Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1010

Chen Mo's spirit was inspired by the feeling of full strength.

This kind of feeling is very good. Although the strength that I have learned to use now can be regarded as temporary cramming, it is also beneficial. For him, multitasking is no problem.

Quantum body, which Chen Mo did not fully understand, is like a beast in a black hole, mysterious and powerful.

While dodging Tong Qing's attack, he is still trying to expand the energy gate in his body.

It's a world of infinite possibilities.

The energy produced in the nothingness of the body flows through every corner of his body. It's as if when the big bang of the universe, the beating energy in nothingness flows between, making Chen Mo's body in the dark blue fluorescence.

For the weak life, this is a mysterious and fatal color.

Chen Mo's mind is half in the exploration and control of quantum body, and his consciousness is filled with endless sense of harvest. At that moment, he seemed to see the universe exploding, growing, aging and annihilating.

This kind of picture strikes his consciousness.

He was like a disinterested observer, watching all that happened.

A breath for millions of years, but in a breath.

Is this the characteristic of life in the fourth dimension? Seeing the beginning and annihilation of the universe, walking in the past and future, roaming between parallel universes. If Chen Mo can control this magical ability now, he will be the Supreme God.

It's a pity that now he only sees a little skin, and he doesn't have the ability to control all these things.

Under the pressure of Tong Qing, Chen Mo's potential is being stimulated.

The state that he seldom realizes in ordinary times, but now he feels the Dharma.

In addition to immortality, the horror of quantum body has its omnipotent ability. The existence of the fourth dimension can control all the matter in the three-dimensional space-time, including quantum, and even cut off the law of causality. However, Chen Mo has not yet explored the stage of quantum body.

But even so, there should be more than enough to cope with the current situation.


The blade in the hand is broken, and the weapons are exhausted. It is obviously impossible to break through the strong armour.

Around Tong Qing, invisible electromagnetic force and universal gravitation are unified into a law.

[unified field]

above the sky, cosmic radiation particles converge and produce a magic Aurora circle on Tong Qing.

The aurora circle is growing larger and larger, stretching for hundreds of miles. The continuous aurora are unpredictable, with mysterious colors. Under the beautiful appearance, there is a terrible killing opportunity, which makes people shudder.

The onlookers below, seeing such a magical Aurora, are intoxicated in their eyes. Some of the onlookers forgot the terrible fighting above and praised the aurora in front of them.

Purple emperor perceived the problem of Aurora, with a different color in his eyes, staring at the fight in the air. Almost at the same time, the high-altitude Aurora rotation speed faster, such as dancing ribbon, abnormal demon beauty.

The change of magnetic field changes the atmospheric flow on the ground, and the turbulent atmosphere causes gusts of wind, rolling up the dust of stars and steles Forest.

Purple emperor looked up at the situation in the sky, but he was very surprised. Tong Qing's ability, which he saw for the first time, was very special. He manipulated the force field in space to control matter.

"Force field? It's surprising. "

Feel the light of the special force field, there is an invisible force.

The purple emperor noticed that the changes of these special force fields were very small, probably because of the distance, but they were very clear.

Unified field?


At the moment of the formation of the aurora rainbow arc, Chen Mo's armor was slightly undetectable and stopped for a moment. Then, his armour turned into a shadow and shot towards Tong Qing like a magic sword.

Close to Tong Qing, he seems to enter a muddy swamp. The invisible force field comes from all directions, tearing his armor.

For a moment, the battle armor quickly speeds up, such as breaking free from the shackles of the force field, and the dragon goes out to sea.

Tong Qing smiles indifferently and is not moved.

The special force field did not change. As Chen Mo approached, the speed of the armor became slower and slower. Like a thin man walking against the strong wind, the speed was still slowing down.

The aurora rainbow arc is becoming rich at the speed visible to the naked eye.

In a flash, the whole sky is covered with Aurora.

Chen Mo, who was originally preparing to attack Tong Qing, was sluggish and the engine failed. Like a spaceship without power, it was floating in the air. The nano robot fails in high magnetic field, and the gap of the armor is exposed.

Chen's face under his helmet was full of surprise.

Is this the special ability that Tong Qing hides?

The ability to control the force field and magnetic field, and has been developed so strong that the special force field released by it even affects the magnetic field and gravity of the planet.

The unified force field of magnetic force and gravitation.

This is the ability to control metal particles and magnetic fields, which is almost invincible in the armor system.

Tong Qing can control metal particles, which means that he can control the armor made of all metals.This is a deficiency of the existing armor.

Tong Qing smiles. He admits that Chen Mo is strong enough to force him out of the unified field.

But here it is.


The battle became an invisible confrontation.

Chen Mo's armor is melting and floating in the air as a metal cocoon, trying to trap him.

Silent fighting is even more terrifying.

All of a sudden, a liquid metal floated from Chen Mo's armor, condensed into a sharp blade in the air, and stabbed at the head of the metal cocoon.

With a sharp blade of murderous spirit, the cold light twinkles and stabs Chen Mo's neck at a very fast speed. If it is scratched, the head will be separated, and the immortal body at a high stage will lose its body control.


The sharp edge of the attack, just close to the cocoon, is like paper near the stove, vanishing quickly and turning into fly ash.

The aurora rainbow arc was stirred.

Tong Qing subconsciously looked around, only to see the peripheral Aurora, all of which were disturbed by unknown forces, forming a beautiful colorful curtain in the sky.

The scope of the rainbow chaos is spreading.

Tong Qing didn't feel the change of the force field, but the rainbow itself was changing and was not constrained by the magnetic field.

All of a sudden, Chen Mo's armor melted into iron cocoons, and slowly appeared cracks, which gradually sublimated into nothingness.

What kind of ability is this?

The pupil is blue, the eye shows a different color.

Chen Mo showed the ability to break his cognition again and again. His unified field can control all metals to the molecular level, but the other side is not constrained, and even turns metal particles into nothingness.

However, under the armor system, if there is no armor, it is an eagle without wings.


Tong Qing drinks softly, and the armor bursts into a terrible acceleration. Without waiting for Chen Mo to break free, he appears beside the iron cocoon, bowing his legs and sweeping hard at the head of the iron cocoon.

The iron cocoon in the sky, like a football, flies at an incredible speed. It falls from the sky like a meteorite, smashing hard in the forest of celestial steles, leaving a big black hole, which can't be seen clearly.

Tong Qing overlooks Chen Mo's fall.

Just at this time, his armor came a series of alarms.

The smile under the helmet of Tong Qing Zhan Jia is frozen.

He found that the moment he started Chen Mo's battle armor, the energy furnace of his armor had exploded, the engine was deformed, and the armor lost its power.

His pupils shrank and his heart was shocked.

What's going on?

The armor falls uncontrollably, which makes Tong Qingmu suspicious. As he gets closer to the ground, his falling speed becomes slower and slower, and finally hovers on the forest of stars and steles.

This scene spread to all parts of the universe, broke out in an uproar.

"How did Tong Qing's armor energy furnace and engine be damaged?"

"Can he fly when his armor engine is broken?"

"It should have something to do with his special abilities." Said a life who saw the clue.

"Now who loses and who wins?"

"It should be Tong Qing. Chen Mo's armor has been integrated into one. The foot that was kicked just now is still alive and seriously injured."


The discussion continued, the hole did not disperse, the camera could not shoot clearly. The onlookers looked at the purple emperor and Mu Shizhong, hoping that they would announce the result.

Mu Shizhong also looked at the purple emperor, waiting for his words.

In this battle, the referee is Zi di.

"It's not clear. Don't worry." Purple emperor said lightly.

Words fall, Chen Mo hit the hole, floating a wisp of blue light.