Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1038

Medical laboratory, building 1.

In the three freezers, there are three Lagerstroemia indica people. They are purple skin and tall. The unique color lines of Lagerstroemia civilization are printed on their skin, with a different aesthetic feeling.

Lagerstroemia indica is the most typical humanoid, and the battle armor system is established by them. Therefore, the definition of humanoid appearance is one of the standards for Lagerstroemia indica.

Two middle-aged crape myrtle people, face shape and purple emperor have some similarities.

In addition, there is a young female Lagerstroemia. Chen Mo doesn't know the beauty of Lagerstroemia indica. However, from his perspective, this female Lagerstroemia indica person looks very comfortable in body size, which is better than Ziyun. I think she should be a big beauty among Lagerstroemia indica people.

This is Zidi's parents, and his former lover.

According to some information from chatting with Zidi, this is the reason why Zidi judged Lagerstroemia civilization. His parents and lovers were forced to do so by the family of Lagerstroemia civilization.

And this ZIWEIXING massacre, also related to them.

Zijunzhi made use of their bodies as an exchange to let the purple emperor slaughter those old families, so as to achieve the centralization of crape myrtle civilization.

Even Chen Mo had to admire this method.

It's just that Chen Mo can't ask why they are what they are now.

No matter how the process is, it must be an extremely painful memory for the purple emperor. Since the dust is sealed up, Chen Mo will not uncover the scars of others.

"The results are out." Chen Mo handed an inspection report to Zidi: "from the inspection results, their situation is not as bad as imagined."

"Really?" Even if he was used to big waves, the purple emperor could not help but feel up and down at the moment.

"Your parents are in better condition. Part of the cerebral cortex died. This is certain. After the replacement of a small part of brain tissue, it should be that someone wanted to treat them just after the accident, but they had not mastered the technology of deep consciousness awakening, so they did not succeed in resurrection. Because did not wake up, brain tissue is still dead, helpless, choose frozen.

The situation of this girl is relatively complicated. I don't know how long she was involved in the passive brain tissue replacement surgery, but it is certain that her brain has undergone a large area of tissue replacement, which involves some memory modules. Although it is possible to wake her up, part of her memory will be permanently lost. I'm not sure how much I've lost. I can't be sure until she wakes up. I don't rule out the possibility that all memories will be lost. "

Hearing this, purple emperor's heart sank and fell into silence.

If all the memories are lost, is she still her?

"Can you promise to wake them up?"

"There is no 100% success rate for anything. However, their situation is not as bad as expected. The probability of success is very high, but we can not rule out any unexpected possibility." Chen Mo said.

The decision-making power is in the hands of the purple emperor. If he fails, he will bear the pain of losing his relatives again. It was indescribable to give him hope and despair.

Purple emperor into pain is a choice, the laboratory became silent.

"Let's go and do it. I'll accept any result."


The marching ant colony is spinning fast.

Their actions are very rapid. Although there has been no war in recent years, it does not mean that the War Department has not done anything. All kinds of training subjects, as well as transfer, let them spend years in high-intensity mobilization.

During this transfer, two main battle departments of the marching ant group gathered and quickly appeared in the angle's supercluster.

After Xiao Li joined the army ant group, the main forces of the war department were guarding the Anshi super star cluster. This supercluster is located at the edge of the dark forest star field, and contacts the land of thousands of stars, sandwiched in the middle corner. It is originally an unknown supercluster, and its internal strength is not strong.

After the marching ant group was in charge of the angle's supercluster, the position appeared a tripartite posture.

Dark forest, the land of thousands of stars, and marching ants are three sides, but this tripartite confrontation has not reached a state of balance.

The dark forest is divided. It is in internal strife and has no time to take care of other affairs. The major alliances in the land of thousands of stars are scattered, and the people's minds are not uniform. Therefore, it gives the marching ant group a chance.

Chen Mo chose this direction for a reason.

The skeleton Hongqiao is too close to the hinterland of the star territory controlled by the marching ants. Once the enemy chooses to attack Pisces and Cetus from the location of the skull rainbow bridge, and jump into the Milky way in a few spaces, it will directly penetrate the hinterland of marching ants, which is equivalent to the white fog Hongqiao and the underworld civilization.

The deeper the position, the safer it is.

Since the self army ant group took control of the Anshi supercluster, a lot of development has been carried out here.

This is not the time when the divine civilization monopolizes the space connection technology. The marching ant group has fully utilized Eisenhower's concept of "cosmic village".

Space traps are set up to block some lifeless barren stellar systems, and then the space frequency of the blocked stellar systems is changed by using space interference technology.

In this way, the risk and time of long-distance space jumping can be greatly reduced.These spatial connectors are quite controllable artificial wormholes.

This idea will allow them to get to every corner of the star territory in the shortest time.

Although the construction of space connector is troublesome, its convenience is obvious, faster, more secure and controllable. So, at the behest of Chen Mo, thousands of space connectors appear in various superclusters.

They can mobilize all kinds of materials and equipment at will without worrying about the enemy laying traps and ambushes in space. Compared with the general top civilization, this is the advantage of the divine civilization which controls the space connection technology.

There is no small matter in war.

From the moment the order was given, the marching ant group made all the logistic mobilization.

The marching ant group has seven main battle departments, and the other numerous legions belong to the subordinate corps of the seven main combat departments. This time, we put the two World War departments here to the Anshi super star system group, which shows the importance attached to here.

LAN didn't choose to direct the war himself. He was in charge of the overall situation. In these divisional wars, the war department had to deal with them tactically, which was to train the general and stars of the war department.

Only the growth of the generals and stars of the war departments is the real growth.

The main reason for the failure of the underworld civilization is that all hopes are placed on him, and he is allowed to support the whole war situation alone. In addition, there is no other general star that can be used widely.

After ming'a was assassinated, the underworld civilization collapsed instantly.

The general who can defend one side alone is the talent needed by the commander.

The reason why the marching ant group is not afraid of any other civilization today is that they are excellent generals and stars.

In the ranking of the major forces in the universe, LAN and Mingda are the top generals of the marching ant group, followed by Wang Hai and Wat mu, because in the two Hongqiao offensive and defensive battles, they respectively defended the famous general of the white star civilization, Gou Yu, and the top general of the Ming body civilization, Xing Ming a.

Xiao Li and Black Hawk belong to the unknown type among the commanders of the main battle Department of the marching ant group.

Xiao Li was born in the first regiment of noruzi battle. After being trained and trained by LAN, he gradually formed his own tactical style in many combat drills.

The Kunpeng War Department of the black hawk was the latest war department, except that the Ming Tea War Department was a new one. And in LAN's training, Black Hawk also formed his own personal style is very obvious tactics, and then stood out.

Among the tactics system of Kunpeng War Department, the tactics in the Chinese art of war are the most absorbed. The combination of the Chinese art of war with the tactics of the space war system has become the style of Kunpeng War Department.

In the Seventh World War Department, the style of Xiao Li was fierce and the style of black hawk was fast attack. They all had a very obvious style of War Department.

Xiao Li is good at encounter combat, which other generals dream of, but he can't learn it at all. Black Hawk is good at sudden attack. It can change one gun to another place. In the virtual war deduction, the other battle departments of the marching ant group suffer a lot. If they are not careful, the headquarters will be terminated.

The two men are complementary in style, which is why LAN asked them to fight together.

In the Department of World War II, such a huge fleet entered the Andersen supercluster, and it was impossible to conceal the surrounding forces. When the battle Department of the marching ant group appeared in the angle supercluster, the forces of the dark forest civilization direction and the thousand star land became tense.

This is a force that has brought down the underworld civilization. It is impossible for them to be vigilant.

It's just that the forces in the land of thousands of stars didn't expect that the marching ant group didn't give them time to react.

When they were ready to mobilize more troops to the boundary region of the Anshi supercluster, the battle headquarters of Xiao Li and Black Hawk had already appeared in the border star regions of both sides.