Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1019

"It's not a game in the strict sense, it's a talent selection mechanism platform combined with virtual reality."

Unparalleled to express their own ideas.

She has seen LAN use virtual reality to teach combat strategy and virtual exercises. The marching ant group also used this method when they were just looking away from the galaxy.

"For example, in the selection of military personnel, in addition to the college examination system, we have developed a virtual reality interstellar war confrontation platform based on the theme of war sand table, so that all the people can participate in it. The life that stands out in the virtual reality interstellar war at all levels must have excellent points in the layout and decision-making of the interstellar battlefield.

We have selected these lives and recruited them to the war Command Department of the super energy college. We have studied with the students who have passed the examination. The collision between the wild way and the major and learning from each other can produce more possibilities, which will not become the stagnant water of the system and rules. "

The idea of matchless, let the armed forces personnel on the field nod in secret.

These mechanisms are in line with some of the training concepts of their internal staff system, but they are popularized in a more acceptable way.

In countless lives, the fittest survive and choose the best.

The base of life is large enough. After layer by layer screening, what can be left behind is definitely talents, and maybe there will be another idea spark.

"This mechanism, which was implemented on earth during the period when dad was missing, has achieved good results. At the beginning, our selection and training of soldiers used a similar competitive platform.

The earth's war robots and interplanetary combat style are based on the interplanetary combat ideas and skills of the earth's "game" players. After we have developed and improved them, we have taken a detour and successfully explored the battle armour system and integrated it into the space war a system.

In the future, the virtual reality platform will be able to explore the combat mode and training mode of the super ability. After all, on the virtual reality platform, there are many conveniences for wanton destruction without worrying about major events. And virtual reality can well avoid some black box operation and backdoor problems, and provide a fair environment. "

For a long time in the conference room, I was digesting the incomparable ideas.

"Unparalleled ideas have a lot of room to operate." Landao.



It is located in a cosmic structure composed of a giant group of giant quasars.

Giant star, also known as giant city, belongs to one of 108 cities. It is a large earth like planet, oxygen rich planet. Giant star's oxygen concentration is very high, in the past planet evolution, derived giant family, continues to the present.

When the white spark landed on a giant earth like planet, it began to look around.

She came into the giant for the first time and was very curious about it. The egrets around her are quite calm.

When seeing the giant family, the white star civilization's life heart sighs.

The five meter high holding humanoid, typical humanoid characteristics, stands in front of them, like a little pet.

A life flew out of the giant group's team and fell not far ahead of them. Compared with other giants, this skinny giant group green * is only two meters high, just like a dwarf in a tall man.

The giant clan green * not humble and arrogant and two people said a Hello, toward them line a giant family welcome Etiquette: "welcome the white star messenger's arrival."

"Hello, I'm white spark." The white spark returned a salute and said with a smile.

"I am egret." The egret also returned a salute to the giant clan green: "dare you ask me if you are?"

The giant family Qing * looked at them and said, "I am Xiliu, the son of the ancient emperor. This time, my father welcomed them very much, so I specially sent me to meet them and have a talk with them in the palace."

"It turned out to be emperor Xi Liu. I have a mind." The egret smiles politely.

"Come with me, please." Xiliu stretched out his hand and motioned for the two to follow.

On the way, we get along well with each other. Although he was not as tall as other giant families, he was very smart and flexible, friendly and steady, and had high emotional intelligence. He was never afraid of the embarrassment of saying wrong words and was extremely relaxed when communicating with him.

The egret's eyes occasionally glanced over the soldiers of the giant clan and were surprised.

Their physique allows them to have some special features. The armor design is different from the mainstream compact, but it is as heavy as the machine armor. Each armor has a large shield of more than two meters in hand. If you want to attack them, you have to break the defense of this shield.

Judging the strength of the giant clan from these soldiers, they should not be underestimated.

But fortunately, their relationship with the white star civilization and the giant clan is good, so this time the wife sent them to the giant clan to get in touch with each other. Maybe in the future, they can cooperate very well.

It is well known that the situation of the universe is unstable, and the alliance can take the advantage in the struggle.

This is my wife's preparation.

This time they came to the giants as the messengers of their wives, hoping to have in-depth contact and seek to establish a formal alliance in the future.

Enjoy the scenery and culture of giant people along the way.Because of the high oxygen content of the planet, the proto evolutionary organisms on the planet are all big, and the trees are also big.

The houses where the giants live and the means of transportation are all several times, or even tens of times, larger than the physical standard of cosmic life.

It is also a unique sight.

Not long ago, they saw a magnificent giant palace in the center of giant city.


"this is the complete information of Chen Mo and the marching ant group." The sound of thunder was deep and thick, like the voice of distant.

Lei Lei looked quietly, pausing from time to time.

"In terms of experience, his experience is legendary and belongs to a miracle."

Thunder with admiration and admiration.

If this information is made public, he will be in the top 100 of the celebrity list of the universe history biography. He is also a pioneer of civilization.

"Every one of his super powers belongs to the top level. Not only he, but the woman around him, is also very mysterious. Now there is speculation that their abilities may be related to life in the fourth dimension. "

"The fourth dimension of life?"

Lei Yu moved instantly.

"Yes, the fourth dimension of life." Thunder nodded.

It's only when you really face them that way. Mysterious, unfathomable, no end.

But just guessing, they're not sure.

Lei Yu browses Chen Mo's information and marvels at whether he is thoughtful.

"From his data, one possibility is very high."

"What is possible?" Thunder came to inquire.

Lei Yu pondered for a moment and said, "he has a complete technical inheritance of a top-level civilization, even a divine civilization."

"But which of the top civilization's technological heritage was obtained by him? Their technical style, and * * specific which has been destroyed traces of civilization. Besides the big seven, space connector is also advocated by other forces. "

"Where does spatial connectivity come from? What if it's civilization in the small universe? "

The thunder shook the body.

"You mean he has a little universe in his hand?"

"There is such a possibility, and it is very great. Otherwise, how to explain that he developed such a large armed force in a galaxy in the early stage, but the surrounding civilization did not know? It doesn't make sense. "

In this way, there is a foundation of divine civilization.

If Chen mo were here, he would be surprised by Lei Yu's conjecture.

Thunder's eyes have a haze.

This means that he has one more rival in the universe.

Seeing thunder's worry, Lei Yu shook his head and said, "our goal is not him, it is black pupil civilization. Although they are rising, they are not in contact with our star territory at present. The headache is the power around them. If there is a chance, we can even work with it. "


Ming a was staring at the star chart and was in a trance.

Gray eyes, eyes focus is not in, I do not know what is thinking.

It took about an hour for his state to be pulled out by his subordinates.

"My Lord, the patriarch has come to confirm that Mingda and Chen Mo are back in Pisces and cetaceans."

Ming'a's eyes focus and look up at the hologram.

The patriarch summoned him and talked a lot about the current situation of the underworld civilization. He confirmed that Mingda had taken refuge in Chen Mo, and also learned that mingta massacred the escort fleet of the envoys stationed outside tianxingbei.

I didn't expect that my former colleague would become a deadly enemy.

The situation is getting worse and there is not much time for them.

Originally, it did not occupy a big advantage, but now it is more difficult to add the dark tea. He and Mingda both studied in the same college. Because of their excellent performance, they played Virtual Games many times and knew each other well.

The outside world doesn't know about the situation of Mingda, he knows.

That's what worries the family.

In terms of the layout of the war, his deduction ability has unlimited possibilities, and it is a butcher's knife without emotion. If he stares at it, there will be no good result.

According to the current intelligence, silver hair is also the general star of the other side.

They don't know much about the silver fox.

The marching ant group, first the moon, then the dark tea, and then to the seven feathers of the underworld. If the feud is too deep, it can only be destroyed if it can not be solved.