as simple and lovely as she looks, but the KGB installed in the island by Russia.

"Take your time." Buss patted the woman's smooth back, put her on the sofa and dressed herself: "after this success, I will take you out of the island country and go wherever you want."

Hearing Buss's words, the woman smiled happily and nodded heavily.

"But I found something wrong recently." The woman also picked up the clothes to cover the spring.

"What's wrong?" Buss's eyebrows wrinkled in a flash.

"I found that there was a beautiful female researcher in the base who was in touch with Yamamoto, and her intuition told me that her motivation was not pure."


Buss stopped for a moment and turned to look at the pictures on the basement wall.

The map layout of the island's Secret AI research base, the details of the core personnel involved in the AI research and the five people with secret keys are shown above.

Includes family background, relationships and personal preferences.

Buss's brows were frowned together and did not stretch for a long time.

Long Zexue said that there is another group of people who are also making ideas?

"Did they notice you?" Buss asked.

Long Zexue shakes her head.

"I saw it unintentionally, not sure. Later, I paid attention to it deliberately and found that she would meet Yamamoto these days, and had a very good chat."

"Next time you give me her picture, I'll check her details. You stop planning for the moment, don't get close to cangjingjie and Ono Zhi, and then make sure that someone is really thinking about it, and then make plans, so as not to be discovered." Bath said after thinking.

This task is to get the program code of advanced artificial intelligence or kidnap researchers at any cost.

The confidentiality of that research base is too strict, and the spies installed want to obtain intelligent code without any awareness of the outside world. The difficulty of the process breaks through the sky.

If there is a problem in any of the links, it will fall short of success, and it will also scare people.

If there is another group of people who want to plan the artificial intelligence of island countries, there may be other ways to help them get the program code easily.

Buss began to think about the possibility of another plan.