Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1028

Xiaoyu's palm covers Chen Mo's temple. Both of them are in a super state. With their eyes closed, their consciousness is connected by special abilities. In the two people's consciousness, the picture at this time is the same.

But Xiaoyu is the dominant one.

She is trying to release her ability so that Chen Mo can understand the particularity and operation of this ability, so as to replicate this ability.

In theory, Chen Mo's body is omnipotent, but in terms of ability, he has not touched Xiaoyu's ability. He only needs a key to open the door of this ability.

Chen Mo is now trying to open this door. Once it is opened, it means that he has the ability of Xiaoyu, and will be able to fully copy the ability of other life.

The beating of consciousness is continuing.

Chen Mo and Xiaoyu feel the unprecedented closeness, as if their souls are fused together.

This feeling and special, like two lovers who want to love, are in the most intimate contact, no secret, no reservation. It is the deep communication from the soul, beyond the intimate contact of the body.

Chen Mo is trying to imitate Xiaoyu's fluctuation of consciousness, which will be a means to completely change the direction of the war.

In Chen Mo's consciousness, Xiaoyu's consciousness is beating, and the life consciousness she can see is all beating. It seems that there is a certain rule, but there is no rule.

Part of Chen Mo's consciousness is quietly changing. With Xiaoyu, he is gradually becoming synchronized.


The battlefield stretches for tens of billions of kilometers. In the space, the explosion of light and the broken debris reflect each other, silent and sad. There is a continuous stream of war machines rushing into the battlefield, and life is extremely small.

Explosions, lasers, war machines, warships, armour, space-based weapons, all kinds of weapons, like intrepid warriors, shuttle, chase, fight and die together in the space full of debris.

With one explosion after another, the light and radiation swept away, followed by more debris.

It is as if the universe composed a silent song here, echoing in the mind of every life seeing this scene.

In particular, the collision of two antimatter bombs and the terrifying scene of mass annihilation are like small suns emerging in space. Even if a star system is nearby, it can be turned into ruins in an instant.

Attack and defense.

From the beginning of this general attack from here, it is destined to require the destruction of one side to stop.

Mina feels the pressure.

The defense line of the other side has no dead corner in all directions, around Hongqiao, they send out super strength attack, hardly count as casualties. And the other side is like an immortal insect, seemingly in danger, but can resist his attack every time.

In all kinds of movements, the commander-in-chief of the other side is absolutely not inferior to him in tactical strength.

The enemy's soldiers are powerful. Even if they send stealth armor to penetrate, they will be quickly found and eliminated by the other side.

Why is this the result?

He knew that the commander-in-chief of the other party was the silver hair who killed the civilization of the river with the black maple leaf pit.

Although he had heard of the silver hair, he didn't care much.

A wild general star has not been systematically studied, nor does he have the resources and conditions of his divine civilization. Even if he is more powerful, he still has some gaps.

Now, Mina has to change his mind.

The war of the great wall of Sloan is very important. It is the battle between the underworld civilization and the universe. It is also about his future war. In addition, the hatred of the ghost moon sister is in it. He will not allow defeat.

"My Lord, with the advance of the battlefield, we are almost at Hongqiao. Radar shows that the other side has a final line of defense. If we break this line of defense, we can build a defense line at the entrance of Hongqiao An adjutant excitedly told Ming ah.


Ming a nodded and his face remained calm. The war did not determine the settlement of all the enemy's death. It could never be said that it was won, and it was still such a stubborn enemy.

Suddenly, Ming ah's expression changed.

According to the information sent back, he was surprised by a war department on the battlefield.

The battle Department of Mingda.

This war department, which was built at great cost by the underworld civilization, was taken away by the underworld civilization and surrendered to Chen Mo's camp, killing their fleet.

For the underworld civilization, this is a great shame.

The betrayal of the Ming tea made the underworld civilization lose face in the universe.

He knows about Mingda and his identity, a robot built with technology and with special consciousness.

He also understood the situation of Mingda. When he was in the underworld civilization, he was silent and studied all kinds of war books every day. He was a war maniac. He was originally one of the top generals trained by the underworld civilization, but now he has become a fierce sword.

In the war of virtual simulation, their achievements are similar, but in terms of the popularity of the universe, the two are quite different.

Ming'a is regarded as the favored son of the underworld civilization, and numerous life worships represent the appearance of the underworld civilization. The Ming tea is low-key, rarely appears in public, and has no friends in the civilization, and is secretly monitored and guarded by the underworld civilization.The environment in which they live makes their styles very different.

Ming'a is steady and steady. In the steady progress of the battlefield, he can nibble at his opponent step by step. Under the ebb and flow, he can make the enemy despair.

The Ming tea is killing like fire, cold as a knife, and has a strong murderous spirit. It is especially good at encounter and deception, and even in extreme cases, it will take any means to win the war, including "strengthening the wall and clearing the field.".

Ming'a has studied the simulated war style of mingta. In order to win, Mingda can destroy the entire constellation of galaxies, just to prevent the enemy from having a replenishment base.

The murderous spirit of regarding life as an insect makes the top level of the nether civilization tremble.

"I didn't expect that we still met in the battlefield. Unfortunately, we were not comrades in arms, but enemies."

Ming ah sighed. He sympathized with the experience of Ming DA in the underworld civilization. But as long as it is for the future of civilization, no matter what the high level of civilization will do tomorrow, it will not matter to him.

"No, my Lord."

A voice full of fear fell into the ears of Mina.

Turning to look at the source of the voice, I saw a subordinate is shaking the information in his hand to the Ming Tea. See the picture in the intelligence, Ming a's hands and feet are cold, no longer calm, become a little flustered.

He knew why the mandarins suddenly appeared.


"The underworld civilization is in trouble."

Emperor Wu passed the information to Yu Di and Wei Di, with a dignified look.

The underworld civilization retreated from the Hongqiao battlefield of the Sloan Great Wall when it was about to break the defense line. They received information at the first time.

Obviously, it was a dead battle. Both sides paid a great price, but they gave up at the last moment.

The great trouble of the underworld civilization is coming.

"What do we do?" Wei Di Yin compassion said.

"Yudi, what do you say to do?" Emperor Wu turned his head and asked.

Among the three of them, Yudi was born as a general and was better than them in tactics.

Yu Di looked at the intelligence, thought for a moment and said, "withdraw the garrison that confronts the marching ant group, stop harassing the marching ant group, stabilize the defense lines of surrounding galaxies, and then prepare for..."


"It seems that they are not wasting the information we have provided."

Yan's face was full of smile when he saw the information coming back. There was little difference between the present scene and his deduction.

"The commander-in-chief of the other side grasped the opportunity well. He started at the critical moment when the ming'a War Department attacked Hongqiao. The ming'a War Department suffered heavy losses and lost its sense of propriety." There are also a lot of joy among the pupils.

"After this battle, the body of the underworld is not enough." Yan was confident and said: "among the six families, the dark forest and the underworld body have gone. Second, the desire for hegemony in the endless sea is insufficient. We want to Levee Thor and white star, Thor civilization under the rule of thunder, thriving, close behind us. The white star civilization is stable and has a great momentum of development. "

"Crape myrtle civilization?" Tong Qing asked.

"Although crape myrtle civilization is the oldest God level civilization, its internal class is solidified, its power is divided, it is sluggish and decadent, and the high-level people's hearts are not even equal. It is similar to the underworld civilization, but the exposed situation is not as bad as the underworld civilization.

Until the deep-rooted ancient families and power groups are solved, the threat of Lagerstroemia civilization is not big. Not everyone is as bold and powerful as the speaker.

Zijun's personality is a little gentle, not enough means, worry too much. His prestige and power in the crape myrtle civilization, together with his personality, are not enough to support his shuffling, so he has been dragging and keeping the status quo.

If he wins this battle, he is more likely to integrate the underworld civilization. But zijunzhi didn't have any special achievements to improve his prestige and get more power, and fat Luo didn't seem to want to take care of this mess. "