Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1050

"Old Boss. " Xiao Li showed a flattering smile, a little embarrassed.

"Just now you said I was making a fool of myself?" Chen Mo asked.

"Nothing." Xiao Li said solemnly, "the adjutant said it."

“???” Xiao Li's adjutant faces a question mark.

"Well, I don't mind. It looks like a bit of a farce in any way." Chen Mo didn't care to wave his hand: "I came here to try my current ability. If you cooperate with me, maybe you can win Soren League in one fell swoop."

"Yes." Xiao Li stopped and looked serious.

"Do you know where their king soron is?" Chen Mo asked.

"I don't know. During the war, the king's place of refuge is a top secret, which can't be easily known by the outside world. Their hiding places are constantly changing, and it's difficult to determine because they are afraid of being assassinated." Xiao Li looks at Chen Mo, who is an exception. As a leader of power, he came to the front alone.

"And their headquarters?"

"The same, top secret, just a disguised headquarters, more than 10000, let alone others."

"Then find a line of defense where they have a war department and a garrison of stars. There should be one." Chen Mo said.

"In the rainbow bird star." Xiao Li pointed to a red punctuation in the star map: "boss, is this too risky? In fact, you don't have to take risks. I can solve this battle without too much haste. "

According to the information he has received, there are great differences within the Soren alliance today.

The biggest problem is the emergence of a second commander-in-chief. Neither side of the two parties can do anything about it. Neither side is willing to compromise. On the surface of unity, there is a gap between them.

Both the Wang faction and the wild faction should serve their respective interest groups. No doubt, the combat effectiveness of the divided teams is greatly reduced, but they have no choice but to give up their own interests.

As for blocking the marching ant group, they wanted to, but could not. There was a gap between the two factions in the former Soren alliance. Even if Chen Mo did not come over, Xiao Li was confident of winning the Soren alliance. It was only a matter of time.

"I have a sense of propriety."

Chen Mo didn't answer Xiao Li's worries, but asked him to transfer all the information about Cainiao star.

"Next, I'll follow my lead and find the highest level of Soren League. Then I'll control them and kill them all. At that time, you'll follow my orders to cooperate with the attack. I'll test my ability. "

"Yes." Xiao Li nodded heavily.

Although he is against Chen's coming to the front line, Chen Mo's ability is undoubtedly terrifying. Even their own people do not know the depth of the boss, let alone the enemy.

Cainiao has the strongest defensive fortress in nearby constellations. Star River is an intermediate general star, as a co-ordinated general star, stationed in Cainiao star.

Although it is possible to command the war Corps from a long distance, there must be a general in some places to make changes according to the actual situation, especially the star fortress of special importance.

The rhythm of the battle was so intense that they suffocated.

Now, the second commander-in-chief named by the senior leaders of the Soren alliance has been in place. The War Department of the Soren alliance is divided into two parts, which are under the control of two commanders, regardless of the order.

This is the most troublesome.

In Soren alliance, Soleil and rolley are competitors in Soren alliance.

One faction of the king, one of the opposition.

Wang faction is a faction composed of the core high-level members who support king soron's inheritance, while the opposition faction is a faction composed of high-level members who oppose king soron's inheritance.

So now there's a big rift within the Soren League.

Because this is a multi civilization alliance, in essence, there should be no hereditary situation of the throne. However, because of the powerful power of the Soren civilization, it dominated.

At present, the senior leaders of other alliance civilizations are all against the inheritance of Soren alliance, otherwise it is easy to have the problem of uneven distribution of interests of alliance joining civilization.

The appearance of the two commanders in this war is a very good performance.

But it's not his business.

If they are assigned this team to the commander of that team, they will obey their orders.

, as usual, rewards Xinghe in the command department, collating information from various defensive forts, and then scheduling planning.

This is because it is near the central axis of the front line of the battle between the two sides. No matter which Galaxy you are going to support, the jumping distance here is the shortest. With this advantage, Cainiao is now an important place for troops.

There's a dark matter storage planet, an endless stream of war machines that are being developed here and sent to the front lines of the fighting.

All of a sudden, a warning came to his mind, and he felt an invisible wave spreading. His brain was in a trance. He saw a very terrible thing.

In front of him, a three meter high space opening appeared.

A man and a woman two armor slowly appeared in the cave.

Their armour made him feel special, and he didn't know where it was.After seeing Chen Mo's face clearly, he stays at the star river.

The legend of Chen Mo, the leader of the universe, has been handed down for a long time. However, the man did not find the safest hiding place in the star territory of the marching ant group. He actually appeared in the enemy camp wearing armor.

I can't believe my eyes.

Enemy attack!

Appreciating the Star River wanted to shout, but he found a more terrifying thing.

His body can't move, his body's mind is not under his control. This means that he loses control of his body, like a puppet controlled by some unknown ability.

He couldn't even call out.

Not only he, but all the soldiers were frozen in the same place and did not move.

The brain consciousness of all life on the scene is controlled by Chen mo.

Seeing Chen Mo coming to him, the fear in his heart is deepening step by step, and his face is pale.

What if this happens at the top of the Soren League?

Watching the Star River, my eyes are dark, I dare not think about going down.

"There's a lot of mental activity."

Chen Mo smiles, slowly reaches out and touches the brain of the star river. It takes a long time for him to let go. His face is full of confidence.

"Good harvest, at least know the planet where King Sauron is hiding."

From the memory of appreciating the Star River, we know that the high-level of the core of Sauron alliance is hiding on the planet, but we don't know the position of the general command. As Xiao Li said, the position of the commander-in-chief of the operation is constantly changing.

Originally, he didn't know the position of the core high-level, but only a friend let him know when he said something carelessly.

It was a surprise.

Otherwise, Chen Mo will go to his superior and do it again.

"Today, you see nothing."

"It's over."

Seeing Chen Mo enter the space passage, he subconsciously thinks of two words in front of his Xinghe clothes, and then he is in a trance.

Chen Mo erases what they remember just now, and tears up space with Mo Nu to go to the next target. His next target is the planet where the core of the Soren alliance is hiding.

The next moment Chen Mo disappeared, all the life of Cainiao star, which was still in place, resumed its activities. However, every life lost its sight. They did not remember what had just happened, but in retrospect, it seemed that nothing had happened.

All kinds of instructions urge them to put themselves into the busy again.

Sauron seventeen.

The top of the Soren League is in a frenzied row.

As for the appointment of the second commander-in-chief, the question of dealing with the marching ant group, there are other issues.

The scene of the quarrel was so fierce that the conference room seemed a little noisy. King Soren sat in the first place with a frown and a headache. Next to him was the speaker of the Sauron League, the leader of the wild faction. At this time, he was sitting in silence.

These differences did not appear overnight, but formed in the hundreds of thousands of years since the Soren alliance was formed. The war and rumors were only the fuse to let the rebels seize the means to weaken King Soren's power.

Soren alliance is now in a weak position. It can't be compared with marching ant group in terms of general star, war department and technology.

With their strength, they can't compete with marching ants, so we have to look for other countermeasures.

Some high-level advocates attaching to the divine level civilization and introducing the protective umbrella of the divine level civilization, while others advocate promoting the forces of the thousand star land to form a grand alliance to jointly fight against the marching ants.

Suddenly, a voice appeared out of time.

"It's quite lively."

The voice is not loud, but it appears in each of them, clear and audible.

Almost at the same time, the debate in the conference room stopped abruptly.

In the meeting room, a space hole appeared, and two battle armour divisions appeared together, sitting on the empty seat opposite King Sauron.

At this moment, all the senior leaders of Soren League changed their faces.

"Who are you? Why are you here? " A member of Parliament was horrified.

"Me? You should know each other. " Chen Mo's and Mo's women's helmets are folded up, revealing their true faces. He also grinned at the court.

"Chen mo." A councillor exclaimed. Chen Mo's face, which he was not unfamiliar with, was the marching ants in charge of this man, which made them in a dilemma: "how did you come here?"

The whole scene was silent, and they were all in shock.

"I'm here to watch. Do you believe me?" Chen Mo said with a smile. It took him a long time to find this place.

"Delivery to the door?" A congressman grinned grimly: "sentry, catch him, control Chen Mo, the whole marching ant group belongs to us."

The sentinels in the conference room just wanted to attack, but found that their armor quickly melted into one. Besides, their brains don't work. The brain consciousness of all life on the field seems to be held by a big hand, which makes their consciousness uncontrollable.The king of Sauron and the speaker of the great council were greatly changed.

What kind of ability is this?

The ability to travel through space and control the consciousness of all life is almost incomprehensible.

Is this the ability of the marching ant group to control?

"That's a good idea. What do you want?" King soron opened his mouth with a gloomy face.

"It's no use saying too much. Let's talk about how to deal with the Soren League." Chen Mo's voice is not big, but the huge conference room is clear and audible.