Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1012

"Your honor, all the control and clearance are over." It's a great AI report.

They are at the exit of Mu's star system. The space is blocked. All the people inside can't get out and all the external forces can't get in.

As soon as Chen Mo receives the command from the outer space, he should be waiting for him to leave the space.

Along with him came the Shenwei fleet.

The combination of the two warheads makes them the most powerful force in the periphery of the Mueller galaxy.

It's natural to occupy one of the channel exits.

Space jammers are all scattered, and it's impossible to attack them.

Then watch the live broadcast of Mu's Tianxing, and you will feel excited. For the first time, I saw the fight with super power, like the prelude to the era of super power.

Chen Mo and Tong Qing are on a par with each other, which makes him very surprised. At the same time, the accident also turns into fanaticism and hope.

This means that Chen Mo's strength is indeed comparable to that of God level civilization. Chen Mo tells him that he can master the technology of consciousness transfer. Now he fully believes that as long as he returns to Chen Mo's base camp, he will no longer be bound by this cold steel body.


The iron spines are all over the middle of the forest of Steles in the sky, stretching for a hundred meters. They are incomparably huge, but they are sharp as needles. From a distance, you can see the cold light on the tip, which makes people shiver.

Those who saw this scene suddenly lost their consciousness, trembled and shocked.

Close to their own strength to do so, Tong Qing can only be unprecedented.

To be alone in the flesh, to shoulder the gods, but so.

When they saw Chen Mo hovering over the spikes, they all took a breath.

If they experience the scene of Tong Qing, they will feel desperate in the face of such enemies. This enemy is too terrible to see the bottom of the abyss, facing all attacks calmly.

When they think that Chen Mo has come to an end, Chen Mo always shows incredible ability to end their fantasy.

It never occurred to them that the battle between the two would go to this point. From the top-notch armour confrontation to the most shocking super power confrontation, the former conquers the universe life with a crazy sense of attack and fighting sense, and the latter shakes the world with its majestic terror and incredible ability.

Thunder, who thinks his strength is close to Tong Qing, is frustrated.

This level of confrontation is beyond their understanding.

The fighting did not stop.

Strange sounds appeared from the ground.

The spines at Chen Mo's feet melt and turn into steel balls the size of his thumb, floating in the air like stagnant raindrops and hail. Close look, smooth steel ball, can find the reflection of the figure.

Tong Qing holds his hand and countless steel balls, like bullets, shoot at Chen Mo in all directions.


When the outside world thought that Chen Mo would be pierced by the steel ball controlled by Tong Qing, Chen Mo suddenly raised his hand, which was elegant and natural, but had the potential to point out the human beings.

The steel ball near him at high speed suddenly stopped and hovered in the air.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

The sound of steel ball collision reverberates continuously. For a moment, all steel balls are surging like bees, pointing directly at the pupil.

His face was cold, and his palm was hanging in front of him. All the steel balls melted like raindrops and gathered into a huge gold pillar. Under the gray sky, the smooth metal pillars were very obvious.


Tong Qing palm covers the gold pillar and pushes hard.

It's like the ancient city pillar, falling from the sky, the target is Chen mo.


At the moment of hitting Chen Mo, a ripple spreads out and a terrible roar breaks out. Looking at Chen Mo again, he holds the metal pillar with one hand in mid air and does not move.

It's a confrontation of strength.

The cracks began to spread in the metal column, like a cobweb, until it spread all over the cylinder and exploded instantly.

Buzz! The strange sound of the ground sounded again. On the forest of Steles, there was a violent earthquake. The plates were shaking, affecting the whole forest.

Something's coming out.

Seeing this scene, the first thought of the spectators was this.

At this moment, the ground suddenly opened a deep crack.

Poof! A fiery red column ejected from the crack. The terrible fireworks reflected the red half of the sky.

Magma column.

With the appearance of the first magma column, the second and the third appear in the fracture Until the tenth road appeared, the red magma spread on the ground, the column soared to the sky, reflected in the sky under the gray iron curtain, like purgatory terror.

Part of the magma column exploded in the air, and sparks poured down like rain.

If the magma touches the body, it can melt people.

The temperature of the battlefield in the forest of stars and steles rises rapidly, and all the watchers on the periphery retreat to the farther sky, frightened and trembling.

There is no end to the strength of both sides.

They think that when the cards are out, there will always be a more terrifying trick.In their armor radar, they can clearly detect that the magnetic field of Mu's Celestial Star is changing, which is affected by the super energy of Tong Qing. The magnetic field here is extremely strong, just like a small black hole standing in the air.

All of a sudden, a magma column turned around in the sky and fell downward. It was like a fire dragon, pulling up its red body. It swept down in a crash toward Chen mo.

Chen Mo is still experiencing the mystery of his body. The feeling of controlling everything appears in his consciousness.

He saw it.

It seems to be the spatial dimension of quantum leaping.

He saw the shape of the space.

At this time, the space is being blocked by several special spatial fluctuations. It should be the space solidification and space interference of Mu's Celestial Star, blocking this space, so that the space can not be folded and jumped.

This should be the scene that Mo Nu saw when she used the spatial ability.

He could try to control the space, and a bold idea came to his mind.

When the pillar of magma is coming towards him, Chen Mo raises his hand and grabs it, like tearing a wide and thick silk, and exerting hard.

All of a sudden, the wind swept through the forest of stars and steles. The atmosphere, like entering a bottomless cave, converged towards Chen mo. In the space in front of him, there is a black crack, and the atmosphere is pouring into a vacuum towards it.


Like a piece of cloth being torn, the space in front of him instantly split.

Gurgling down, the magma coming towards Chen Mo is sucked into the cracks of the space. The cracks emit strange whistling sound, like the cry from the unknown space, and the unwilling roar of the magma, which makes the listeners shiver.

After the magma runs out, the cracks close slowly in the space self-healing, and then disappear.

Space capability?

The spectators are completely subdued and have incredible abilities. Chen Mo subverts their understanding of divine life ability.

Tong Qing was also shocked, but did not show it. If someone is in his position, he will feel the pressure. Chen Mo is just like the space crack just now. He can't see the depth.

However, this is only the beginning.

Calm down, my eyes are green and my face is tense.

There are nine magma columns in the air, one after another, which are released to chenmo.

Every pillar of fire has the potential of thunder.

And he looked up at the fire.

Bang! The pillar of fire hit the invisible transparent ball space, unable to get close to his body.

When the outside world thought it was over, the magma column was attached to the invisible transparent ball and converged into a huge fireball, tens of meters in diameter. And the next moment, the ground fell metal debris, quickly floating, attached to the magma ball, melted into a big iron ball, suspended in the air.

All of a sudden, Tong Qing's palm is hard to grasp, and the iron ball is pinched like a bun.


This scene makes countless life scalp numb, only one word can describe this fight.

This is God's war.

Has Chen Mo been subdued this time? Countless lives look forward to it.

A possibility sprang up in their minds at the same time.
