Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1045

The purple emperor lived in a manor. The sky was blue, and there was only the smell of grass and soil in the air. The tall buildings in the age of science and technology are very good places for a living planet.

Promise Chen Mo to stay on earth, and purple emperor lives here.

Originally, he was in semi seclusion. If it was not for Zijun, he might have lived a carefree life in an underdeveloped planet in the universe.

Staying in the marching ant, Chen Mo also forces him to do what he needs to do, and his life is completely free.

What he does every day is to accompany his relatives to go shopping and shopping.

When Ziqing wakes up, although she has lost all her memory, she still has a natural sense of trust in her "strange" uncle, so she rejects him. Purple emperor accompanied her to study and live again every day.

For the purple emperor, there are some regrets, but this is the result of the revolution.

"How are they?" Chen Mo asked.

"Good recovery." The purple emperor looked at the house of the manor with a look of regret: "the memory is lost, and their living ability needs to be relearned. These are very simple, not life problems."

Now the purple emperor seems to be less of that kind of terror, temperament is much softer than before, more like an ordinary uncle. This kind of change, let him have a trace of human feelings.

Chen Mo saw all this.

"Do you like life here?"

"To me, it's all the same there, but this time it's a little different." Purple emperor's voice with a little emotion, this is not before appear: "say, what's the matter with me this time?"

When he promised Chen Mo to stay, he knew that he still needed some strength when he needed to. Not to mention, he still owes Chen Mo a big favor.

"There's something wrong." Chen Mo is not affectation, cut into the theme: "I need your ability."

"My ability?" Purple emperor looked at Chen Mo in a puzzled way: "how to say that?"

"I want to * * your ability."

"*" my ability? "

This sentence makes the purple emperor who has seen big waves feel surprised.

He thought that Chen Mo needed his help to finish some tasks or to do something. With the gratitude he owes Chen Mo, he will not refuse even if it is a big deal.

But Chen Mo's answer was beyond his expectation.

Supernatural power is mysterious since ancient times. The ability of * * other life is only found in super power movies and literary creation. In reality, we have never heard of any life with the ability of * * other divine civilization.

That thing is mysterious and mysterious. I can't think of how to * *.

Clone? Cloning is not possible.

Above advanced life, the difficulty of cloning increases exponentially. The higher the life, the more complex the gene code is, the more difficult it is to clone. They have never heard of the successful cloning of divine life. What's more, even if * * succeeds, new life will not necessarily awaken to supernatural powers.

Or does Chen Mo have the super power of other life abilities?

Chen Mo * * and Zi Di talk nonsense. At this time, it is easier for both sides to understand and accept: "I am now learning some means of consciousness control. Your ability is similar to that of consciousness control, so I want to learn from it."

"Do you still have conscious manipulation?" Purple emperor looked at Chen mo.

"This is my Xiaoyu's ability to control my family. She is not deep in the development and research of manipulation consciousness, so I want to try your mind control."

Purple emperor's mind control, can control the life of a planet.

This ability is terrifying.

It is in his control that ZIWEIXING's ' s ' s " is completed.

"What needs to be done?"

"You need to open your mind's defenses and use this ability, and I'll sense it." Chen Mo said that this is how he came to Xiaoyu's ability.

Purple emperor pondered for a while, and finally shook his head: "I'm afraid not. My consciousness is too defensive against the outside world, and my memory is angry and murderous. I almost instinctively resist other consciousness. If I'm not careful, I will hurt you."

Chen Mo was stunned and began to think.

He didn't think the purple emperor was lying to himself.

Purple emperor's experience there, growth is accompanied by blood color and killing, normal life can not bear that kind of pressure, anger is normal.

"But there is a life that can meet your needs." Purple emperor did not wait for Chen Mo to open his mouth and said: "she also has mind control, but it is relatively weak, but suitable for you. She is my student. Ziyun, you should know."

Chen Mo's mind immediately comes up with the shadow of the woman Lagerstroemia indica.

"You * * her ability, I will teach you to improve this ability, with your talent, you will be able to advance quickly." Said the purple emperor.

"Yes." Chen Mo agrees to come down.


when she found Ziyun, she was in a coffee shop, quietly reading books on the earth, not caring about the curious eyes of the people around her from time to time.Very quiet, very cold, as if the purple lotus of independence.

She was immersed in her own world and indifferent to everything around her.

At this time, Ziyun is wearing the skirt of human beings on earth. Because of her purple fluorescent skin, it looks a little special, but it doesn't seem awkward. On the contrary, there will be a different aesthetic feeling. Chen Mo doesn't know how to describe it.

However, this woman has a strong adaptability. During this period of time on earth, she is actually integrated here.

In a short time, she learned the language of the earth, the way of life and work and rest of the earth. What she does every day is to go shopping, see the scenery of the earth, taste the food of the earth, and don't care about other things.

If it was not for her appearance, she would not be regarded as an alien.

She is still as cold as ever, it seems that the trivial things in the world have nothing to do with her.

Her indifference is not indifference, but is indifferent to everything around her as if she can see through the world of mortals. She seldom has mood fluctuation.

Chen Mo and she have seen each other many times, but they have not seen her show too many expressions, like the joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

This female life has always been invisible.

Purple emperor saw purple rhyme and said, "Purple rhyme, you help Mr. Chen Mo for me."

"All right, teacher."

Ziyun looks at Chen Mo and nods slightly.

"Mr. Chen Mo wants to control his mind. I'm not suitable here. You give him * *" Chen Mo has no relationship with her, but also has human relations. It can only be said by Zi Di, who is the teacher of Ziyun.

Purple rhyme's cold eyes showed rare surprise, looking at Chen Mo: "can you * * super power?"

In Mu's Tianxing, Chen Mo showed a variety of terrifying powers, which shocked life in the universe. Now, she can't help but be surprised. Chen Mo's ability is beyond the scope of divine life.

"Yes." Chen Mo denied.

Purple rhyme returned to her normal appearance. She asked Chen Mo what she needed her ability to do. It was useless.

Chen Mo, as the leader of a force, and she is a high-level hostile force, will certainly not tell her what to do with her ability. From a normal point of view, if you have the * * ability, you can see that you can use it as your own.

"What do I need to do?"

In response to Ziyun, Chen Mo * * is surprised: "cooperate with me. You need to release your consciousness. I will connect your consciousness and sense your consciousness fluctuation. Then you can release your ability and I will imitate it." Chen Mo said.

"Connection of consciousness? Do you want to read the memory? " Purple rhyme looks a little unnatural.

As a * * life, to let go of her consciousness and memory means that all her secrets will be known to the other party. If their relationship is really close to each other, it doesn't matter if they are secret. Now they are not familiar with each other, which is the embarrassment.

"The process will inevitably touch the memory, if you mind, you can refuse, I will think of other ways." Chen Mo said.

The process of his and Xiaoyu's ability is very natural, because they are husband and wife. They are entrusted to each other physically and mentally. They are secret and defensive. But purple rhyme, if the other party mind to be touched memory, Chen Mo will not be forced.

Purple rhyme thought for a long time before looking up: "I can cooperate with you."