Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1039

The war broke out very quickly. The battle started just as the battle Department of Sauron alliance was mobilized and had not yet set out in full gear.

The Black Hawk style surprise battle, let Soren alliance have no time to react, the first battle is over. The Black Hawk with fast style, after years of tempering by LAN, has already become a sharp knife with poison, and gives full play to the quick, accurate and cruel style.

Under the surprise attack, they can destroy the unprepared enemy base in one fell swoop, and then escape for thousands of miles.

The success of World War I easily destroyed the bases of ten solar systems in Sauron alliance.

Although there is no particularly important base, when the blade comes out of the sheath and wins in one fell swoop, it is enough to put great pressure on Sauron alliance.

The Black Hawk's surprise attack was a signal. On the other side, Xiao Li also began to plan operations.

The deployment of the border of the star region is to block various star systems, even galaxies, and build space-based weapons in them as a fortress of war. The location and layout are not comparable to the wars on the planet.

The deployment here is the deployment of eight quadrants. Any quadrant may become the target of attack.

This is the difficulty of space defense.

Similarly, in space, wars are not carried out one by one, but by groups. A large-scale war may attack dozens or even hundreds of enemy star fortresses at the same time.

That kind of scene is a real butterfly wearing flowers. When the victory or defeat of each star fortress appears, it is necessary to immediately calculate the victory or defeat of this fortress and what impact it will have on other nearby star battlefields.

Will the enemy come out of this battlefield to support other star fortress battlefields.

Heavy calculation requires a general star with a good overall view, calculation ability, tactical layout ability, and strong psychological quality.

When the war between the two sides started, the Soren alliance quickly responded and began to strengthen its defense in the galaxies along the way.

Xiao Li's target this time is Soren, also known as the eye of Sauron, which is a galaxy like an eye, which is very beautiful. Only when the Soren star is captured can the Soren alliance be truly disintegrated.

But it's not easy to capture a top league headquarters galaxy?

In recent years, the situation in Hongqiao has been basically stable. The deployment of defense has been adjusted in a targeted way, which is no longer so hasty at the beginning. Moreover, with the development of super power, the combat effectiveness of soldiers has surpassed that of war robots in an all-round way.

The strength of individual combat units in various civilizations has been improved to varying degrees.

However, the war of soldiers is not the main rotation rate. Science and technology have become an insurmountable gap in the battlefield. Almost 99% of the wars are unmanned wars under the war machine. Most of the two sides that soldiers participate in are sending invisible armor to interfere with each other's defense lines.

Knowing that the opponent is a marching ant group, Soren alliance is almost top-down tension.

The marching ant group is well-known, and it is no longer an unknown force at that time. Whether it is super power technology or other aspects, the marching ant group is at the forefront of the universe.

And the marching ant group has top generals.

This is a force that has defeated the divine civilization. If we don't mention the twelve point spiritual treatment, I'm afraid they will become the next target of destruction.

Soren alliance, like a formidable enemy, immediately upgraded the defense level of each Battlestar to the highest level.


In the virtual reality combat room, the atmosphere is very quiet.

All the life in the virtual combat room are the generals and staff of the night owl War Department and Kunpeng War Department.

The staff of the two departments interposed and did not speak.

This meeting was presided over by Xiao Li, who was the highest general in the battle field of Sauron alliance. The War Department of an's super star cluster deals with the forces in thousand star land all the year round. They know the enemy better. This is a natural advantage that other war departments do not have.

Although both combat departments have come to this battlefield, the general direction of the target is determined by Xiao Li, but the specific tactical situation is to be deployed by their respective combat departments.

Because even Xiao Li didn't know the style of Kunpeng War Department. As long as the Kunpeng War Department acted according to the big plan and target determined by Xiao Li, they would command it by themselves.

After the personnel arrived, Xiao Li and Black Hawk looked at each other and nodded slightly. They were sure they could start.

"Next, I will talk about the operation of Kunpeng War Department. You are only responsible for one plan."

The generals and staff of Kunpeng War Department were all upright. Although their leader will be the Black Hawk, the highest leader this time is Xiao Li. They still have to make sure of some instructions they should listen to.

"You muddle the Sauron alliance with the way you're good at fighting."

Xiao Li used the term earth.

The Kunpeng War Department has a lot of art of war, which is from the earth, so it is easier to understand some of the earth's terms.

"Can it be done?" Xiao Li looked at the Black Hawk.

Both of them have the same status in the armed Department of the marching ant group. In this battle, the Black Hawk will be the deputy commander in chief. In the next battle, the Black Hawk may be the commander-in-chief.

They have met many times in training exercises, but this time they are colleagues. In this war, their goals are unified."How muddy is it?" Asked the Black Hawk.

"The more muddy the better, it's convenient to fish."

"Good." The black eagle nodded heavily.

"Also, you look for opportunities, attack numbers x3y103, x4y9213, x7y2948 If it can be destroyed, it will be destroyed; if it cannot be destroyed, it will be harassed. The purpose is to put pressure on them, the greater the better, and divert their attention. "

Xiao Li points out a series of Galaxy numbers, all of which turn into flashing red dots in the holographic map.

Almost at the next moment, the generals and staff of the Kunpeng War Department kept these stellar systems in mind, and at the same time they were thinking about the tactics of destroying them.

"The goal of the owl War Department is to destroy x3y9204, x8y3193, x5y29492 There are 472 galaxies, including 129780 targets in the galaxies

This will make the crowd on the field into thinking, while staring at the marked target, what are the common characteristics.

But specifically, they did not dare to ask.

The deployment of the Department of operations is like this. If you know what you should know, the superior will give you complete information and plans. If you don't know what you should know, you can't ask more questions. Otherwise, taboos will be committed. If you carelessly disclose the combat intention to the opponent, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In this kind of war, confidentiality is very important.

"Do you understand?" Xiao Li asked.


"Not only to understand, but also to complete the task."



In the quiet solar system, Chen Mo also has something to do.

The condition of Zidi's relatives has been confirmed.

Three different reports.

Chen Mo explained to him the best and worst results of the operation.

"I have made it clear to you. If you have any questions, you can ask me. " Chen Mo skillfully summarizes all the data.

The purple emperor took a deep breath and said, "it's gone."

It shows that he has been prepared psychologically.

"I will try my best to get the best result." Chen Mo solemnly finish saying, take Mo Nu together, enter the operating room.

Chen Mo had to take charge of the operation himself. Although the purple emperor said that he had made psychological preparations, in case of real failure, the pain of losing relatives was not that preparation could be prepared.

All preoperative preparations were made, and Chen Mocai ordered the patient to be thawed.