Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1046

Ziyun and Chen Mo enter the laboratory. She can't help but look around more.

Chen Mo now belongs to the most cutting-edge hegemonic level of the universe pyramid in terms of fame and status.

Such a powerful life, as well as its own professional laboratory, is very rare in the universe.

It's not very common to study this kind of thing for the life with superior force. However, as the overlord of the universe, he has great power, so he doesn't pay much attention to boring research. He plays tricks and strategies, or indulges in the dream of power and wine.

Throughout the universe, Tong Qingzhi doesn't say he studies science and technology, but Chen Mo often stays in this kind of place.

It's a rare animal.

Maybe that's the difference between his life and other overlords.

These days, she stayed on the earth, read the biography of Chen Mo and looked up the information about the earth. In just a few decades, Chen Mo, as a pioneer of civilization, brought a low-level life planet to the power of dominating the universe.

This experience is very shocking.

Even if it was the speed of Chen Mo's civilization, it was not as fast as Chen Mo's.

Several people did not speak. Because of her personality, Ziyun did not like to actively communicate with other life. Chen Mo did not know what to communicate with her, because she was not familiar.

Strictly speaking, he and Ziyun are enemies.

In a certain position, they are antagonistic. Even so, Ziyun is willing to give him the ability to copy because of the purple emperor. Chen Mo can't see through the female Lagerstroemia.

As for her ulterior motives, Chen Mo thought about it, but didn't care. Now she has no armor, no weapons, and her super ability, no threat to Chen Mo, is impossible to do anything.

After arranging the equipment for Ziyun, Chen Mo changed into an experimental suit.

"Wait a minute, relax your mind. If there is something wrong with your consciousness, don't resist violently. If you have any discomfort, just open your mouth and I will stop the experiment." Chen Mo told me.

He noticed the unnatural nature of the purple rhyme.

It is normal for a female life, all her secrets and memories, to be known by a strange male life.

"In the process, I guide you, I let you release the ability, you release the ability to control the laboratory monkeys."

"Good." Purple rhyme should be a light.

"Here we go."

Chen Mo sits at the back of Ziyun, her hands gently touching her temples.

It is the first time that Ziyun has been sitting on an experimental chair.

Ziyun has an unprecedented feeling. For the first time, she feels like a trace of No. standing in front of a man. Both the body and the mind are unprepared.

It's weird.

She didn't know whether she was repelled or not. She felt uncomfortable, but she didn't have a strong sense of rejection.

It seems that someone is helping her to read her memory.

At this moment, she has no secrets to speak of. In addition to her own secrets and privacy, there are some secrets that are not spread out of the crape myrtle civilization, which are also known by Chen mo.

Ziyun doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

As for regret? She didn't think about it.

Every time she makes a decision, she will not regret it.

She thought about them before she made the decision.

"Hold back your emotions and let go of your abilities." Chen Mo's voice of no emotion rings deep in her consciousness.

Purple rhyme Leng Leng, will release their super energy.

An invisible wave spread over the laboratory.

Then, purple rhyme heart floating a wisp of strange. Under the induction of her ability, Chen Mo's fluctuation is very familiar.

She remembered the scene of fighting with Mo Nu when she was in the sky star stele. At that time, she wanted to use super power to control mo Nu, but failed. The feeling of Mo Nu to her was this kind of fluctuation.

She didn't know what this fluctuation meant, but it felt unfathomable to her.

At first, she wanted to use her own ability to control mo Nu and win the battle. Unfortunately, her ability met Mo Nu, just like sugar into the water.

Are they the same kind of life? The same ability?

"Control the experimental monkey." Chen Mo reminds her.

Those thoughts flashed away in Ziyun's mind. She was not sure whether Chen knew she was thinking about these problems.

Hearing Chen Mo's warning, Ziyun controls the monkey that Chen Mo said with the same set of methods used to control other living things. The laboratory fell into a dead silence, only Mo Nu stood by Chen Mo's side, watching the changes of various data.


"Found the location of the frost." A subordinate reported the news to the poison girl.

They are at war with the frost Empire, which is the king of the ice Empire, for the rule of the land of chaos.

For the forces from the dark world, it is obvious that their way of fighting is more than the confrontation on the front battlefield. The unknown battlefield is also the key to victory.

Poison woman is now the queen of the dark star. In order to get the unification right of the land of chaos as soon as possible, she needs to use all the means she can."Well."

Poison skin female should sound, let that report subordinate go down, turn a head to see to ash 21.

"Do you have that equipment?"

The equipment that poison skin woman said is the super power armor sent to her by the headquarters. Because of the special strategic significance of the super power armor, no other life except poison skin woman and grey 21 knows the existence of super power armor. Even if they wear it, the life they see only thinks that it is a normal set of armor.

They tried the armor to make their super power reach the star level. At the beginning, they were shocked by their own terrible strength, and they also had deep awe of their boss.

The technology in the hands of the boss surpasses the times.

They once imagined that when this armor could be mass-produced and used to equip a war department, they would shudder even if they thought about it.

Super armor is in their hands and is only used for adaptive training in private.

They are in charge of a faction all the year round, so they don't use that set of armor in actual combat.

Now is an opportunity.

Once the location of the target is determined, the success rate of the assassin with the star level "instant movement" super power and the probability of his whole body retreating after the success increase linearly.

Even if they run away, it is impossible for the outside world to know their direction, let alone track their tracks.

Although their ability is used, it will not shock the outside world because of the huge movement, but only those who understand their ability will know the horror.

The dark world they are in charge of, the core killers, have long developed instant mobility, so they can become the overlords of chaos in a short time.

"I've been training to adapt and I've mastered it." Gray 21 cold point.

After becoming the queen, the poisonous woman turned from dark to bright, and grey 21 took over the original position of poisonous woman in the dark world and became the leader of the dark world.

Today's grey 21 has grown a lot.

The dark world is a cold, no feelings of the world, once there are too many personal feelings, the pace of death is also accompanied.

Over time, his personality and behavior have also been affected. Only when he connects with the headquarters and meets Chen Mo and Jingge, etc., will he show his emotion.

When he escaped from the demon flame civilization, he was still a young boy, following Chen Mo who saved him. From the moment Chen Mo risked taking him in, he swore to repay Chen mo.

He also knows that the stronger his strength is, the greater his help to Chen Mo is. Therefore, he has never dared to improve himself in recent years, even though he is now in a high position.

"Then this operation is up to you?" Said the poisonous woman.
