Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1051

"If you want to control the Soren League by this means, you may not underestimate us, do you?" King Sauron said in a deep voice.

"Yes, there's a kind of way to defeat us on the battlefield." Said a member of Parliament.

"This kind of abuse means, want to conquer our Soren alliance? No way. "


There was anger and reluctance on the faces of several members.

"They're tough."

Chen Mo can't help laughing. These guys are very hard on the mouth, but their hearts are full of twists and turns. Now he can see the consciousness of these people. They are all thinking about how to get away from them in fear.

But it's definitely not possible to fight him. The chips he took can't be returned to these people.

"In fact, I have a hundred ways to deal with you, just to give you a chance. But it's not to make you feel like you have a bargaining chip for conditionality. "

Chen Mo looks at Mo nu.

She walked up to the nearest member of Parliament with her palm covering his brain.

On the field many Soren League high-level pupil shrinks, the heart vibrates, has a kind of bad premonition.

After a while, the ink girl let go.

The congressman stood up and went to Chen Mo's side and said, "my Lord."

"Zelin, you betrayed the Soren League?" The speaker's face was angry, staring at the high-rise, his body was shaking with anger.

"I just want to tell you the fact that I can tamper with your memory and consciousness, and then enslave and control you, including all life on this planet, and even go to your family's planet and enslave your people."

Chen Mo waves. Then, Mo Nu goes to another member of Parliament, reaches out and covers his head. Then the third, the fourth

At this moment, all the members of the court suddenly changed color, with a lot of fear in their eyes.

What would happen if they were enslaved?

They will no longer be himself.

"No way, no way." The speaker's voice was unbelievable.

"You can only control us. You can't control the Soren League." Said King Sauron sharply.

"You have the highest decision-making power and the highest authority of the Soren League. I control you, quite control the brains of the Soren alliance. What do you think I can do?" Chen Mo knocked on the conference table and said calmly, "this war should be over."

King Soren, like a gambler who has lost all his chips, slumped uncontrollably in his chair.

He knew that the Soren League was over.


After a "meeting", the core leaders of Soren alliance are quietly changing.

Chen Mo's unexplained ability has taken the entire Soren alliance's core high-level almost completely. Except for the generals and stars who went out to fight, the highest authorities in charge of internal affairs and logistics were under control.

As for the minutes of the meeting, all of them have been destroyed. The outside world does not know what happened at the meeting.

The Sauron alliance is not even aware of such a meeting.

However, the top leaders of the Soren league are controlled by Chen mo. after that, Zhu He and LAN take over the next shuffle.

The whole Soren League is in the process of being cleaned up. With the highest control and decision-making power in their hands, the secrets and military arrangements of the Soren alliance are transparent in their hands.

Having been engaged in intelligence work for many years, Zhu He's methods are very cold.

Using the power and decision-making convenience of the high-level, they quickly completed the infiltration and control of the core high-level groups of Soren alliance. In the eyes of the outside world, this is just a normal struggle for power and profit, which is customary.

Together with soli and roller Xi, they are also controlled quietly. When they react to something wrong, it will be too late.

In the meeting room, soli and roller Xi sat opposite each other, and they could see their helplessness from each other's expression.

They don't even know when to start, and the top is under control.

The marching ant group is like opening up.

Chen Mo didn't tamper with their memory and consciousness. Relatively speaking, they were generals and rare talents. Once changed, two elite generals will be destroyed.

"Now that you have a multiple choice question, you should all know what the multiple choice question is." Lan said.

They were silent for a long time.

They knew that there was only one chance. If they agreed, their families would still live a good life. If they did not, their families would not suffer too much hardship, because the Soren alliance was almost the bag of marching ants.

The only difference is the status of their families and ethnic groups.

They are generals and are used to any means, because the battlefield is not limited to the use of any means, as long as victory, any means is a good means.

They have to admit that the other side succeeded.

I just can't imagine that I was not defeated on the battlefield, but defeated by such means.

At no cost, the marching ants control the entire Soren League.During this period of time when they did not find out, the marching ants had controlled the most core areas and resources of Soren alliance, and even they were sitting here as the commander-in-chief of the war department.

The control of the marching ant group is irreversible, and they can't break free.

Ordinary people, they don't care who rules. They only care about whether their lives are good or not. They are worried about whether they will suddenly perish in the bombing of space weapons one day.

As for the high-level officials, including King Soren, they are now elevated and become puppets of endorsement.

Under the control of the marching ant group, they have no chance.

"In the battlefield, there is no enemy, only the opponent, who becomes the king and defeats the enemy. You can make another choice, but there will be other stars to replace you, and then their families and populations will get resources and preferential treatment to revive, your families and populations will decline, it will be the survival of the fittest in the universe. Of course, no matter what you choose, I will not embarrass you. "

After a long silence, rolly said in a low voice, "I want to retire."

"And you?" LAN looked at the side of sori.

Rolly is a veteran and it's no surprise to make this choice because he has feelings for Soren League.

Among the two generals, he was more optimistic about soli. From the beginning of the battle, he could see the potential of soli. He was young. After polishing, he would be a sharp blade of the marching ant group.

"I need to think about it." Said sully.

"Well, I'll give you three days to think about it." LAN is very generous to say: "the rise and fall of civilization, should not be limited to the replacement of the dynasty, you are a smart general star, I believe you will make the right choice."


Three days later, soli walked out alone and went to the war department.

Five days later, Ruxi suddenly retired and handed over all military power to sori.

Ten days later, the marching ant group and the Soren alliance declared a truce and the two sides began negotiations.

One after another unexpected news, so that the forces around the war can not find the clue. The totally unreasonable trend of the war makes the generals who deduce the direction of the war situation feel as miserable as eating a dead cockroach.

All the war trends that they had deduced in the early stage were invalid.

Fifteen days later, King Sauron held a press conference of the whole league, publicly signed a letter of descent, and declared his unconditional surrender. Sauron Alliance Star territory and joined the army ant group.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was in uproar.