Science and Technology Library

Chapter 624

11 rueyanka square, the headquarters building of the Russian Federal Security Agency.

Leo looked at the information coming back in front of him, with an unprecedented dignified look.

This is the information from the important intelligence personnel of the island country.

Since the last global intelligence virus crisis, the island's AI research team has been targeted by important intelligence agencies around the world.

The United States wants that team, but the island country has not let go. At last, the United States forces the island country to hand over the AI virus program and compensate for the loss, and things settle down.

The island said that the ai r & D team was jailed, but they all knew as intelligence personnel that the top research talents could not be wasted by the island country, or they would not protect the team under the pressure of the Americans.

After a period of investigation, their intelligence personnel already knew that the team was secretly arranged to develop artificial intelligence.

They can't think of the AI team of the March ant group. They can only start from other aspects. After all, their talents in Russia are not as good as those in the Soviet Union.

After several years of intelligence infiltration and concealment, a good news finally came back today.

Major breakthroughs have been made in the research of artificial intelligence in island countries.

This information is out of the question.

The technology think tank of the Academy of Sciences, including the president, has speculated that the reason why the technology of marching ant group develops so horribly is probably the result of artificial intelligence.

Facts have proved that in recent years, the speed of breakthroughs in scientific and technological achievements of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also very terrifying. The reason why it is not known to the outside world is mainly because the March ant group is so popular that the technological breakthroughs of the Chinese Academy of sciences are not noticeable.

Especially after the application of nuclear fusion technology, nuclear physics researchers all over the world are looking for the combination of artificial intelligence and traditional physics, hoping to find a new breakthrough of nuclear fusion technology.

So, since the last president's order to fully develop artificial intelligence, their intelligence team has been searching for top technical talents all over the world.

But artificial intelligence technology has not been a breakthrough.

I didn't expect the islanders to break through again.

Even he has to admire, Asians, it is much smarter than they think.

"Mr. President."

It wasn't long before a video call opened on a secret line in front of him, and it was their Russian president who appeared in the video. Leo dare not neglect, respect to speak.

"Is the news confirmed?" The Russian president spoke.

"Sure. Our agent has been dormant for four years. This is the information she extracted from the people who participated in the research yesterday. " Said Leo.

For some reason, they were unable to arrange information in Binhai City, and were warned many times. Finally, they had to evacuate the intelligence personnel who were trying to get close to the March ant group.

But the March ant group couldn't start. After the last intelligent virus crisis, they focused on the island's AI team.

The situation there is much better than that of Binhai City, so their personnel are developing smoothly.

"Find a way to get their AI programs, or get the talent of that team, no matter what means or cost." Russian president said in a deep voice.

Whoever takes the lead in mastering AI will dominate the world.

This is what he said in his speech.

Unfortunately, artificial intelligence was first mastered by Huaxia, so now Huaxia is developing at a terrifying speed, and top technology has left other countries far behind.

Now there is another opportunity. We must seize it at any cost.

The United States.

Tom also had a piece of information from the island country in his hand.

Last time, the global intelligent virus crisis was very serious. He was not the director at the beginning, but he also knew that at that time, Washington put pressure on the island countries to hand over the team that made the intelligent virus.

But the island didn't hand over the smart team to compensate for the program code and compensation of the smart virus, so as to put out the anger of the countries that suffered losses in the smart virus crisis.

Over the years, the team in their country has also been working on that AI, but little progress has been made. Chinese programming language is a bit difficult for their western research team.

So while they are studying their own AI, they are also looking at the AI research team of the island countries.

For so many years, they didn't act because they knew that there was no breakthrough in the research of the island countries. But now, the intelligence personnel of the island countries have sent back the intelligence, and the artificial intelligence of the island countries has made a major breakthrough.

That group of Asians is smarter than they think.

AI technology is very important, which is the consensus of the global technology community.

March ant group can develop to the scale of today's terror. It was founded on artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence technology is also the most powerful technology of marching ant group.

"It's best for people to find a way to retrieve their AI code and try not to be found." Tom told his assistant.

He didn't want to make it as big as he could. He couldn't help it, and they wouldn't be merciful. If they can't, they don't mind using a stronger approach to compromise the island countries.They don't tear their faces if they don't have to.


At the back of the moon, somewhere in the dark hole, a little red light began to flicker and get brighter and brighter.

Before long, a faint black shadow came out of the hole.

Under the mapping of stars, you can see the outline of the black shadow clearly, which is printed with the symbols of marching ant group and flying ant spaceflight.

It's the little robot put in by the March ant group that last entered the pit to detect.

Drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop drop

The red light of the small robot radar is flashing.

Transferring data

Jianmu 1, which is far away at L2 in Lagrange, directly transfers the data back to the earth.

"Mogo, the robot that explored the moon's craters came out, sent back data, and found the right lava tunnel to build the moon base."

Chen Mo, who was just about to leave the laboratory, stopped immediately and focused on the holographic projection platform again.

"Take a look at the structure and data of the tunnel."

"The crater is the magma tunnel of the moon's dead volcano. Robots found traces of ancient volcanic activity inside. The space is very large, and the molten slurry tunnel is very long, extending in all directions. The robot only detects part of it. When it finds a wide space of magma riverbed, it will go to the ground to transmit data. "

Mo Nu releases the data, and a continuous tunnel system of lunar underground tunnel appears in front of Chen mo.

The extended tunnel did not detect the end, and the specific terrain could not be confirmed.

But the proven tunnel is no longer small.

In particular, the riverbed of the magma River after cooling has a large space, with several tens of meters high caverns.

"According to the survey data, the temperature in the cave varies from - 100 ° C to 25 ° C. the deeper you go, the higher the temperature is, the more constant it is. The average diameter of the tunnel is 4.12 meters. The cave is 42.3m high and 167.5m wide. "

Chen Mo looks at the holographic projection of the tunnel and nods gently.

At present, the caves found are in line with the standards for building a lunar base.

"Mo Nu, according to the terrain of the tunnel, you can design an underground base for people to live in."


As soon as Mo NV's words fell, a round arched base appeared with the cave as the center, and the exit extended to the ground along the tunnel.

Different laboratories, workshops, living areas, entertainment areas, central control area, energy supply room, waste gas treatment system, sewage treatment system are all available.

"The energy supply area is next to the control area."


As soon as Mo NV's words fell, the holographic design changed according to Chen Mo's requirements.

"That's it. First, save and launch the mission. Then launch twenty small robots to collect the data of the underground tunnel system. Make changes later as needed. "

After that, Chen Mo asked Mo Nu to put up the holographic projection, and he also took off the experimental robe.

"Next, is it to the space training base?"

"Well." Chen Mo nodded, "what's the training for Xiaoyu and Zhao Min?"

"The simulated weightlessness training of neutral buoyancy will be started in the afternoon."