Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1025

March ant Venus headquarters, as usual busy.

All kinds of intelligence are gathered here in the Department of operations and then uploaded to the staff office of the Department of operations.

An urgent news came along.

"It has just been reported that the ming'a War Department has joined the Hongqiao battlefield of the Sloan Great Wall."

When LAN announced the news, there was a commotion in the war department.

Ming'a, the top general star of the underworld civilization, is also one of the most famous generals in the universe. Now the war of the underworld civilization is hot, which is why he is in charge of the overall situation of the war.

Let this chaos of the underworld civilization, maintain relative stability.

In the underworld civilization, some people describe the style of ming'a as Zhongzheng, strong, steady and old-fashioned and handsome talent. The style of Ming tea is as cold as a blade, as strong as fire, and its murderous spirit is too heavy.

In other words, only the style of ming'a can stabilize the current situation of the underworld civilization. If other stars come here, they will not do better.

"In order to ensure the safety of the Sloan Great Wall battlefield, I am afraid the Hongqiao battlefield needs support." Lan said.

"I'll fight." Big Mazu stands up.

"How about me?" Xiao Li also answered.

Soon, they felt that the atmosphere inside the battle room was strange, and everyone was looking in one direction. I saw Ming Tea staring at Ming ah, bursting with infinite murderous spirit and hatred, cold as a knife.

"Me." The voice of the dark tea is deep.

"Well, let's go."

LAN did not hesitate to choose Ming Tea.

Not only are the generals on the field, even the Ming tea is a little surprised, and nods to the LAN.


"Remember, you want to develop that thing?" Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo in disbelief: "do you use that thing to control all mankind?"

"It's not the control of all human beings, but the life of the whole universe."

Without waiting for her to stop, Xiaoyu sits down and is comforted by Chen Teng.

She knows what Xiaoyu is thinking.

Xiaoyu must think he is crazy.

But Xiaoyu really thinks so. This plan is too terrible. Only a madman dares to play like this.

"It's not as terrible as you think. Listen to me." Chen Mo comforted Xiaoyu: "your ability is very special. You can see the consciousness of all life. If you develop an instrument, like Dr. x, expand this consciousness ability, spread it to the whole universe through quantum space-time, and then control the consciousness of all life."

Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo like a monster.

I dare to think of anything.

"I thought it was the fastest way to end space war."

Every technological change will bring about changes of the times, as well as wars.

As far as the earth is concerned, the stone age was ended by the iron age, which was tribal war.

In the age of cold weapons, it is vulnerable to hot weapons.

In the era of aircraft and tank science and technology, thermal weapons have no ability to fight back.

In today's history of the universe, the emergence of the era of war a has changed the once cosmic disputes, and the crape myrtle civilization that created the battle armor system has also become a divine civilization.

After the emergence of space weapons, the process and speed of war become the speed of light, and the life who is unable to escape with the speed of light is facing the danger of being driven into dust by a space weapon at any time.

The stone age war may take two tribes a generation to fight. The war in the cold weapon age has been going on for several years and decades. In the age of thermal weapons, the duration of war was reduced to months. In the interstellar age, the speed of war, in terms of days, if you don't pay attention, one weapon, the whole planet and the War Department will be destroyed.

As the tools and capabilities of intelligent life control change, so is the way of war.

With the advent of the era of super power, we can use the technology of a new era to end disputes.

This kind of war can end much faster.

"Let you participate in the research, let me and Mo Nu learn your ability, and then we will operate the instrument." Chen Mo said.

Xiaoyu shook his head and looked firm: "I can't let your hands be covered with blood. War will die, but even if too many people die, even if they die in the hands of the War Department, I don't want you to kill so many lives by yourself."

Chen Mo felt warm and said, "I didn't say that I used that instrument to kill people."

"What do you mean?"

"You're still stupid, stupid and cute. That instrument is really successful. Do I still kill people? Having that ability is God, mind control, and you don't have to kill the enemy. "

"Can it succeed?"

"The world is full of wonder." Chen Mo said.

Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo and thinks for a long time.

"What's the name of this project?"

"The hand of God."


"The underworld civilization is ready to fight with the marching ants." Yan stared at the holographic sand table with a faint smile: "the underworld civilization is a little anxious."

"Why?" Tong Qing asked curiously.Yan knocks the information in his hand and hands it to Tong Qing.

"Interesting changes are taking place at the top of the underworld civilization. The old patriarch is trying to cut the flesh from the high-level elders of the underworld civilization, centralize power, and pave the way for the rise of Hades."

"It's a little difficult." Tong Qing said.

He knew how hard it was to take power back from the nobility and the upper echelons.

He has a lot of say in this.

At that time, he also used external pressure to complete the centralization and integration of Heitong civilization at the most dangerous time. He got rid of the internal corruption of Heitong civilization and the situation of their fighting openly and secretly. Otherwise, the situation of Heitong civilization is just as bad now.

If we fail to centralize power, the result will be the dark forest civilization.

"Once the centralization of power is completed, even if the underworld civilization is weak, it will be very difficult to collapse them. But no matter how difficult it is, they have to do it, or they will be welcomed by the abyss black hole. However, the reputation of Mina is not enough. He needs a victory enough to reach the top of the prestige of the underworld civilization, and set the way to power. "

"So they chose Chen Mo?" Tong Qing recognized Yan's meaning.

"Yes, the Ming Tea's devotion, the death of the moon's flowers, the killing of the seven feathers and the swallow, and the massacre of the delegation are all marching ants. Destroying the marching ants is enough to make ming'a's reputation reach the top of the army of the Ming civilization. With this reputation and the support of the old clan leader, the Ming culture will be taken over

"They can't be integrated." Tong Qing shakes his head.

With the help of the reputation of the speaker before defeating Heitong civilization, thunder completely took the position of king of Thor civilization, reorganized the interior of Thor civilization, and became the strongest civilization after Heitong civilization.

If we let the underworld civilization replicate, let the Ming ah take over the power of victory and take over the clan leader of the underworld civilization, after a burst of blood exchange pains, it will be a Thor civilization.

"Then give them something." Yan was smiling and confident: "help marching ants?"

"Not really. The marching ants are too young. Although Chen Mo is mysterious, the distance is a threat, and he is almost warm. Moreover, there are wuxianzui who hinder them, and there is a ten city alliance. " Tong Qing said.

"The point is, will they believe us?"

Tong Qing pondered for a moment and then laughed: "it depends on whether their decision makers have the courage."


"Do you know who sent the news?" LAN looked at the information in his hand, his eyes were suspicious.

Just now Zhu He sent him an intelligence. This information is a little inconceivable. If the information is true, it can determine the direction of the whole war situation.

"I don't know."

Zhu he is not sure to smile bitterly.

As an intelligence officer, providing inaccurate information may have terrible consequences, but this information is too important.

Even if she's not sure, she'll take it.

"The other party doesn't want us to know his identity. There must be many ways, quantum communication, that can't be cracked, so this is an uncertain message."


LAN stupidly looks at the information in the hand to ponder.

He was thinking about people who might help him and them.

If it is an endless sea civilization, there is no need to be anonymous at all. If it is a few other civilizations, it is possible, but at the same time, it is possible to pit them.

If it's false news, they may suffer a lot. If it's true, they can win the victory.

Zhu he hesitated for a moment and said, "do you want to let the boss decide?"