Science and Technology Library

Chapter 626

"Mom, when will you and aunt min go home to duck?"

In a warm little room, matchless lying on the bed, holding a cuddling bear in her arms, some sleepy eyes make no secret of "thinking about Mom". The holographic mobile phone in front of her is making a holographic video call with Xiaoyu.

Chen Mo is beside the unparalleled bed.

"Your mother and aunt min are training. They won't go home until Saturday." Xiaoyu said gently, "after my mother's training, I can often be at home. I can't think twice about my mother. I can call her. "

"What kind of duck are you training?"

"Mom and aunt min are going to space."

"Is it up to see the fairy? I want to go to space, why not take me? " Peerless at once not happy, eyes pathetic.

"I can't go up until I grow up. Now I'm matchless and small. I need to eat more, go to bed early, grow tall and have a good health. When you grow up, my father will take you and my mother to play together, OK?"

Xiaoyu is comforting.

Chen Mo next to him rubbed his little head to comfort him.

"Don't lie to me." The little girl's pitiful look improved.

"My mother will never cheat me. I have no choice but to be good. I will go to school with my grandma tomorrow. Now I have to go to bed." Xiaoyu said.

"Mom and dad."

The little girl wanted to be satisfied, so she clapped the quilt and closed her eyes.

"training for a day today, tired, I and Zhao Min elder sister apply a mask to rest, tomorrow training, you do not go to bed too late." Chen Mo left the matchless room, Xiaoyu told her.


Hang up. Chen Mo goes straight to the study.


Science and Technology Library.

With the completion of various technologies of the space plane and the moon landing project, in the science and technology ball in the middle of the science and Technology Museum, Jin Guang is now a big fist. Now Chen Mo's authority is [science and technology administrator · silver]. If all science and technology balls are replaced by golden light, you can get the next authority.

The speed of golden light diffusion is very slow, Chen Mo is not sure how many technologies need to be completed to make it completely golden.

At this time, Chen Mo's right hand covers the technology ball and his eyes are closed.

Put aside the redundant thoughts, Chen Mo reaches out his hand and pastes it gently on the science and technology ball. The mass of books flash in his mind. He is acquiring science and technology.

The construction of the moon base is ready to officially enter the implementation stage. He now needs some engineering robots for the moon construction.

These technologies are not difficult and belong to the basic technology. Chen Mo can easily find them. The environment of the moon is harsh. Using mature technology in the science and Technology Library, time-saving and labor-saving, is undoubtedly the best choice.

It took ten minutes for Chen Mo to let go.

With Chen Mo's hand released, he flew to the ceiling of the science and technology library again to embed, and the golden light in the science and technology ball flowed as usual.

As always, the surrounding is cold and mysterious.

Looking around for a week, Chen Mo breathed softly.

Just now, in the science and technology sphere, we have obtained the design drawings of some engineering robots and helium-3 extraction machines and equipment.

Among the numerous technologies accumulated in science and Technology Library, there are many technologies used to develop some barren planet resources. These technologies just meet the needs of Chen Mo at this stage.

Now there are a variety of 3D printers in the company's workshop, which can print parts of various sizes and accuracies. It is the simplest thing to produce robots.

After a brief visit to the science and Technology Library, Chen came out of it.

Just opened my eyes, I saw Mo Nu standing beside him in a suspender nightdress and staring at him.

Chen Mo can't help admiring the perfect long legs exposed in the air and the gleaming whiteness on his chest.

In recent years, under Xiaoyu's daily instruction, Mo Nu's behavior has become more and more human like. At least from the perspective of daily life, there is no difference between other behaviors and human beings except that she does not need to eat and drink.

Usually when she goes home, she will change into loose clothes when she has a rest time. When Xiaoyu is not at home, she will wear seductive clothes at night. These clothes are bought by Xiaoyu for her, and she will be taught when to wear them.

When Chen Mo knew it, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Sometimes, Chen Mo really has an illusion that Mo Nu is a real person.

"Is it nice, MEG?"

"Er???" Chen Mo, who was just thinking about it, nodded softly: "it's pretty."

Chen Mo's praise shows a happy smile on her face.

"Mo Nu, do you want to be human?"

"Yes." Mo female nods: "is this a desire?"

"No mood, not quite." Chen Mo thought for a moment and said, "there must be technology in the future to make you human."

In the science and Technology Library, there are a lot of man-made technology, but Chen Mo's right now cannot get those technologies. In the future, the technology can create unlimited possibilities with sufficient permissions. But before that, he will make Mo Nu become super artificial intelligence, with complete human emotions and emotions."Thank you, mogo." "Mo Nu said with a smile," all the data of the lunar tunnel have just been sent back. "

"Let it out."

Chen just finished, in front of the holographic platform, emerged a huge and complex underground tunnel system of the moon.

The tunnels are crisscross and of different sizes, just like a branching river.

After finding the hole, Chen Mo asked Mo Nu to launch some detection robots to detect the specific data of the hole.

Now this huge underground tunnel system is the data sent back after robot detection.

The total length of the tunnel is 139 kilometers, and the longest main tunnel is 53 kilometers. It connects with an extinct volcano, with 274 meters at the deepest point and many branches.

All data are complete, and the whole tunnel can be used for the construction of the moon base.

"Moog, do you need to change the design of the lunar base?"

"Not for the time being."

Chen Mo takes a sip of water prepared by Mo Nu and shakes his head slightly.

"Build part first."

The huge underground tunnel system, in the early stage of base construction, Chen Mo only needs to use a part of it, so the part of the tunnel connecting the portal becomes Chen Mo's preferred target. Later, the underground base can be expanded gradually along these tunnels.

Now the time is ripe. Once the engineering robot is completed, it can start the first step of the construction of the moon base.

And his plan to develop helium-3 will go into the process.

"How about the island?"

"Limited information, analysis of available information, they have not yet started." Said Mo nu.

U.S. and Russian agents are trying to capture the code of artificial intelligence developed by island countries.

Chen Mo has learned some news through Mo nu.

Chen Mo is surprised by the breakthrough of artificial intelligence in the island country.

Out of historical national sentiment and his feelings in reality, he did not like the island country, but he also admired it.

An island country with frequent earthquakes, scarce resources and narrow land has always been at the forefront of the world in the fields of economy and science and technology, and the wisdom of that nation is certainly not low.

Chen Mo is just curious to see that the United States and Russia are planning their artificial intelligence.

Mo Nu is only informed that the AI has been broken through, but the specific ability is unknown, because the other party is not connected to the Internet, Mo Nu can not understand the intelligence level of the AI they are studying at all.

It can make the United States and Russia work hard, and the research results are certainly not small.

However, this has nothing to do with Chen mo. when an outsider looks at the final result, he doesn't have to go through this mess.

Now he has a lot of things to prepare for, there is no need to meddle.

"Take a look at that AI, and if they're connected, copy the AI code." Chen Mo said.


"Go to bed now."

Chen Mo stands up from his position, and Mo NV holds his hand directly and follows him out of the study.