Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1024

"Congratulations, you passed the examination."

A voice, like the sounds of nature.

Karie retreats from the virtual battlefield and exhales.

Assessment is to stand out among the numerous generals. She is facing the competition of the other seven generals in the virtual reality battlefield.

At the beginning, it was virtual reality assessment, but she didn't care, because the simulated battlefield of virtual reality is quite different from the actual combat. The powerful generals in the virtual reality battlefield may not be the same in the real battlefield.

But when he went in, he found the difference.

At first, she was an assessor named "Fox". When she asked a series of questions about the war, even though she was a general star, she had some difficulties.

Later, she began to assess the war, and the result was very obvious. She was taught a terrible lesson and was totally defeated.

It's been a long time since I lost in the virtual reality simulation battlefield.

After she refused to admit defeat, and the other side to three, all failed.

It made her wonder.

It is clear that this organization has top generals, but it still needs to recruit generals and stars. But when this doubt appeared, she was relieved.

In the era of war, it is easy for thousands of troops to get a general. What's more, there may be other top forces behind this organization in secret support.

Out of the virtual reality module, karie looks at a dozen other generals.

They have fought and cooperated in the virtual reality battlefield. They are also comrades in arms, which means they cherish each other.

See poison skin female come in, all life on the field is awe inspiring.

If they are right, the leader of this dark organization is the female life in front of them. Can become one of the overlords of the land of chaos, they don't think this female life is simple.

"Congratulations, Carly, red order. Your scores are in the first order." Two names were pronounced.

Different from kaliyi, kaliyi was born in Mufu city. She was a top civilized general star. She had received the most formal war academy and systematic education.

The red order, on the other hand, was born with a battle armour regiment, or an unknown medium-sized battle armour regiment.

Because of the headmaster's headstrong, he was removed from the team and returned home.

In the later operations, his original battle armour regiment was destroyed, and he could only be a tactical teacher in the planetary military academy every day in a corner of a certain planet. He could meet his dream of commanding thousands of troops by relying on virtual reality combat and classroom theory.

Until the organization found him.

Almost without thinking about it, he joined the other party's organization.

It would be an insult to a general if he did not die on the battlefield, but in a muddle headed way. After three rounds of virtual reality simulation war selection, he stood out and was sent here.

During this period of time, the teaching and assessment of that mysterious general star will benefit all the generals and stars on the field for life.

No matter whether they were born in grass roots or in extraordinary background, at this moment, they all have a lot of harvest, standing on the same stage.

"Congratulations, you all passed the examination, but you still need to be in the real battlefield if you want to go further or complete transformation."

The poisonous woman's face is expressionless, and her expression is cold to no temperature.

"Next, kariy and Hongxu will be divided into two teams to form their own war department. Remember, you are colleagues and competitors. Who can be the commander in chief of the team in the future will depend on your achievements and performance in the battlefield."

Carrie and red order look at each other and take it back.

They could see the war in each other's eyes.

"Well, you two, among the comrades in arms around you, start to choose teams. Kaliyi got the highest comprehensive score in the assessment, and she chose the first The voice of the poisonous woman is beyond doubt.

"Cheng silk." Carrie did not hesitate to pronounce a name.

A middle-aged life slowly came to karie.

"Rice wood." Said the red preface.

"Six six."


"Xiaoyu, do me a favor." Chen Mo looks at Xiaoyu and blinks.

"What else can I do for you?"

Xiaoyu looks at Chen Mo in surprise. However, seeing his smile on his face, he is upset and kind.

"Go ahead."

"Ask you to do a research."

"Are you addicted to studying wives?" Xiaoyu is angry and scolds.

"It's not about you, it's about your abilities." Chen Mo said.

"What's the difference?"

"Yes, Mo Nu and I are developing a special weapon that may end the space war." Chen Mo said mysteriously in Xiaoyu's ear.

"Weapons? This weapon is called "woman" Xiaoyu jokingly looks at Chen Mo: "find out that women can destroy the world, and then catch me to study it?"

"Haha, I found that you have become humorous. This is a good idea."

"Go away." Xiaoyu gave him a look and became serious: "what can I do for you to study weapons?""Super weapons."

"Super weapon?" Xiaoyu suddenly turns his head and stares at Chen Mo, as if he has found a monster. Chen Mo is also looked down upon by her: "this is what you and Mo Nu have done with incomparable mystery recently?"

Recently, the father and daughter, as well as Mo Nu, went out early every day and came back very late. Sometimes they didn't come back at all and studied all night in the laboratory.

Xiaoyu can't help them. They don't say what to study. She can't take the initiative to ask.

Now Chen Mo actually told her.

Chen Mo nodded earnestly.

The opening of super energy technology means the coming of the era of comprehensive super energy in the universe. Super power is very special, involving consciousness, until now many civilizations have not solved the mystery of super power.

But these mysteries can be solved by Chen Mo and Mo Nu here.

"Can you still have weapons?" Xiaoyu asked.

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded and solemnly explained, "what if we expand the super power?"

Chen Mo reaches out and gently points the glass water cup in front of his eyes. He sees the glass float in the air and turns into a transparent glass ball before their eyes and falls on Xiaoyu's hand.

"This is the ability to control objects. What if my ability was expanded to control stars like a water cup, or even a star system or galaxy?"

Hearing this, Xiaoyu feels that the glass ball in his hand is a little cold.

She was a little flustered to imagine that one person would control the entire stellar system.

Chen Mo didn't pay attention to her reaction, and continued: "like the battle between Tong Qing and me in the forest of heavenly stars and steles, if our super powers continue to rise, we can destroy the possibility of the theory of planetary existence with our own strength."

"No way. It takes a lot of energy to destroy a planet. It is impossible for a living body to have so much energy? " Xiaoyu is not sure.

"Energy conservation for the existing universe system, if the fourth dimension, that mysterious dimension, do you say it is energy conservation? For us, there is no conservation of energy in the two-dimensional world animation written by us. This scene rises to the four-dimensional world versus the three-dimensional world. "

In the forest of stars and steles, Chen Mo is aware of the energy used by his body.

He does not know whether it is the energy of the existing universe, the energy of the unknown dimension, or their special quantum body, stealing the past or future time dimension energy.

But in his and Mo Nu's bodies, there is a steady stream of energy, but it will not affect themselves.

Hearing Chen Mo's remarks, Xiaoyu stares and feels that his world view is collapsing.

"I have also thought that the fastest speed of destruction in today's space war is the speed of light. In terms of 100000 light-years in the galaxy, it will take 100000 years for a single space weapon to destroy. In terms of the diameter of the universe of 100 billion light-years, the process of war is too slow. If space weapons are launched regardless of the quantity, it will be uncontrolled, the damage will be too great and the cost will be too high. "

"Super weapons, the price is the same. In your opinion, it's just as destructive. "

Xiaoyu shakes the glass ball in his hand.

"It's better than the destruction of space weapons, it's more controllable than space weapons, and there's a way to solve the war beyond the speed of light."

"Beyond the speed of light?" Xiaoyu asked.

"Yes, super energy involves consciousness. Consciousness is the fourth dimensional matter, which is not constrained by the highest speed of the universe. Consciousness can go to any position in the universe at any time, just as Mo Nu can open the space door and send you to Mu Shi Tianxing."

In the forest of heavenly stars and steles, the words recorded by Mu's Tianxing impressed him.

Consciousness is the fourth dimensional substance.

After that, the door of the fourth dimension opened to him, giving the world unlimited possibilities.

"What can I do for you?"

"I've come up with a way that doesn't work on destroying planets and galaxies, but on the basis of it, which might quickly end the war."

"What method?"

"Do you remember Dr. X's brainwave?"