Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1026

"How did you get this information?"

Lin Han is also very surprised by the information from Zhu He and LAN. It is a very serious matter that such important information of the underworld civilization has been released.

"I'm not sure. It was sent to us by an unknown person, so it's impossible to determine the credibility of this information." Zhu He smiles bitterly.

"Anonymous?" Chen Mo was stunned: "LAN, what do you think?"

"It may have been passed on to us by one of the other families." Lan said: "in fact, it's easy to understand. If this news is true, who will get the most profit. At present, the defeat of the underworld civilization is of the greatest benefit to the others. "

"What if it's fake?" Chen Mo asked.

"We may lose a little, but the loss is within control. There are advantages and disadvantages, so let's make an idea. Really, we won the war, false, we can control the loss, will not directly affect the direction of the Sloan Great Wall battlefield Lan said.

"Eh?" Chen Mo stares at the intelligence and thinks: "you can take a risk."


"This is an uncertain intelligence." Zhu He sends the information to Mingda. When he speaks, his voice is very serious. He seems afraid that Mingda doesn't know. This is an uncertain information.

Seeing the content of the intelligence, he was stunned and his eyes were flashing. It was very humanized.

"The value of this information is very special. You should know better than me. We asked the boss for his opinion. The boss chose to take a risk and start to implement it. Let me show you this information first. Do you want to implement it? " Said Zhu He.

"Good." The dark tea slightly nods, the hatred light in the eye bursts out.

The next day, a fleet of the battle Department of the Ming Dynasty quietly separated from the team, turned on the space engine and jumped into the deep space.


Thunder looked at the training ground in front of him.

Super training field.

This is based on the training ground of Thor civilization.

"Wang, these are all successful lives that have been developed."

A researcher handed a list to thunder with a serious look.

"We improved the technology in the hands of the demon flame civilization. The side effects were reduced and could have been put into use. Later, the results of loinu were published, and we further improved his theory. The success rate was higher, and the side effects were not found for the time being."

"How many special abilities have been found so far?" Thunder looked at the list and asked.

"Most of them are ordinary abilities, with a total of 193 medium abilities. Only one of them is relatively special, that is, controlling iron, but it has not reached the practical level, let alone participating in combat. As far as the armour system is concerned, it is not very helpful. The success rate of development is about 4%. However, we are working on several super capable people with multiple abilities, so that their abilities can be superimposed. "

"Study the useful ability of the point, otherwise it will not improve the combat soldiers."

"Wang, if you are promoted, there are still some. Most of our soldiers are top-level life. After using the medicine, even if they do not successfully awaken their supernatural powers, their reaction speed is much faster than before, which is equivalent to that of divine life. We have summed up this data from 100000 veterans. They are obviously better than before, and their strength is better than before. "

"Not bad."

Thunder was shining in thunder's eyes.

Dan exchanged his life for Shi Ganxing for the achievement of the demon flame civilization, but the information is incomplete. So he has been studying and improving secretly. The achievements announced by loino let them break through again. This is a good thing.

Their research results may not be faster than the others, but they are definitely not backward.

"Select the personnel, prepare to promote the super energy potion in the main star, and the Thor civilization is ready to usher in a new era." Thunder thunders like thunder.


In the small universe of white star civilization, a two meter diameter space wave appears outside the gravitational attraction of the largest black hole, and the space crack expands slowly. Suddenly, an ORC with metallic skin came out of the hole of the space and laughed wildly.

"Ha ha ha ha, good, this is the power of time and space, this is the invincible power, this feeling is very good."

In him, every line is perfect and full of power. In the space without the slightest gravity, he stood as if walking on the ground, extremely strange.

The old chief of the white star civilization, although the white star civilization has become one of the God level civilizations, it retains the oldest title like the patriarch of the underworld body and the star master of Ziwei star.

Ten thousand years ago, the old chieftain tried his own way, injected potions, sealed his body with dark matter, and threw himself into the black hole.

Ten thousand years from the outside world, fleeting in his consciousness of falling into a black hole.

The space-time around the black hole is compressed to the extreme.

It can be said that there is extreme danger, which may be torn up by the terrible gravity of the black hole at any time. He almost risked his will to enter.

Now he has proved that he is right.

The consciousness immerses in the black hole compression space-time, also causes his body to produce the variation finally. The power of time and space is the highest power in the universe, and no one can escape the sanction of time and space."I don't know how the white star is now."

The old chief of the white star looked around in space, searching for the position of the main star in his memory. In the space in front of him, there were slight space ripples, and he stepped into it step by step.

Hu Bingxin, who has just come out of the office, is full of fatigue, and the worries between her brows are lingering.

In today's situation, she has a lot of things to deal with every day.

Just received the news that the supernatural powers of black pupil civilization and Thor civilization are being promoted, and they can't fall behind. Because of this, the recent events have become more and more. Even if she has a strong brain, she can't bear it.

All of a sudden, the space in front of her caused slight ripples, making people around feel dizzy.

"Who is it?" Lion night's face changed greatly, and the fox ice heart was protected behind him.

I saw a figure stepping out from the space ripples, so that the lion in front of the fox's ice heart was frozen in place, numb.


Seeing the life that appears, fox Bingxin's voice is hesitant and uncertain.


After he decided to study the instrument, Chen Mo began to implement it. This method can bring the war to an end as soon as possible, and it can also minimize the death of life in the universe.

No matter from what point of view, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

As for the problem of technology being taken away, there is no such thing. In this era, the level of technical secrecy is very high. The existence of quantum computing makes it impossible to crack the technical secrets.

"First try the scope question." Chen Mo said to Xiaoyu.

"Good." Xiaoyu nods.

After she entered the super state, she saw different scenes from her normal time. She only saw Chen Mo's consciousness body, as well as the consciousness body of matchless and Mo Nu around her.

Chen Mo's and Mo Nu's consciousness bodies are very special. They are almost complete human figures, which are completely different from those in the brain.

"Can you see people outside?" Chen Mo asked.

"I can't see it." Xiao Yu shakes his head.

"Now let's use consciousness to feel, close your eyes and try not to see." Chen Mo said.

Mo Nu has been collecting data on Xiaoyu's brain wave fluctuations, hoping to find a breakthrough in Xiaoyu's ability and let them learn it.

Following Chen Mo's arrangement, Xiaoyu slowly closes his eyes.

"Can you see it?" Chen Mo asked.

"I can't see it."

"Feel with your heart, imagine me by your side and see if you can see it." Chen Mo said.

Xiaoyu lies on the bed and is quiet for a long time.

Chen Mo is not in a hurry, waiting patiently at his side.

Xiaoyu's task is to use her ability. She will not bear any drug stimulation and instrument stimulation to the brain, and will not cause any impact on the body, so there is no need to worry about her safety.

"Yes." Xiaoyu, with his eyes closed, suddenly opens his mouth.