Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1017

"Madam, why is it that the letter of the heavenly star is not important?" When the crowd is scattered, the lion dusk doesn't understand.

Fox Bingxin pauses for a moment and says, "does uncle lion think that Chen Mo has become so strong after getting Tianxing's letter?"


He did think so, but when his wife said so, he was not confident.

"Remember the death of Ming Qiyu?"

"Yes." The lion nods.

He recalled receiving intelligence that during the battle, Chen Mo's female assistant tore the space to escape, and then brought back a group of guards, unaffected by the space span.

That's Chen Mo's assistant. Mo Nu listens very carefully. From time to time, she demonstrates what Chen Mo thinks to see if she can control the same ability. On the understanding ability, Mo Nu is not weak, on the contrary, she is very smart.

Mo Nu's thinking is supported by quantum network, which is broader than Chen Mo, and only needs an opportunity. The rest can be taught by Chen Mo instead of Chen mo.


After two days off, Chen Mo dressed up and went to the headquarters of the marching ant group.

During this period of time, the marching ant group was very popular for a time. During the period of the space war, countless people came to take refuge in the army, and even some lives were moved by the Ju tribe.

In this regard, the marching ant group will not refuse.

In the era of the universe, the most important thing is land and buildings. To transform a planet, how many lives can migrate here can be accommodated.

As for the life with ulterior motives, in the era of the universe with hundreds of millions of units, it is impossible to prevent them from entering their territory. The only thing that can be guaranteed is the purity of the war Corps.

With hypnosis technology and lie detection technology, it is easy to find out the traitors and spies who want to join the war department.

To ensure the purity of the war department and the core personnel of the marching ant group, ordinary life does not matter.

What the marching ant group is about to face is the future development.

After loino chooses to publish the super energy factor formula and gene equation publicly, super energy technology will become the main development technology in the future.

They have been trying to keep secret. Now they don't have to worry about it.

In terms of super energy technology, their technology is ahead of the outside world, which has a great advantage.

The meeting has already been held. The senior leaders of the armed and administrative departments headed by LAN and Zhao Min all gathered in the conference room of the headquarters. Those who did not return to the earth also appeared on the scene of the conference room through holographic projection.

As soon as the time comes, Chen Mo enters the conference room.

After preparation, Zhao Min stood up and entered the main topic: "today's meeting is to discuss an important topic, about the popularization of super energy technology, tell us your suggestions and ideas."


Tong Qing's spacecraft landed on an oxygen rich planet and entered a scientific research base.

This is the highest scientific research planet of Heitong civilization. The whole planet is a research institute, studying the cutting-edge technology of Heitong civilization.

The whole planet is protected. Every time people go in and out, they have to go through the most stringent ten checks, even genetic testing. It is impossible for outsiders without authorization to sneak into the scientific research planet.

Under the leadership of the researchers, Tong Qing reached a huge building with a height of 100 meters.

Super energy R & D institutions.

"Speaker, this is our latest research." "It is an improved version of the magic flame civilization technology, which is much better than the development technology announced by loin on Mu's Celestial Star, with a success rate of 10%. Moreover, the side effects left by the magic flame civilization technology have been eliminated and can be produced in large scale."

The group of researchers who followed hequer nodded with pride.

After Tong Qing came to power, the status of their researchers was higher than before, and their funds were more than before. Naturally, the best reward was their achievements.

"Not bad."

Tong Qing nodded with satisfaction, with a success rate of 10%. In the universe with a life base of hundreds of millions, it can be said that the success rate is very high.

"You are now mass production, the future demand will be great, the popularization of super energy technology is imperative."

"Yes." Hequil nodded solemnly.

Tong Qing put the medicine back on the storage table: "although I don't interfere with your research process, there are two new research and development directions to talk to you about."

"Speaker, please speak." Hequer and all the researchers down there were shocked.

Their existence is to complete the scientific research goal designated by Tong Qing. Nowadays, it is rare to have new research tasks.

Tong Qing looks serious, and his eyes are slightly reminiscent: "first, explore the super energy technology that can superimpose multiple super powers, and the second is to search for the super energy technology that can develop a specific ability. While improving the success rate, I will provide unlimited funds and resources for R & D in these two directions. "

Unlimited funds and resources.

As a researcher, hequil knows what this means. The speaker is desperate to develop in these two directions.

But think about it carefully, the next step in the development of super energy technology really needs to go this way.