Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1044

The "hand of God" is a stellar class, which has a preliminary strategic significance.

This kind of weapon is not a space weapon or a light speed weapon.

Space weapons and light speed weapons can also be used for defense through space interference and interference. Super energy weapons do not have the means of defense for the time being.

"Now that the manipulation of consciousness is mature, the hand of God can be used." Chen Mo said.

Xiaoyu's ability, Chen Mo * * has come. Her ability is mainly consciousness control, which is very special. It involves the super ability of controlling consciousness. Chen Mo is learning because Xiaoyu's development level is not high.

But it's a long way to go.

At present, Xiaoyu's conscious manipulation has only developed to the point that although all of them have been successful, they have also achieved a lot, causing them great losses.

The strategic inventory of dark matter has been threatened unprecedentedly. The inventory has been reduced by one-third, and has been damaged.

It's a time of war, and the price of dark matter is rising again and again, and as a strategic material, the number of God level civilization sold is becoming less and less, and a third of its inventory has been destroyed, causing heavy losses to them.

If all dark matter is destroyed, what happens?

King Sauron did not dare to think about it.

"What a marching ant. He has a big appetite. If he wants to swallow the Soren alliance, he is not afraid to be held up." King Sauron destroyed the information in his hand and was furious. After thinking about it, he still turned on the communication device. Now he is here, he can't feel at ease.

A light life appeared in the hologram frequency, similar to King Sauron. He was the most satisfied son of Sauron 326 and the commander-in-chief of the Soren alliance, sori.

At this time, his face was obviously not very good.

"Father, what is it?"

"How is the war?"

Sauron 326 restrained his anger. At this time, he could not put too much pressure on Soli, nor dare to interfere with each other. He did not know the situation of the war, but interfered with the rhythm of the generals. The consequences would be very serious.

"The loss is under control." Soli's eyes were sharp and his voice was a little low.

"Can you deal with them?"

"Yes, now that their intention emerges, it's easy to deal with it. Their troops are too scattered and need to regroup if they want to launch a large-scale fortress attack. We just need to guard the dark matter warehouse and not give them a chance to drag them into the mud. "

Soli's voice was still cold. This time he was attacked and suffered a great loss, which made him very angry.

If you have a big appetite, you should also be prepared to die.

Although he was heartbroken to lose the inventory of dark matter, the intention of the other party was clear. It was almost impossible for a small team to attack their dark matter warehouse again.

Within their star territory, the marching ant group has limited antimatter energy and limited weapons. As long as their defense rhythm is not disordered, it will not be long before the other side's tactics will go bankrupt.

At that time, it is time for them to counter attack.

Sori is the commander-in-chief of the Soren alliance. With his own efforts, he coordinates the battle Department of the Soren alliance. In the universe, he is also a famous general and star.

He also has his courage, marching ant group can attack them, he will not be afraid of each other.

As a general, he is very confident in his ability and judgment.

Hearing of soli's self-confidence, King Soren was calm, but he was still very worried. His intuition told him that the marching ant group was not so easy to deal with: "well, don't underestimate the enemy. They are the generals and stars of the marching ant group. This force has always been mysterious and strange."

"Yes." Soley nodded slightly.


"Xiao Li's hand is very beautiful." Wat wood saw the war report, some surprised.

In several war departments of the marching ant group, they often use virtual reality technology to exchange tactics and know each other well. But this time, they were surprised.

At the beginning of the battle, except for the night owl and the high-level of Kunpeng War Department, other generals and stars did not know the real intention of Xiao Li and black hawk.

At the beginning, it was a mess.

In the whole Sauron League, there were wars in every line of defense, but the thunder and heavy rain were small. From the beginning to the end, there was a large-scale offensive and defensive war.

All the generals and stars in their marching ants thought that Xiao Li was just testing each other's reality.

Until at last the tusks came out.

For a general, a perfect war is a fatal temptation to them.

Not surprisingly, the reputation of Xiao Li and the Black Hawk will rise to the top in the battle of Soren alliance.

They often fight with each other because of the training of the marching troops. Because of the same conditions and resources, no one would like to be the bottom of the list in the exercise and training assessment, otherwise, it would be very shameless.

Now Xiao Li and Black Hawk join hands to give Soren alliance such a hand, which really surprised them.

They admire this layout and tactics.Even if you give them command, you can't think of Xiao Li and black hawk. The combination of the two will give full play to the advantages and styles of the two World War departments.

"It's a little risky, a little crazy." Rao is the sinister style of the great Mazu. He has no idea about this kind of war.

Wat Mu fixed his eyes and fixed his eyes on the hologram: "seek wealth and wealth in danger. Fight according to the rules and regulations. I'm afraid this war will take a lot of time."

This sentence, let the great Mazu agree.

They knew Xiao Li very well because they fought too much. From the beginning of the attack, they could see Xiao Li's real intention.

Destroy the Soren alliance's dark matter inventory.

The lack of dark matter as a strategic material, in the future forward offensive and defensive war, Soren alliance quite * * made space jump starship materials, the consequences are unimaginable.

**Spaceships that can jump in space can only be slaughtered in war.

Although this tactic is very risky, if it succeeds, Soren alliance will be in their pocket.


"will Xiao Li's idea be too risky?" Zhao Min stares at the star map curiously.

When the intelligence of the war came back, the brain trust of the General Staff Department was startled. When Zhao Min saw Xiao Li's plan, he was also shocked. Although she did not know any war tactics, she knew the advantages and disadvantages better than anyone else.

From the perspective of the overall situation, the importance of strategic materials is self-evident, especially dark matter.

Stare at each other's dark matter storage planet to fight, destroy each other's dark matter inventory.

This requires sending troops deep into the defense line of Sauron civilization. Once they are dragged by the other side in the war, the teams among them will fall into tight encirclement, and rescue is impossible.

LAN, on the contrary, was much calmer: "this battle is joined by him and the Black Hawk. They have their ideas. It may be very risky for other war departments, but Black Hawks and Xiao Li are really suitable for this kind of disorganized fast attack. The Black Hawks are fast enough to disrupt each other's rhythm and bring the Soren League into our offensive rhythm. It may cost a little bit, but it is much better to finish one battle than to fight for a long time. "

LAN highly appreciated Xiao Li's bold plan.

War sometimes needs to be bold.

Even if this method of war can not completely destroy the dark matter of Sauron civilization, but from the results and data obtained so far, the harvest is very good.

Next, it will certainly disrupt the defense rhythm of the other side, so that the defense force of the other side will recover from the original defense line to the defense line centered on the dark matter storage planet.


Xiao Li looked at the battle reports from each team without expression.

All kinds of information are displayed on the holographic screen, and each information is gathered in his mind.

Along with the content of each information, the mark of the star map also changes.

The destroyed planet, disappeared in the chart.

He was familiar with the destruction of such a planet.

They've disrupted the defense lines of the entire Soren alliance, in order to fish in troubled waters today. The other side's defense line is disordered, this incident suddenly, let them harvest is not small.

One third of the dark matter inventory, now the other party is estimated to be heartbroken.

But that's not enough.

"Order one, seven and twelve to gather in three galaxies, blue bull, ghost bird and Tutu. Five teams, nine teams, go to number Luo star, drum star, team 11 and team 14 return to Wuye star. All the members of the second, third and fourth teams gathered at the Sui tiger star, black fish star and wheel star respectively, and the other teams... "

one by one, the orders were sent out from Xiao Li's mouth.

After the order was given, Xiao Li communicated with the Black Hawk.

"How?" Black Hawk goes straight to the subject.

Xiao Li shared the latest battle star map to Black Hawk.

"This is a good harvest. The other party's dark matter inventory has lost a lot. I'm going to gather teams to attack the areas where they have lost their dark matter inventory, and * * dark matter manufacturing equipment. Their support and firepower in these areas will be greatly reduced. This is our opportunity. You continue to swim around the dark matter planet, putting pressure on them to defend. "

"Good." The Black Hawk agreed without hesitation.