Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1037

The land of thousands of stars is not a power or a thousand galaxies, but a general designation of a position. There are thousands of constellations in it. Each constellation is controlled by a top civilization, with a span of 10 billion light years.

It's the area with the highest concentration of top civilization.

The formation of the land of thousands of stars was formed by the division of the civilization of the thousand stars during the last World War. Hundreds of millions of years later, the civilization of thousand stars has become the history of the universe, but the name of the land of thousand stars has been handed down.

At the beginning of the cosmic struggle, many alliances were formed in the land of thousands of stars. In order to survive in the troubled times, those top civilizations had to be twisted into one. Otherwise, the surrounding chaos and isolated civilization would become the primary target of the alliance's attack.

In the alliance of thousand star land, the most famous are thousand Star Alliance, Sorun alliance and Yaoshan alliance.

"You will arrange the war." Chen Mo looks at LAN.

The direction is decided by him, and the specific battle is carried out by LAN. Chen Mo does not participate. Chen Mo is Wang and LAN is handsome. His only goal is to complete the strategic direction that Chen Mo said.

"Good." LAN swept the faces of the generals on the field.

I saw Wang Hai and others all straightened up, with eager to try in their eyes.

"An Shi is currently stationed by Xiao Li's War Department. In this operation, Xiao Li will be the chief General with the assistance of Black Hawks. The two war departments are responsible for the battle against Sauron alliance. This operation is code named" star annihilation. "


Xiao Li and the Black Hawk stood upright and drank solemnly.


"Do you have any objection to this result?"

The poisoned woman scanned the faces of the crowd for a week, waiting for their response.

Others look at each other, and then look at today's protagonists, kariyi and Hongxu.

After ten years of hard work, they have already changed their appearance. Carrie is more refined in her temperament than before, just like a general. The red order is not bad, and the breath is restrained. Because of her inferiority, she has been erased by time.

Carrie did not speak, but waited for the red order to speak.

"No Red Xu shakes her head.

After years of working together, the two are competitors, so he knows kaliyi better than other generals.

This woman has a certain strength. I can't tell what kind of woman she is, but in terms of tactical command and strategic vision, she is better than him.

After years of expansion, we can see that, from soldiers to generals, their respect for karie is from the heart. In this regard, the red order is worse than kaliyi, which may be the reason why kariyi was in charge of the top civilization War Department before.

"Since there is no such thing, it is so decided. In the future, kaliyi will be the commander-in-chief of the dark star, and the red order will be the Deputy commander-in-chief. You two will be responsible for the formation of the dark star combat department and the General Staff Department." Said the poisonous woman.

"Yes." Carrie and red Xu sat upright and answered solemnly.

Dark star is their power now.

After the dark turmoil, the forces in the chaotic place began to shuffle. Their current forces were composed of the original 17 major forces, named "dark star". The War Department was the two World War departments and their subordinate legions. Now the commander-in-chief has been determined, and the combat Department has also taken shape.

"You've got to be quick. Next, we're going to fight the frost empire."

As soon as the words were said, kaliyi and Hongxu looked awe inspiring.

The ice empire is one of the strongest forces in the land of chaos, and its strength is not much worse than them. It can be said that as long as they swallow the ice Empire, the chaotic land will fall into their control without accident.

The identified dark star is planning a big action, which will bring about the unification of the whole chaotic place for the first time in history.


"This is my hometown." Chen Mo looks down on the planet at his feet and introduces Zidi and Ziyun.

Chen Mo felt incredible when he got in touch with the purple emperor.

They had two sides of each other, and he had a good impression of this legendary life.

For other lives, hearing the name of purple emperor will be half scared to death.

After all, it has slaughtered tens of millions of lives of the ten families of crape myrtle civilization and old-fashioned aristocrats. The danger coefficient of purple emperor is almost the highest life in the whole universe, and deserves to be the God of death.

However, the purple Emperor gave Chen Mo his notes, which recorded some important contents about the advancement of super energy development.

Over the years, the soldiers and experts of their marching ant group have developed their super abilities by improving some methods recorded in purple emperor's notes. Even Chen Mo himself is using the method of purple emperor to improve his super ability.

Therefore, purple emperor is half a teacher to Chen mo.

As for the titles of "butcher", "murderer", "executioner", Chen Mo doesn't care. From Zidi's work style and the only conversation with him, Chen Mo can be sure that purple Emperor just hates crape myrtle civilization and is not a murderer.

Purple emperor floating in the sky, overlooking this small planet, there are not too many waves in his heart.The reason why he chose to turn to Chen Mo was that he was instructed.

After leaving the crape myrtle civilization, he went to the prophet of the endless sea, who said "silver hair".

"Silver hair" has a daughter, because of a space accident, nearly half dead brain, was frozen, in Chen Mo's here, his daughter revived.

The meaning of the prophet of the endless sea is obvious. Chen Mo may have a way here.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to contact Chen mo.

Once in tianxingbei, because of his love for talent, he was not used to the deeds of the underworld civilization. He helped the other party, but he didn't expect that he could help himself today.

Even the purple emperor has to admit that sometimes things are so wonderful.

If I didn't know him at tianxingbei, I'm afraid Chen Mo would not dare to receive him casually with his fame and deeds.

"Go to my lab first. Take them." Chen Mo said.

Purple emperor did not see outside, choose to ask Chen Mo to help, he must believe Chen Mo, just as Chen Mo believed him.

A small spaceship, with their armor, landed toward Earth.

"Is it the same for a silver haired daughter?" Asked the purple emperor.

"You know all about it?"

"I have sought the prophet of the endless sea."

"No wonder."

Chen Mo nodded clearly. When tea cloud introduced LAN to him, Shuiling also knew that the prophet of endless sea was Shuiling's teacher, and it was not uncommon to know these things.

"According to your description, the situation may be different."

"Different?" Purple emperor's voice is slightly nervous.

"It's really different. Yang siqingyue was injured by a fragment of the brain, belonging to the semi death of brain tissue injury. The uninjured part of the brain is still very active. Rescue and freezing are timely, and the freezing time is relatively short. I'm not sure about your family's physical condition. It takes a long time to freeze, so I need to check it first. "

Purple emperor should voice, then silent, he came, he made all possible psychological preparation.

As long as there is still a little hope, he will fight for it.

"However, in the case of brain injury and half death, the situation should be similar. In recent years, we have done a lot of similar operations, nothing more than to remove the dead brain tissue, and then let the brain tissue regenerate, restore the brain nerve, and then wake up their consciousness.

The first two steps are not difficult for God level civilization. The most difficult is the final consciousness awakening. God level civilization does not master the consciousness awakening skills of deep sleep, so God level civilization is at a loss for similar cases. It's just that we have mastered this technology, so there is hope for a cure for half dead brain life

As they speak, they have landed at the marching ant headquarters.

Purple rhyme is surprised by the scene, not too advanced, but too common.

It is such an ordinary planet that Chen Mo, the cosmic overlord, appeared.

After thousands of years, they have grown up in the thunder god level for thousands of years.

Chen Mo only spent a few decades to grow up from an ordinary planet, and then built a power comparable to the divine civilization by himself.

The current research seems to be very common. In the Lagerstroemia culture, it can only be regarded as the R & D base of the most common R & D institutions.

Is there any medical technology beyond crape myrtle civilization?

Purple rhyme some doubts, but she did not say, just quietly stood aside.

After learning that purple emperor killed ten families and some old aristocrats in ZIWEIXING, Ziyun was also shocked, but she still followed him because she knew that she could not go back to ZIWEIXING because she knew that there was such a relationship between Zidi and ZIWEIXING.

The teacher did not tell her the truth, she did not ask, can see understand all understand, do not need to uncover the last layer of paper.

Even she did not know whether it was joy or sorrow.

"Xiao Qi, you can accompany Ms. Ziyun around." Chen Mo said to the robot nearby.

"Yes, sir." Xiao Qi nods and goes to purple rhyme.

In this regard, Ziyun is not surprised. Her identity is very sensitive. She was once the core of Lagerstroemia indica civilization, and is the most likely candidate to inherit Lagerstroemia civilization. She served as an emissary of Lagerstroemia civilization.

Therefore, before entering the galaxy, her armor was not allowed to be brought in. The armor on her body is still provided by the marching ant group.

Now it is even more impossible to enter the most important R & D base of marching ant group.

"Trouble." Ziyun nods to the little seven robot beside her.

"No trouble, ma'am, please." Xiao Qi reaches out and leads Ziyun to leave.

After Ziyun leaves, Chen Mo asks the transport robot to take down the three freezers from the small spaceship and take Zidi to the medical laboratory in Building 1.