Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1027

"This base is where you will work for some time to come."

Grey 21 led calie and red order to land at a base on a planet and introduce them.

"The land of chaos is shuffling. There are many legions in the forces under our control. But we don't intend to pull the legions away from them, so you have two missions

Hearing the task, kaliyi and the red order waist board a firm, the moment cheers up.

Gray 21 turned a blind eye to their actions. He was no longer regarded as the simple child who was chased and killed in shiganxing. He has grown up too much over the years, following poison girl in the dark world of chaos.

"The first task is to recruit and form your own war departments in a land of chaos."

"Respective war departments?"

Kaliyi and Hongxu were stunned and did not speak, but the other generals and stars nearby murmured.

Didn't they take over the original department?

"You heard me right. It's the war department. It's up to you to decide how many soldiers your team needs to form your own war department. The combat effectiveness of your department is also a part of your comparison. If you don't know how to set up your own war department, it's just on paper. "

Let them all agree.

As a general star, he doesn't even have his own war department, which is no different from playing virtual reality war games.

"There will also be a list for you to choose from. What kind of equipment you need will be satisfied as much as possible. Besides, after you have selected the soldiers, we will develop the super ability of all the soldiers. At that time, all the soldiers may be capable. In your future training and preparation, you should consider these


"Super development for all soldiers?"

This situation shocked them. At this stage, there are few civilizations that master super energy technology.

Is it that the civilization behind them has quietly mastered these technologies?

Hearing this, their hearts are extremely hot. It seems that the mountain behind them is not weak.

They were surprised at their familiarity.

"Your second task is to organize the war department and command the existing legions that we control in the land of chaos, and begin to integrate the chaos land star field. Your two teams will command the star clusters in their respective star regions respectively. Of course, it is not the faster the integration, the better. It depends on your layout and tactics in command of each war, as well as the casualties of both sides. "

"Good." Kariyi and Hongxu agreed at the same time.

The two looked at each other and saw the eagerness in each other's eyes.


The war between the underworld civilization and the marching ant group has attracted the attention of the world's top civilizations. This is the highest level of civilization war, except for the wars of internal strife and division in the dark forest.

The reputation of the marching ant group, spread by Chen Mo's battle in tianxingbei, is considered to be one of the top civilizations.

This protracted war has made many civilizations a key one.

Since the last World War, divine civilization has established the rules and order of the universe, and its rights and prestige have not changed. At the same time, it is squeezing the survival of some civilizations by using the power in their hands.

However, no civilization has ever dared to confront them in an all-round way. The God level civilization with a small universe is almost invincible.

But now different, the small universe is broken through by Hongqiao, which makes the ambition of some top civilization begin to revive. Once the underworld civilization fails, it shows that the divine civilization is not invincible, which will greatly enhance the ambition of some top civilizations.

Under the attention of the outside world, the war on the white fog Hongqiao of the Sloan Great Wall has lasted for a month, but the intensity does not mean to decrease.

In the galaxies at both ends of the battlefield, some planets were completely hollowed out, and all the weapons made were sent to the front line.

In the outer space battlefield of the white fog Hongqiao, all kinds of debris are almost all over the space, making this a place of death. Even if the spaceship flies here, you should be careful not to turn on the speed of light, for fear that it will collide with the debris and disintegrate directly.

The cost of offensive and defensive warfare is the greatest. There is no fancy in this kind of battle, but there is only positive confrontation.

Both sides of the battlefield are straining to see who can't hold on to the end.

The underworld civilization can't afford failure, so can the marching ant group.

"Are you ready?" Ming ah turned to the adjutant.

"It's all ready." The adjutant responded, then hesitated and said, "my Lord, in this case, the price will be a little high."

"If this war is not won, the cost will be greater." Ming a's voice was quiet. He raised his eyes and fixed his eyes on the star map marked in front of him: "let the whole army prepare for the general attack in ten minutes."


"I don't know if the marching ant group has any action. I originally wanted to use such important information. I hope it won't be in vain. " Tong Qing is paying attention to the intelligence sent back from the front and murmurs faintly.

"I think the speaker wants it to be in vain." Yan also followed."Life is so tangled, there is no way." Tong Qing hey hey a smile: "only hope to have a qualified opponent, otherwise this kind of competition is not interesting."

Yan is not surprised by Tong Qing's words: "this will test the other party's courage and decision-making level, and by the way, see the other party's ability to arrange stars."

While they were talking, a pop-up window appeared on the holographic platform in front of them.

"Speaker, information is coming back from the front. The two sides are about to fight a decisive battle. I will send the picture back to you." After the reporter finished, the picture disappeared and replaced by the situation of the white fog Hongqiao battlefield.

This is the scene simulated by quantum radar scanning, which is not 100% real, but tries to restore the scene.


Chen Mo asks Mo Nu to turn on the machine and signals Xiaoyu to start.

The consciousness weapon of the hand of God has become his biggest secret weapon. This research can avoid countless lives in the universe from being destroyed by the terrible war.

This is a project that he decided to start after careful consideration.

Because this project is too dangerous, one step of caution will lead to irreversible consequences.

Therefore, their project is not on earth, but on an earth like planet not far away from the solar system. The environment here is similar to that of the earth. It is also a secret research base and garrison base. Without Chen Mo's permission, no life can get close to it.

Here, they can carry out research without fear that if the experiment goes wrong, it will cause terrible consequences to human beings on earth.

"Now try again and relax." Chen Mo said.

"Well." Xiaoyu nods gently and slowly closes his eyes.

Through Chen Mo's guidance, she began to feel the world with her own consciousness instead of her eyes. Gradually, she could see the life consciousness around her without eyes, and was not affected by any barrier.

"Talk about it." Chen Mo said.


There is no Xiaoyu's voice. A voice rings in Chen Mo's consciousness, which is Xiaoyu's voice.


Chen Mo's heart is happy, and he goes one step further.

Xiaoyu's ability is very special. He can directly see other people's conscious bodies, read other people's memories, read their hearts, share their consciousness, and even awaken deep sleeping vegetative people.

When Yang siqingyue's consciousness was deeply dormant after her brain was restored, it was Xiaoyu who awakened her.

Chen Mo was surprised at her ability.

Her ability is still in the initial stage, and there are many special places that have not been developed, but she undoubtedly has incredible ability.

"Now try a longer distance."

Chen Mo retreats ten steps to Xiaoyu's ten meters away.

Xiaoyu feels that Chen Mo's consciousness body is moving, and his heart is slightly happy. His attention is in the consciousness body that appears in his mind.


When Chen Mo heard the sound of consciousness, he was like the sound of nature, and his face was happy: "you can hear it, which proves that this ability can be non-contact and can be developed in the way you want."

Xiaoyu opens her eyes, looks at Chen Mo and rubs her tired eyebrows. If she uses this ability for many times for a long time, she will also be tired.

"What's next?"

"Next, let me try to replicate your abilities." Chen Mo said.


In an unknown space deep in the small universe of the underworld civilization, a space ripple slowly spreads and expands.

The outside world is not aware of all this.

It works as usual.

In about five minutes, warships emerged from space without a sound.

It was not until the emergence of thousands of huge warships that the spatial fluctuations stopped.

No one knows about the underworld civilization, and the small universe that thinks it is safe has been entered.

In the dark space, with a ferocious murderous air.

"That anonymous information is true."

In the virtual reality combat space of the solar system command, LAN's narrow eyes are as sharp as a knife, and his face is smiling. I don't know what I'm thinking.

At his side, it is the Ming Tea.

At this time, the dark tea is also staring at the star map from the warship. It is extremely cold and murderous.

At the next moment, a huge star map appears in front of both.