Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1048

The night owl War Department occupies the ghost bird star, like the seed of a parasitic flower, embedded in the skin of Soren alliance, where it takes root and sprouts and grows savagely.

With the establishment of star fortress and the successful construction of space connector, the ghost bird star connected with other star regions of the marching ant group, and the continuous support began to enter the galaxy far away in the Soren alliance.

The results of dark matter destruction appeared before. With the supplement of equipment and more crazy attack by Xiao Li War Department, the galaxy group of Sauron alliance which lost dark matter resources quickly disintegrated under Xiao Li's iron armor.

The star field occupied by the marching ant group is getting larger and larger.

At the beginning, soli, who was still calm, gradually lost his composure and became impatient. He launched a crazy attack on the star territory occupied by Xiao Li. However, Xiao Li seized on Soli's psychology that he was in urgent need of military achievements, and made a big plan to annihilate an elite War Department.

That war shocked the Soren alliance.

Wars and skirmishes are constantly encroaching on the defense line of Soren League.

Xiao Li's advance speed is not fast, but steady, like a soft knife, is slowly cutting each other's flesh. It's not fatal, but it's a step-by-step attack on the opponent's confidence.

Successive failures hit Soleil.

When soli was ready to fight back against Xiao Li, the tactical style of the marching ants changed again. Kunpeng War Department began to emerge and dominate the rhythm of the war.

Kunpeng War Department with a fast style, play a ghost like effect.

The fleet of their war department will never be able to track, its purpose is elusive, and its tactical rhythm is so fast that it is astonishing.

Originally adapted to the pressure and playing methods of Xiao Li's War Department, in the face of a sudden change, his heart seemed to be thrust into a stone, and he felt uncomfortable holding his breath in his chest.

With the joint efforts of the two generals and stars, sori's pressure is enormous, and there is also pressure from within the alliance.

But he didn't collapse. Instead, he was more aggressive.

Since he became the commander-in-chief of the Soren League, he has not played against such a strong opponent in the battlefield. If he can win this time, it will be a perfect stepping stone for his road to the top generals.

Top generals.

Soli's eyes were fanatical and firm, and he didn't feel too tired after a long battle.

Now both sides are killing red eyes. Warships and war machines are constantly being sent to the front line. The war situation is unprecedented fierce.

Both sides are scrambling for their own rhythm.

Obviously, the rhythm now belongs to the marching ants.

As a veteran general, sori knew that the rhythm of the war was not tactical, indescribable, but very important. Once the war falls into the rhythm of the other side, there will be a rhythm trap and be led by the nose to advance the war according to the layout of the other side.

That's very dangerous.

Xiao Li did a good job in controlling the rhythm of the war.

From disrupting the layout at the beginning, then attacking dark matter stealthily, and then concentrating firepower to attack the weak points of the opponent, now he handed over the leading war to the Kunpeng War Department and made a great mess of his layout.

From the beginning to the present, the whole war has been advancing in accordance with Xiao Li's layout and ideas.

So they always take the initiative.

The forces who were paying close attention to the war were also surprised by the speed of the marching ants. The combat departments of some forces began to gather intelligence to deduce the war.

The marching ants once defeated the war headquarters of the divine civilization. No one can tell whether they want to fight the marching ants in the future. Therefore, they are collecting as much information as possible about the marching ant's combat department to study their combat style and methods.

"Judging from the current situation, the marching ants are absolutely active, and their rhythm is very good." Yan said in surprise. It is really surprising that the night owl War Department and the Kunpeng War Department can advance the war so quickly.

One of the biggest concerns of the black ants is to follow up with their opponents. With the advance of the war, what surprised him was that the strength of the night owl War Department and Kunpeng War Department exceeded his imagination.

Yan turned his head and said to Tong Qing, "I'm afraid we have to reevaluate the overall strength of the marching ant group."

Judging from the combat ability and layout ability of the war, Xiao Li was excellent in the layout and control of the war rhythm, and some tactical means were old-fashioned.

In addition, there are Black Hawks, which have distinctive fighting styles.

They all have a lot of room to go up.

In addition, they are only two of the marching ant's war departments, not including the wood protection department which resists ming'a, and Wang Hai, who refuses to fight against the battle.

Every one of these generals can stand alone.

On top of it are two top generals, the silver haired Fox and the mandala.

In interstellar war, the layout of top generals is very important, but the general stars of the war departments below are equally important.

Ming'a is very strong, but there are not many outstanding generals and stars below. He can't control tens of thousands of battlefield conditions by himself, let alone command emergency response on the spot in each battlefield. If ming'a had such a strong general as the marching ant group, the underworld civilization might have been another end.Tong Qing's eyes were withdrawn from the star map, and he said faintly, "did you underestimate their strength?"

"My Lord, there is a new situation in the Soren League."

Tara enters the war room and interrupts their conversation. Tong Qing and Yan stopped together.

"Rumors have emerged in the Soren alliance that Soren is incompetent and that he needs to change the commander-in-chief. This incident began to spread among the people and has reached the ears of the senior leaders of the Soren alliance." Gou Xuan looked at the information and his face was strange.

"Still playing like this?" The color of surprise flashed in the eyes of fox Bing Xin.

"A large part of the victory or defeat of the battlefield lies not in the battlefield, but in the rear." He thought it was right.

At the beginning, it was taken away from Hongqiao by Lagerstroemia indica civilization, and was rejected by Wang Hai. One reason is that there is no support from the rear. After that, she and the War Department crossed half the universe before returning to the white star civilization. During this period, she grew up a lot more than before, and also had a deeper understanding of the war.

A rumor about "Soleil incompetence" spread among the Soren alliance's star regions until it reached the ears of the Soren alliance's senior leaders.

Rumors are well organized.

Sori is the son of King Sauron. It is rumored that he is a second generation depending on his father. It seems that he is powerful, but actually he is incompetent.

In the past, there was no big war and a strong opponent to muddle through. Now, in front of the big opponents, they are vulnerable.

At first, the high-level of Soren alliance only thought that it was the means for the marching ant group to disintegrate their high-level unity, but after the successive failure of major battles, the smell of rumors changed.

What happened on the front line seems to confirm the impotence of the rumor.

Even if you don't believe it, it's impossible to put all the notes on soli. Now, the top leaders of Soren alliance are ready to choose to create suspicion and competition within Soren alliance, and to divide Soren's power.

The life of spreading this rumor is not good in itself.

As to who the forces behind them are, it is impossible to find out, and no one is sure whether it was the marching ant group or the fierce competitors of Soren civilization.


"What a mean trick." A general star was indignant.

All the generals on the field looked at soli, the leader.

They are aware of the difficulties and pressures of this period of time. If other generals were replaced, they would have collapsed as early as this offensive and pressure.

Sally did well enough, but he was labeled incompetent.

"Don't say that. On the battlefield, meanness is a kind of praise." Soli was strangely calm.

Knowing that this was a plot against him, he was unable to refute it.

Because so far, he has not won a major battle, but the star field of Soren alliance is slowly being eroded.

All of his subordinates fell into silence. After a while, a general opened his mouth. His heart was unwilling: "don't you lead your nose like this? I know it's a conspiracy. Isn't that a fool who dances in politics when he changes his command

There was a dead silence on the field.

As generals and stars, they all know that it is taboo to change commander-in-chief. Despite the low morale, the new commander-in-chief's layout without a thorough understanding of the trend of the war, as well as the style of the opponents, will make their disadvantages continue to expand.

Drop by drop

The Ministry wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of communication.