Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1018

"I'll talk about it first." LAN gets up from her position and looks at Chen mo.

Chen Mo signals him to start.

"Before the popularization of super ability, there is one thing that we must pay attention to in advance and make a special preparation. There is an old saying in the boss's hometown that swordsmen violate the ban with martial arts. If super powers are out of control, it's harder to manage than armor.

Armor can be implanted with crime monitoring programs, but super powers can't. Super crime is more difficult to investigate, and it is not easy to obtain evidence. If it's out of control, it's endless trouble. "

LAN's words fall, all the people on the field agree.

Most of them have developed super energy, and naturally know the danger.

"What's your suggestion, drillmaster LAN?" Chen Mo asked.

LAN Lang said: "the technology has not been moved, the rules should be first, the management law of the super energy should be standardized first, and the classification standards of super energy categories and stages should be established. Establish the registration mechanism of super ability, and evaluate the risk of super energy.

It is different from the rule system outside the ordinary law to set up an effective punishment mechanism of super ability crime.

These are my initial suggestions. We should gradually refine other rules under the rules to ensure that the super talents can be controlled by management and used by us, instead of blindly developing

As early as when the boss and Tong Qing were fighting, he said about the popularization of super powers. During this time, he also thought about some problems that might arise when super powers were popularized.

LAN's idea, let everyone on the field in front of a bright.

They all think about how to popularize super ability, but they don't think about the influence that these foundations may bring.

"Everything else is easy to handle. The last punishment rule can be refined and referred to the criminal law." Chen Mo asked.

Zhu He raised his hand to attract people's attention.

"I would like to talk about my idea about the fifth punishment mechanism of drillmaster LAN. Is there a technology that can completely eliminate the super power of a living body, so that it can never possess it? This technology can be more effective in deterring the super energy. "

She's an intelligence worker. She's familiar with punishments and knows what can frighten criminals.

Chen Mo nodded: "this kind of technology has been prepared at the beginning of the development of super energy technology. My laboratory has a drug that can eliminate a life's super energy and make it become an ordinary life."

For the boss's Laboratory of all kinds of strange technology, the field has long been numb, and * * good surprise.

"It's the hardest part, and the most troublesome, to make powerful and special superpowers work for us. So we can think more about this. " Zhao Min said.

"Dad, can I ask you a question?"

Zhao Min's matchless side looks at Chen Mo and raises his hand. Everyone's eyes fall on her.

Many senior leaders look at matchless with praise and affirmation. Among them, there are some core members of the former marching ant group. They are watching matchless grow from a baby to a beautiful girl today.

Matchless, however, has inherited Chen Mo's wisdom, Xiaoyu's temperament and Zhao Min's aura, and has long had the ability to stand alone.

"Well, say it." Chen Mo's eyes are spoiled.

"What kind of talent do we need? Which ethnic groups are selected from? " Asked matchless.

"I will."

Zhao Min looks at Chen Mo and gets his approval before standing up.

"We are short of any talents. As long as there are talents, the more the better. The selected ethnic groups are all ethnic groups within the star territory of our group. They are treated equally and * * are special. "

"There has to be a special."

LAN raised her hand and interposed.

"After all, the earth is the hometown of the boss and the president. Life here is still at the red level. According to the life level of the universe, it belongs to the low level. Although life is equal, there are always a small number of people who are not interested in red level life. Moreover, this is the place where the boss rises. * * any life dare to have opinions, but the rhythm should be controlled properly. "

Other senior leaders nodded in succession.

"Matchless, you say." LAN finish saying, lead words back to matchless body.

"I have two suggestions for the management of talented people."

The matchless sees on the field everybody cast to inquire the eye, then continues to speak.

"The first suggestion is very common, and you should be able to think of it. Super energy technology is said to be universal, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve universal popularization like battle armor in a short time, because the management system can't keep up with it all of a sudden, and it will be chaotic.

We can first popularize the best part of life, build a super energy college in each star system in the star region, select outstanding talents from the star system to join the star level super energy college, and then develop the super energy for the students of the super energy college, so that they can learn. The college system is convenient for the unified management and education of the super talents.

Then, we will select the excellent talents from the star system super energy college and enter the galaxy level super energy college after graduation. Then we will select the graduates with excellent ability to join the constellation level super energy college and select them at different levels. In this way, we can roughly distinguish the talents, and we can put them into the marching ant group according to the talents we need. "

Chen Mo nodded: "what about the second one?""There are too many lives, and the hobbies and ideas of life are different. There must be some fish missing the net in the single selection mechanism of college system, and there are still a lot of them. We can select them in another way."

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively to * *'s interruption, matchless continued to speak.

"For example, uncle LAN needs military talents, but under the college system, there may be a lot of military talents who go to the super ability college because of their poor grades, or they may be those who are late in their career. We can establish a special selection mechanism with the participation of the whole people. We can set up special students to join the talent plan. "

"What kind of national selection mechanism?" Even LAN is interested.

"Dad, tell me you don't hit me." Peerless looks at Chen Mo and blinks.

Chen Mo was amused by the girl: "have I beaten you since I was young? This is a meeting of the people's Republic of China

"Games." Said matchless.


This answer makes everyone in the conference room dumbfounded, and the brain hole thinking is a little strange. What they think, they will not think of using the "game" selection mechanism.

"What do you say?" Chen Mo asked curiously.


the black robed man looked at the women who came here, and his eyes were stunned. The wine glass in his hand stopped and he put it on the table and looked at the people: "do you dare to find me? Are you not afraid of me

His voice was full of wonder.

The woman's face was cold and said, "I'm afraid I won't come."

People in black robe are the purple emperor that everyone is afraid of, and women are purple rhyme.

Crape myrtle civilization today's most talented girl, unexpectedly came to find the biggest culprit of crape myrtle civilization purple emperor, if let the outside world know, it will certainly arouse a stir.

"What do you want me to do? Take me back? " The purple emperor took up his glass and drank it himself.

"I want to be your student."

The purple emperor's hand is stunned, and he smiles gently: "the most outstanding genius of Lagerstroemia civilization, want to be a student of the biggest sinner of crape myrtle civilization, pass it back, are you not afraid of Zijun's death?"

Purple rhyme is silent.

Two people no longer talk, purple Emperor himself drink wine, enjoy the pub in the air football game, completely purple rhyme is transparent people.

An hour later, the purple emperor put down his glass.

"Pay for it." The purple emperor turned and left the tavern.

"Yes, sir."

Purple rhyme nodded lightly, settled the bill, and quickly followed the purple emperor to leave.