Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1011

Chen Mo rose slowly from the hole and appeared on the ground.

The iron cocoon of the armor disappears, revealing Chen Mo's real body. The blue light on his body is not the fluorescence flowing on the skin, but a self luminous form.

The faint light brings fatal temptation.

When the smoke and dust are gone, Chen Mo looks up at Tong Qing.

The two looked up and down.

Is this his special state?

A sense of danger from Tong Qing's heart, let him shocked. The sense of danger, how many years has it not been felt? He suddenly felt a little strange.

Suddenly, Tong Qing laughed at himself.

When, at that moment, he was afraid. It is not mature to be afraid that this word will appear in his dictionary.

The universe is so big that there are countless secrets hidden. Even today, when civilization has developed to the extreme, there are still many unsolved mysteries. It is not surprising that Chen Mo appears in this state. He exists and he is reasonable.

But for the fourth dimension of life, his curiosity rose to a new level.

At this moment, even Tong Qing gave birth to some desire and greed. For the first time in his life, the word "envy" appeared. Even if the legendary strong man, or the legendary purple emperor, he would not envy, but now he does.

He thinks that his body is almost perfect, but in front of Chen Mo's body, there are still some deficiencies.

Just now, even the God level life can be kicked to death. The strength of life body can't compare with the materials synthesized by top technology. It's certain that even God level life can't resist the top armour materials.

But Chen Mo returned to this state in such a short time.

How high is his immortal body?

There is no end to the strength of Chen Mo's secret.

This is the perfect life.

How terrible is it to let Chen Mo control his body perfectly?

Tong Qing has a sense of crisis, which makes him shudder.


Silent confrontation is more terrible and full of crisis.

For some reason, the onlookers were more nervous than before.

Tong Qing looks down at Chen Mo and says, "you can't beat me at all. Give up."

"Control gravity and magnetism, control metal particles with force field, that's your card." Chen Mo's expression has no waves, seems to be telling something that has nothing to do with him: "I saw your fear."

Tong Qing's body was slightly shocked and recovered as usual.

"Yes?" Tong Qing smiles: "you are really special, but you are still too weak to control your own strength completely. You waste a good body."


An invisible force field appears on Tong Qing's body, forming a barrier on him. The ground began to shake, countless stones smashed and floated up in the regular lines of magnetic induction.

The surface of the stele also began to become smaller, slowly turned into dust, and all the metal particles rose.

The strips of metal particles in the air crisscross and crisscross. Among the ruins, it is a scene of the end of the world.


At Chen Mo's side, pieces of crushed metal agglomerate into strips that bind his feet, and then slowly spread up his body like a steel water snake.

"Tianxing legacy book belongs to the whole universe civilization. It's good for you and me to admit defeat." Tong Qing's five fingers spread out, and the steel walls, like those on the ground, coagulate and rise around Chen mo.

Chen Mo remains unmoved.

"Then don't blame me."

Tong Qing grabs the metal wall around him, and in an instant he joins Chen Mo in the middle. The emerging metal particles converge with Chen Mo as the center.

It's like an old and solemn funeral.

The pyramid shaped metal mountain is growing rapidly. The stele with Chen Mo as the center is all smashed, and metal particles flow into the metal mountain and pile up continuously. The scene is full of strong wind.

Ten meters!

Twenty meters!

Fifty meters!

100 meters!

500 meters!

A 500 meter high black metal mountain was formed. The surrounding land was completely drained of metal particles and weathered into sand. The smoke and dust in the high air is diffuse, and the floating metal belt, like a river, is flowing around the pupil green.

Around him, there is a transparent barrier, and the space is distorted by the force field.

He was floating in the air, quietly looking at the Jinshan in front of him.

Other life looked at this scene with great horror. Without technology, it was just special ability that caused such terrible damage. It was chilling.

I never thought that life could cause such a wonderful fight without armor and warships.

Is it over?

Obviously not. The purple emperor was floating in the air, quietly watching the battlefield.At this time, Tong Qing's face suddenly changed.

An invisible force stirred, his force field appeared a little disordered.

Just as he watched, strange images began to appear on the outermost layer of the metal mountain.

Like layers of thin paper, metal particles pass through the flame, turn into fly ash and disappear into nothingness, but there is no open fire. One layer, two layers, the whole pyramid, is mysteriously disappearing out of thin air.


The speed of disappearance is faster and faster. The pyramid that oppresses Chen Mo is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the metal particles close to the pyramid, like sublimation, disappear, even without the release of energy.

It's so weird.

This scene is like a basin of cold water pouring down on the head of life who wanted to celebrate Tong Qing's victory.

Is this still life?

It's beyond their understanding of life.

Tong Qing feels clear pressure, suffocating pressure.


finally wrapped up Chen Mu's metal particles as if the wrapped foam suddenly ruptured, revealing Chen Mo's real body.

The sky star stele forest, which has been assimilated into a gray white world by Tong Qing, has a faint blue of death in its center, which is very dazzling, as if it were the center of heaven and earth.

At this moment, he even felt a sense of powerlessness, which came out of his heart and could not be erased. The life around the periphery is full of horror, and the timid see this figure, and their bodies are shaking.

Seeing this scene of life, will brand this scene in the mind, until old.

There was a sudden gale in the field.

The sand and soil on the ground gathered together, and a huge stone pillar with a height of 100 meters was agglomerated in front of Chen Mo's body.

Motionless, Chen Mo takes a step, holding his hands on the stone pillar, just like grabbing a stick, and waving towards the half empty Tong Qing.

The stone pillar like a city pillar breaks through the sound speed, and the howling sound in the air spreads, and the sorrow turns to be long.


As if heaven and earth trembled.

The stone column hit on the side of the pupil is condensed in a metal cover. The terrible impact sound can shock ordinary life to death.

Just when they thought it was over, Chen Mo on the ground suddenly retreated, pulled back the stone pillar and ran straight towards Tong Qing. The stone pillar with a height of 100 meters and held by five people was like a toy in his hand.

"Flowery but not substantial." Tong Qing spreads out his hand. Metal particles form a sharp iron gun in front of his eyes and stabs at the stone pillar.


The huge earthquake burst open, pupil green face slightly changed, like a football hit in the air, fly upside down.

Chen Mo's stone pillar suddenly split and turned into countless stones. The iron pillar controlled by Tong Qing lost control and hit the ground heavily.

The pupil green that stops steadily in the air is a little embarrassed.

Although this kind of blow is only a slight injury, it's humiliating.

The metal sand flowing in the air turns into sharp sand flows, pointing to Chen Mo on the ground.

Gray sky curtain, become depressed.

Under the people's gaze, the sand on the ground rises to the sky, condenses into a stream, and bumps into the metal sand without any fancy. The two special abilities collide head-on and do not give in to each other.

There is no light and destruction of the antimatter bomb, but the terrible momentum, with the shock of human against the sky, makes all the onlookers numb.

In the era of science and technology, the battle of the era of super power has been played in the armor system.

Later history will call this battle the first battle of the super energy era.

In the iron sky curtain, the influence of magnetic field, the wind and cloud meet.

The collision of metal sand and sand makes the dust fill the sky, like the end of the sandstorm.

Chen Mo didn't know the shock of the outside world. He was experimenting.

Yes, he is experimenting, testing his own abilities. The fourth dimension of the body has unlimited possibilities. He is sure that he has not developed one hundred million of this body.

He wanted to be more proficient.

He felt almost frantically the change of every kind of energy and strength in his body. No one taught him, he had to rely on himself. The quantum of his body continuously supplies the energy he needs, inexhaustible and never tired.

Tong Qing's expression suddenly becomes calm, and his mind is in the force field controlled by himself.

He suddenly drank.


A ten meter high iron thorn came out of the ground. As the first iron thorn appeared from the underground, like a signal, thousands of people suddenly appeared, turning the underground into a thorn forest. Even if there were giant animals, they could be stabbed into a sieve again.

Until the iron thorn submerged Chen Mo's position, the iron sand confrontation in the air disappeared.

The battlefield fell back into silence.

When people thought that the battle was really over, Chen was standing in the air with no support at his feet.