Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1029

The underworld civilization failed.

The news quickly became the front page of news about the universe and spread to every corner of the universe.

The fleet of the battle Department of the underworld suddenly appeared in the small universe of the underworld civilization. Like a poisonous knife, it pierced the heart of the underworld civilization, and instantly smashed the impenetrable defense line of the underworld civilization.

On the battle field of the Sloan Great Wall, the marching ant group successfully raided the microcosm of the underworld civilization in the battle Department of Mingda, and then turned its defensive position into an attack. It severely delayed the retreat of the ming'a War Department, just like a piece of brown sugar, which stuck the ming'a War Department to death.

When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy retreats, we disturb.

This kind of time-consuming battle forced the ming'a war headquarters to break their arms and sacrifice part of the fleet to buy time for most of them to retreat quickly.

However, the marching ant group that broke away from Hongqiao did not intend to let go of the ming'a War Department.

LAN, the fox with silver hair, once again showed his greatness in this war.

He handed over the defense of the Hongqiao of the Great Wall to Qu Shu, and asked the watmu War Department and the big magic War Department to leave Hongqiao, unite with the Mingda War Department, and enter the Ming style culture Star territory.

As long as he seizes the opportunity, he goes forward and bites the War Department of the underworld civilization. Every time he takes a hand, he always bites a piece of meat.

The fire of war spread to the central area of the underworld civilization, which was originally the garrison area of the War Department of Hades and Afghanistan, and belonged to the most stable place of the underworld civilization. Now, after breaking the hard shell, it is vulnerable under the gunfire of the fleet.

Enter the part of the underworld civilization in the small universe of the underworld civilization, and unfold the killing style that Mingda is good at, just like a magic knife with blood.

All of them are burnt earth.

The fleet was divided into tens of thousands of squads, slaughtering in every corner of the universe.

Killing, war, death and fear spread to every corner of the nether universe.

It used to be a private paradise of the underworld civilization. There has been no war for hundreds of millions of years. It enjoys peace and peace under the protection of divine civilization, like the flower of ivory tower.

Now they can only howl, fear and chaos under the warships of Mingcha.

The hatred of the Ming Tea gets crazy vent here.

The war in the star area of the Ming style culture was in full swing. The war departments were sent to the front line, and the internal defense was empty. The War Department of Mingda cut into their most vulnerable places and hardly met any strong opponents.

For the Ming Tea, who had lived here for a long time, it was like being in a state of no one.

Once a divine civilization, howling under warships and butcher knives.

The ming'a War Department, which wanted to come back to support, was dragged to death by the main forces of watmu War Department, big magic War Department and Mingda War Department under the joint command of LAN and Mingda.

For the first time, ming'a experienced the joint operation style of two top generals and stars. One was as cunning as a fox and the other as cold as a wolf. Ming'a felt like being trapped in a jungle full of thorns. In the jungle, there were also two wild animals waiting for opportunities.

The Ming and Arab War Department suffered heavy losses, and eventually returned to the small universe. The small universe of the underworld civilization fell into the mire of war, and the star territory of the underworld script was in chaos.

As the outside world knows, the underworld civilization is over.

Successive failures have crushed the prestige of the underworld civilization. The heavy losses of this war have made the underworld civilization weak.

The top civilizations that are at war with the underworld civilization have become more unscrupulous.

In this chaotic era, once you fall down, you are faced with ruthless trampling.

The protective shell of the underworld civilization is no longer bright.

This war became a symbol of the rise of the marching ant group.

This war, which affected the whole universe, ended in the victory of the marching ant group.

After a series of wars, there was a lot of peace between the underworld civilization and the marching ants. The Hongqiao of the Sloan Great Wall fell into the hands of the marching ants, like a steel nail, embedded near the heart of the underworld civilization.

The impact of this war is far greater than the war itself.

Today's situation in the universe, after this war, has become more confusing. No one can determine the next step in this complex situation.

Shortly after the end of the war, another eye-catching news spread.

The white star civilization announced to the outside world that the former chief of the white star civilization, who had been in the black hole for thousands of years, appeared. At the same time, the shadow frequency that the old chief destroyed a planet with his own power spread all over the universe.

This ability to transcend life itself is like a God in the body of life.

The appearance of the old chief pushed the interpretation of super power to an unprecedented height.

The prestige of the white star civilization is at its zenith, even surpassing the black pupil civilization for a time.


There's life coming to that point.

Chen Mo was more impressed than surprised to learn about the ability of the old chief of the white star civilization.

In his imagination, life can go to that step.

Once in the science and Technology Library, Mr. Shu told him that the super power of life can move mountains and fill the sea and destroy the planet.

It's just how to develop capabilities and make them better?The old chief of the white star civilization appeared from the black hole for thousands of years, and then showed his ability of terror. This shows that his ability has reached a new height after a very difficult advanced process.

Chen Mo admired the old chief of white star civilization.

He was able to let go of the supreme power of divine civilization, jump out of the comfort zone, risking his life to enter the black hole, only to verify his idea of super power.

Although ten thousand years is fleeting in a black hole, the time in consciousness has not changed. The pain and suffering in the black hole, as well as the dangers therein, are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Superenergy is a new system.

If the technology of super energy development continues to advance, it may become a supplement to the armor system to a certain extent.

The terror power shown by the old chief has made many cosmic civilizations more determined to develop their super powers.

And they're marching ants, and they've got the best power technology.

The strength shown by the old chief also confirmed Chen Mo's idea of developing super energy weapons.

The existence of super energy weapons is a card.

Expand the power of super energy and turn bullets into missiles.

The armor system is to amplify the physical strength, strength and speed of life. It is a peak of life's use of intelligent creation tools to fight against the rules of the universe. Similar to the armor system, the super weapon is a super power amplification of the potential consciousness of life. It can be another peak.

Because consciousness transcends the body.

Now the dark forest is divided, the underworld civilization has reached an unprecedented weak moment, and the cosmic dispute has reached the peak since the founding of the universe alliance.

The basic information of super energy technology has been made public, and with the appearance of the old chief of white star, the super energy is at the height of the sun, and the chaos of the universe situation is unprecedented.

It is clear that they are at a turning point in their times.

For any civilization, the turn of the times means opportunity.

The failure of the underworld civilization broke the invincible myth of the divine civilization.

Many civilizations have lost their awe of God level civilization. In addition, the small universe of God level civilization is no longer absolutely safe, so many civilizations have thought about it.

Why can't it be replaced?

Since the founding of the universe alliance, the universe system has been in a very balanced state, and the major divine civilizations restrict each other. Now the balance of this system has been broken, and a new system is needed to maintain the new balance. If you want to squeeze into the dominance of the new system, the battle is doomed to be cruel.

Chen Mo also hopes that the marching ant group can occupy a place in this era.

As Zhao Min said in Tianxing tablet, fight for it.

This is not an era of peace. His marching ant group has come to the surface. He wants to develop in silence, and the surrounding civilization will not agree. What should be contested is to fight.

Marching ants offend several divine civilizations and cannot fail. Once they fail, they will be doomed.

Crisis is accompanied by opportunity.

This war with the underworld civilization has laid a certain foundation for them. They may not be able to compete with the universe in the future.


The time of peace is not long. When the big civilizations in the universe are shocked by the strength of the old chief of the white star civilization, a feast begins quietly.