Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1049

As usual, Mutu took a dart gun and left the tribe. Along with several tribal soldiers, Mutu left the tribe with the leader.

This time, it's a tribal war.

Their Mu Niu tribe and their rival's hukko tribe are enemies.

In order to fight for the territory of liutu grassland.

The liutu grassland is the most important hunting ground near them. One third of the tribe's food comes from its prey.

They have been fighting with the hucko tribe for a long time.

In the past few contests, they have won, but the Hume tribe has never given up and will launch an offensive against them every time.

This time, the most intense, both sides suffered a lot.

If they win this time, they will be able to annex the humko tribe and become the largest tribe group nearby.

Both sides have gathered in liutu grassland. There are hundreds of soldiers on each side. They are a little stronger than the Huke tribe, and there are more than 40 soldiers in each side.

It's not hot today. You can see all kinds of wild animals in liutu grassland. Mutu tightly held the spear in his hand, waiting for the leader's order to attack.

The soldiers on both sides are beating stone drums and bone weapons.


The roar of the leader's attack sounded, and both sides attacked at the same time.


Just at this time, the invisible wave spread, all the soldiers ran more and more slowly, and finally stopped at one place, staring at each other.

The wild animals on the grassland are all fixed in place. If the breeze doesn't move the grass, they will think that the time of the world is still. This is happening in every corner of the planet, and almost all conscious life is standing still.

I don't know how long it took. It seems that it was just a gust of wind, and the world recovered as usual.

The soldiers of the two tribes looked at each other and then turned to their leader, who looked at the wild animals on the grassland.


The two leaders took the lead, and the two tribes that had to fight together to hunt wild animals together showed a very strange picture.


The man who controls all this is standing in outer space with a smile on his mouth.

He is Chen mo.

Beside Chen Mo, the purple emperor glances at him in surprise.

Chen Mo's learning ability is too strong, after copying the purple rhyme ability, he began to teach Chen Mo how to use this ability.

Not long after that, Chen Mo was familiar with the control of mind, and his ability reached the star level. He even felt that Chen Mo still kept his strength and didn't use all his strength.

Among Chen Mo's abilities, there is also the ability to tamper with memory and change consciousness, which is terrible.

Even though the purple emperor was well-informed, he had to marvel at so many strange abilities in one.

Is this still human?

Ziyun looks at Chen Mo with a complicated look.

Chen Mo's ability was copied from her, but she watched him surpass her step by step in a short time. This male life is like a group of fans, never see what his cards are.

And now, she feels strange about Chen mo. after being read from her memory and copying ability, Chen Mo knows all her privacy and secrets, but she doesn't reject Chen Mo, instead, she gives birth to a trace of closeness.

It's hard for her.

She never thought that she would feel close to a man's life.

"Next you don't need me to teach, and I can't either." Purple emperor youyou said.

"Thank you so much these days." Chen Mo said.

"Since I promise to stay with you, I can't eat and drink for nothing." The purple emperor looked down at the planet still in the primitive tribal civilization era and said, "you are the most special life I have ever seen. Your ability is beyond the existing ability system and is equivalent to a God."

"Gods?" Chen Mo also looked down at the planet in front of him: "gods are just higher life than us. Just like for life on this planet, I am a God. I can move mountains and fill the sea and fly away from the earth, but I am not a God. "

"What are you prepared to do in your eagerness to learn to master this ability?" The purple emperor asked this question for the first time.

"What? I don't know. I just feel like I need to be stronger and stronger. I have my mission to accomplish. " Chen Mo grinned.

He thought of the science and Technology Library.

Until now, the last task of the science and Technology Library has not been disclosed to him. No matter what method he uses, he has not solved the final mystery.

"The mission of inheritance in your hands?" Purple rhyme suddenly asked.

Chen Mo was surprised by her sudden opening.

Strictly speaking, science and technology library is indeed an inheritance: "how do you know that I have inheritance?"

"Not only me, but the forces of the whole universe, as long as they are not stupid, should know that you hold the inheritance of a certain top civilization. Otherwise, it is impossible to master so many, such terrible technologies in such a short period of time. " Purple rhyme light said.Chen Mo thinks that it is.

Other top forces have come step by step with the scientific and technological accumulation of tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years of various civilizations. It takes tens of thousands of years for the worst top power to develop, but it only took him a few decades.

The only explanation is that he has the technology left over from the top civilization.

In fact, it is just that it is not the inheritance of the top civilization, but a heritage beyond the God level civilization.

"Just luck." Chen Mo said.

Ziyun did not speak, did not agree, nor refuted.


"You're going to the Soren League?"

The news that Chen Mo is going to the front line almost makes LAN and Zhao Min jump up, including Xiaoyu.

As the leader of one side, he wanted to go to the front line, but he didn't think about it.

"The great men of your hometown have said that when he wants to use his gun, the Legion will be finished. As the leader of one side, you should understand this truth. In ordinary times, the skill of fighting is not a problem, but you can't go to the front line. It's not an arena. The opponent won't keep his hands because of your high status. On the contrary, the firepower is concentrated on you. " Lan said solemnly.

Zhao Min thought: "I don't support you in this matter. As the Lord of one side, your safety is the sea god needle of the whole marching ant. "

Xiaoyu is calm, but his eyes are full of dangerous light.

"Come on, I'm ok. I'm just going to try my ability and equipment, and I won't die. I always need a testing ground for this equipment. " Chen Mo said.

"You have not been hit by space weapons and the speed of light. No one can tell what the consequences will be. I don't support you to take risks." Lan said firmly.

"If we succeed, we will win the entire Soren League without a single soldier."

"Although the harvest is very attractive, but the risk is the same, I do not support you." LAN firmly shook his head and said, "once there is an accident, the whole marching ant will have a big problem."

"It's settled. Mo Nu and I have the ability to control space. Don't worry." There is no doubt about Chen Mo's words.

Everyone looks at Xiaoyu and hopes that Xiaoyu can persuade him.

"Go ahead. If there's an accident, I'll find someone to marry." Xiaoyu calmly finishes and turns away.

Chen Mo's face is green.

LAN held back a smile, turned to look at other places, pretending not to hear.

Zhao Min chuckled and didn't speak. She looked indifferent. Seeing Chen Mo's eyes for help, she could only shrug her shoulders: "it's none of my business. I'm standing on the opposite side and won't coax her for you."

However, Chen Mo has no choice but to keep up with him and still has to do Xiaoyu's work.


"What? Is the boss coming? " Xiao Li and Black Hawk received the news, which was unbelievable.

It is a disgrace to their subordinates that the masters of one side have to go to the battlefield.

If his subordinates have the ability, does Chen Mo, as the leader of the forces, need to go to the battlefield? Even if it wasn't for that reason, they didn't feel good.

Even if their command center is far away from the front line, it is equally dangerous. No one can say for sure that their headquarters were found by their opponents that day, and then they were assassinated or bombed in space.

Here, if you're not careful, something big will happen.

"Instructor, can't you persuade the boss?" Xiao Li and black eagle have solemn faces.

"I can't persuade you. My wife has lost her temper. He still wants to go there. So you should pay attention to protect the boss and don't let him have any problems."

Chen Mo's security is more important than both of them. Their war department can be destroyed, any one of them can die, but Chen Mo can't do anything.

During this period, he could not take any risks or even expose his whereabouts.

"Isn't that nonsense, boss?" Xiao Li muttered.

"Who's messing about?"

A faint voice appeared in his mind. Then, in front of them, a space hole appeared, and the figure of Chen Mo and Mo Nu came out.